Psychology week 5 Discussions|2025
This is a graded discussion: 25 points possible due Jun 8 at 1:59am
Week 5 Discussion: Physical, Cognitive and Social Development & Sexuality
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Required Resources Read/review the following resources for this activity:
Initial Post Instructions For the initial post, respond to one of the following options, and label the beginning of your post indicating either Option 1 or Option 2:
Be sure to make connections between your ideas and conclusions and the research, concepts, terms, and theory we are discussing this week.
Follow-Up Post Instructions Respond to at least two peers or one peer and the instructor. If possible, respond to one peer who chose an option different from the one you chose. Further the dialogue by providing more information and clarification.
Writing Requirements
Textbook: Chapter 11, 12 Lesson
Option 1: Human development includes cognitive, physical, social and moral development processes throughout our lifespan. Choose one of the major developmental areas discussed in the text (cognitive, physical, social or moral development) and briefly discuss its importance to human development. How would an individual’s well-being be impacted without proper development of this developmental area? For example, what happens when someone is lacking in social developmental areas? Or what about the person who doesn’t reach the level of post-conventional morality? Option 2: We are all shaped in some way by our life experiences from childhood to adulthood. How might someone’s gender identity and expression be shaped by others? What messages might a child receive about what it means to be a boy or a girl? Who are the types of people who send these messages (parents, friends, teachers, etc.)? What role does culture and the environment play in gender?
Minimum of 3 posts (1 initial & 2 follow-up) Minimum of 2 sources cited (assigned readings/online lessons and an outside source)
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This activity will be graded using the Discussion Grading Rubric. Please review the following link:
Course Outcomes (CO): 6
Due Date for Initial Post: By 11:59 p.m. MT on Wednesday Due Date for Follow-Up Posts: By 11:59 p.m. MT on Sunday
APA format for in-text citations and list of references
Link (webpage): Discussion Guidelines
( Owens (Instructor) Apr 19, 2020
You may begin posting in this discussion forum on Monday, June 1st.
This week, you have the option of choosing which topic to focus on for your initial response. You have the option of answering questions about Physical, Cognitive & Social Development OR Sexuality for your initial response. For your follow up response, please respond to at least ONE classmate who chose a different initial response topic than you. For example, if you chose to discuss physical, cognitive and social development for your initial response, make sure you respond to one person who chose sexuality as their initial response. You must still respond to at least two classmates or one classmate and the instructor to meet your discussion requirements for the week.
*Please be sure to review the discussion guidelines via the link provided above as to make sure you understand how discussions will be graded. Remember to cite all of your sources in APA format (in- text citations and list of references)*
*Initial response should be submitted by Wednesday, June 3rd, 11:59 pm MT and discussion requirements need to be met by Sunday, June 7th, 11:59 pm MT.*
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Option 1: Physical, Cognitive and Social Development
Human development is a process in which there are various cognitive, physical, social, and emotional milestones from conception to death. Choose one of the major developmental areas discussed in the text (cognitive, physical, social or moral development) and briefly discuss its importance to human development. For example, the embryonic or fetal period is important in physical development because if a fetus is exposed to a teratogen, any harmful substance such as a virus, drugs, alcohol or chemical toxins, it may result in a birth defect such as Fetal Alcohol Syndrome (FAS) (Feldman, 2018, p. 315).
Option 2: Sexuality
How would an individual’s well-being be impacted without proper development of this developmental area? For example, what happens when someone is lacking in social developmental areas? Or what about the person who doesn’t reach the level of post- conventional morality?
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Understanding sexuality varies from culture to culture, yet there are basic biological, cognitive, and emotional components in sexuality and sexual development. The different terms of sexuality and gender can be confusing, yet the terminology is important to understand. We are all shaped in some way by our life experiences from childhood to adulthood. So in this discussion, we will begin with exploring gender identity and gender expression.
Feldman, R. S. (2018). Understanding psychology (14th ed.). Dubuque: McGraw-Hill Education.
Greenwald, B. (2015, May 15). What kindergarteners taught me about gender. Retrieved from
What kindergarteners taught me about gender | Bat…
How might someone’s gender identity and expression be shaped by others? What messages might a child receive about what it means to be a boy or a girl? Who are the types of people who send these messages (parents, friends, teachers, etc.)?
What role does culture and the environment play in gender?
( Bray ( Yesterday
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Option 2: We are all shaped in some way by our life experiences from childhood to adulthood. How might someone’s gender identity and expression be shaped by others? What messages might a child receive about what it means to be a boy or a girl? Who are the types of people who send these messages (parents, friends, teachers, etc.)? What role does culture and the environment play in gender?
Growing up I had believed that the biological factor of gender identity was the only factor. If you were born with male parts you were a boy. If you were born with female parts you were a girl. I did not know then that someone people identified themselves as the opposite gender even though biologically they were not. Along with that factor, the social aspect plays a key role in gender identity and it’s development.
When someone is developing their gender identity and expression the outside world can have a major influence. If the parents choices on raising the child based on their gender like blue or pink clothes, the child will tend to stick to that gender identity. It can shape how they see themselves. They are raised in a stereotypical home. Each gender has the role that is played in the household. The mother will be the housekeeper while the father is the bread winner. As we grow up we begin to see how each gender has gender appropriate behaviors they are expected to have (Feldman, 2018). They learn that masculine behavior is something you typically see in boys just like feminine is typically seen is girls. If a father plays rough with the son and not the daughter it can give off a message of gender appropriate behavior. Parents will have the first influence to shape the gender identity of someone. They are not the only ones that influence this though. Peers can have an influence as well (Santos, Martin, Granger, and Kornienko, 2016). Pressure can be put on someone to conform to stereotypical gender roles. In a society not long ago people were closed minded about gender roles. It was unacceptable and frowned upon to step outside the normal and just embrace the biological factor only. Only in the last five years or so has society seemed to change their outlook on issues like this. Depending on someone’s religion it can also play a role in their gender identity. They are a variety of roles in culture and the environment that can influence the gender identity of someone. It is nice to see how society is starting to become truly accepting of people who are different. I am a parent who wants my children to be who they really are and not hide to those who are still close minded. Acceptance and love play a big role in our house. In my opinion, this seems to be one of the few things that can help humanity come together.
Feldman, R.S. (2018). Understanding Psychology (14th ed.) Dubuque: McGraw-Hill Education.
Kornienko, O., Martin, C.L., Granger, K.L, & Santos, C.E. (2016). Developmental Psychology. (
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( Shvets ( Yesterday
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Good evening Professor and classmates,
I decided to go with Option 1 for this week’s discussion.
According to Feldman (2018), starting from infancy to middle childhood and start of adolescence (11, 12 years old), children develop physically, cognitively, and socially. Physical development is a significant part of every human life. It accommodates the changes in the relationship between the size of different body parts. It is responsible for the biological changes, as well as sexual and physical maturity or so-called puberty. Physical changes that occur during puberty (spurt in height, development primary, and secondary sex characteristics) influence the way we view ourselves and how others view us. Later in life, physical development is responsible for aging. Wright et al. (2019), positively correlate physical development and physical activity with positive academic outcomes in elementary as well as secondary school students. It is found that physical development significantly and positively influences all the other developmental stages: cognitive, social-emotional, literacy, and language, which makes it an important part of school readiness. It is safe to assume that without physical development, all the other stages of development are in jeopardy. Physical development accounts for developing a healthy body composition, strong bones, muscles, and proper organ functioning, as well as gross and fine motor skills and development of thinking skills. Overall, physical development is crucial for becoming a healthy individual, and health largely influences all areas of our life. However, it is a combination of all developmental areas effectively aligned that allow us to become a functional unit of society.
Cognitive development is vital for understanding the world around us, learning skills, problem-solving. Cognitive development is essential for developing mental abilities that allow is to perform various tasks like reading, thinking, prioritizing, understanding, planning. Cognitive skills allow for future academic learning. Social development allows for successful interactions with others. Without social skills, it is more difficult to establish good relationships, which will stand in the way of an individual’s well-being in a society. It is an area responsible for learning positive social behavior. Moral development allows us to gain an understanding of what is right and wrong. It is an essential part of socialization. This area of development shapes us into ethical adults; the knowledge of rights and responsibilities is developed. If one does not reach post-conventional moral development, the understanding of the process by which community beliefs are formed may be absent, and the person’s beliefs may be misguided.
Feldman, R. S. (2018). Understanding psychology (14th ed.). Dubuque: McGraw-Hill Education.
Wright, P.M., Zittel, L.L., Gipson, T., & Williams, C. (2019). Assessing relationships between physical development and other indicators of school readiness among preschool students. Journal of Teaching in Physical Education, 38(4), 388-392
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( O’Brien ( 1:16am
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Option 2
As we all go through life we experience many different people who influence our feelings about our sex that will challenge our gender perceptions. As a child I was taught at an early age the physical differences between men and women, things like women are smaller, men were taller and stronger and of course the obvious anatomical parts, but I was also raised with a strong beliefs about gender perception. It would have been easier if those strong beliefs were synchronized but living in a multigenerational household with my grandmother, mother and two uncles, their beliefs though strong were all very different. My grandmother believed in women should always look their best, be soft spoken, reserved and graceful. My mother believed that women were freedom so to speak, to be whimsical, free spirited and world oriented; work oriented was for men. My uncles believed in raising me to be strong, goal oriented and independent that a man was to be my partner not my provider. All of these beliefs have shaped me into the woman I am and continue to become. I believe all children are raised by a village, that village as a whole; parents, teachers and others that embrace their path can make an impression on how they perceive themselves, the world around them and the roles they should take on as a boy or a girl. In this day and age I find that our villages have grown more with social media and the strong influences that celebrities, sports figures and politicians bring. These sorts of influences are in some cases positive to perceive yourself as strong, beautiful and independent no matter your gender. Yet on the other side of this is, these powerful influential people say that but they way they present themselves has the opposite effect. For example, Ariana Grande, Miley Cyrus and Taylor Swift tell young women they are strong, beautiful and independent but dress extremely provacative, exhibit extreme dependency on unhealthy relationships and not being accountable for errors in judgement. This behavior shapes the false perception that fame, money and being sexy is being strong, beautiful and independent. It is not much different for young boys the perception given off by men celebrities is to be strong, smart and goal oriented they need to be starting fights, not taking accountability and having multiple unhealthy relationships so our young boys begin perceiving being a “Man” as hostile, loud and money gets you girls, cars and a get out of jail free card. Feldman makes a very powerful statement when he said, ” By shaping beliefs about how men and women should behave, these stereotypes potentially keep inequalities between the genders alive. Stereotypes that put pressure on people to fulfill those stereotypes, and may lead people to act in accordance with those stereotypes rather than in accordance with their own abilities.(Feldman,R.S.)
Feldman, R. S. (2018). Understanding psychology (14th ed.). Dubuque: McGraw-Hill Education.
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( Chappell- Walkwitz ( 10:04am
Hello everyone,
Today I opted to discuss option 2.
Option 2: We are all shaped in some way by our life experiences from childhood to adulthood. How might someone’s gender identity and expression be shaped by others? What messages might a child receive about what it means to be a boy or a girl? Who are the types of people who send these messages (parents, friends, teachers, etc.)? What role does culture and the environment play in gender?
According to Feldman (2018), children’s gender identities are shaped by parents, media, teachers, and peers (p. 341-342). Gender identities are shaped by nearly everything, from the toys and clothes they receive from their parents, to the expectations that teachers and peers have for their behavior. For example, girls may have dolls and dresses and be expected to be polite and meek, while boys have trucks and dirty clothes and are expected to be rambunctious and outspoken. The environment in a classroom can have drastic, lasting effects on the gender identities of people. For example, females may be less likely to undertake a traditionally masculine career in a STEM field than males because of the stereotype that males are better at math (Molla, 2016, p. 4). Statistically speaking, males and females perform equally in math, but males have their self esteem boosted by teachers and are more often told that they are naturally smart and better at math, while girls are told that their good grades are just due to the amount of hard work they perform.
Culturally speaking, in Western societies boys are generally seen as more aggressive and oblivious, while girls are supposed to be more polite. This results in boys being 4 times more likely to be diagnosed with ADD or hyperactivity (Molla, 2016, p. 3) As a female with undiagnosed severe ADHD as a child, gender stereotyping took a great toll on me. Teachers labeled me as a bad student who didn’t try hard enough to succeed. This was further reinforced by watching my younger brother throughout my childhood who was diagnosed early and received aid in the form of several different therapies and extra support in school. I can only see it retrospectively now as I was just diagnosed in adulthood, but had the stereotype not been there and I received the same therapies, maybe I wouldn’t have dropped out of two different colleges and suffered from depression and serious financial issues in young adulthood.
Feldman, R. S. (2018). Understanding psychology (14th ed.). Dubuque: McGraw-Hill Education.
Molla, E. (2016). The role of school in gender socialization. The European Journal of Educational
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Sciences, 03(01), 1-7. doi:10.19044/ejes.v3no1a1
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