Nursing homework help|2025

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1 postsRe: Topic 1 DQ 2

The use of Evidence-Based Practices (EBP) ensures that the most appropriate scientific evidence, patient support, and clinical expertise is applied in health care. EBP results in a positive impact on patients as well as their families based on research and knowledge. Evidence-based practice in health care systems results in critical advancements in patient outcomes, families, health care facilities, and even health care practitioners. Illnesses and complications that are caused by poor health care services are lowered, cost of care reduced, and patients’ symptoms enhanced through EBPs (Grove & Gray, 2018).

There have been various challenges with the adoption and effectiveness of EBP that have slowed its progress. Some of these challenges include a lack of knowledge and motivation. Other challenges are limited availability of up-to-date, user-friendly computer networks and technologies. Nurses and other medical practitioners are still working in facilities with cultures that do not promote or inspire the adoption and/or success of EBPs. Lack of sufficient knowledge of EBP is also a hindrance to achieving the goals set. Most medical practitioners are not yet motivated or interested in adopting EBP, and this is a major barrier. Furthermore, insufficient access to computer resources and technologies has made it difficult for EBP to be implemented in most health care systems (Tacia et al., 2015).

To address these barriers, it is important to ensure interdisciplinary cooperation and communication, availability of professional exercises and networks, mentorship, and training, as well as supportive management to facilitate EBP implementation (Tacia et al., 2015). Nurses need training and motivation to actively be involved in the process of implementing EBPs. Health care organizations need to provide the necessary support and resources for the process to be successful and sustainable.


Grove, S. K., & Gray, J. R. (2018). Understanding Nursing Research E-Book: Building an Evidence-Based Practice. Elsevier Health Sciences.

Tacia, L., Biskupski, K., Pheley, A., & Lehto, R. H. (2015). Identifying barriers to evidence-based practice adoption: A focus group study. Clinical Nursing Studies3(2), 90-96.

Reply 2

Re: Topic 1 DQ 2


The Institute of Medicine has stated a goal that 90% of practice be evidence-based by 2020. According to, the United States is currently at approximately 15%. Discuss two barriers that might hold nursing practice from achieving this goal and suggest ways in which identified barriers may be addressed.

Evidence-based practice is the process of gathering, analyzing, and putting research results into practice to enhance clinical practice, the workplace, or patient outcomes. Using the EBP approach to nurse practice allows us to give the best possible patient care at the lowest possible cost (, n.d). Evidence-based practice is now universally acknowledged as a critical component of enhancing healthcare quality and patient outcomes. There are several obstacles to overcome while implementing EBP.

According to the American Journal of Nursing 92012), even though nurses in the United States indicate that adopting EBP improves their professional happiness, they don’t use it regularly. However, the two most common challenges to EBP were a lack of time and an organizational culture that didn’t support it—getting through workplace reluctance and the confining effect of the statement “That’s how we’ve always done it here.” Due to the workload and inadequate staffing, nurses wouldn’t want to try something new and are comfortable with what they have learned and have been doing before, which is convenient for them. Also, although they understand the significance of EBP in nursing practice, organizational culture fails to get support from the administration to try and practice new findings that could contribute to quality patient outcomes.

Pamela (2018) discusses strategies to overcome barriers of Evidence-based Practice as; working with appropriate stakeholders will help build trust by sharing their experience and contributing to the project. This will help in having a better plan and implementing same with joint effort. Along with this, support from the administrative section plays a significant role in completing the project. Changing how we practice is the same as changing a behavior, yet behavior modification is complex. It requires determination, tenacity, and the openness to consider new possibilities along the path. You will face obstacles, but you will also discover ways to overcome them. We can create an EBP environment that benefits both our patients and ourselves if we work together.

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