Essay2 Psychology|2025
To successfully complete this course, you must write a
research essay based on information found in your textbook
Psychology and our Life by Robert S. Feldman and three
outside sources. You’ll choose one of the three topics below
and write an essay of 6 complete paragraphs for or against
the question being asked. After presenting both sides of the
debate, you’ll make three claims to support your thesis and
convince the reader why their opinion is correct.
1. Media Violence: Does media violence cause
violent behavior?
2. Eye Witness Testimony: Is eye witness testimony
reliable in the court of law?
3. The Opioid Epidemic: Are doctors who over-prescribe
narcotic pain medication causing the opioid epidemic?
Note: You’re only to select one topic for your paper.
Your essay must include:
1. A title page
2. Introduction paragraph and thesis statement
3. Topic background paragraph that presents
both sides of the debate
4. Body consisting of three claim paragraphs
and supporting evidence
5. Conclusion paragraph
6. APA style reference page
The Title Page
The first page of your essay will be the title page. Provide the
following information:
n The title of your research essay
n Your name and student ID
n SSC130: Essentials of Psychology
n Exam number
n Penn Foster College
n Current date
Format your essay following APA style using 12pt. Times
New Roman font. Set your paragraph line spacing to 2.0
double-spacing. Use 1 inch margins. Include a header with a
shortened title in ALL CAPS on the left and the page number
on the right. In-text citations and reference page must be in
American Psychological Association (APA) style. Refer to this
website for help:
Remember that grammar counts! Be sure to re-read, revise
and proof-read your essay for polished English grammar,
spelling, capitalization, spacing, and mechanics.
To successfully complete this course, you must write a
research essay based on information found in your textbook
Psychology and
our Life
by Robert S. Feldman and
outside sources.
You’ll choose one of the three topics below
and write an essay of
6 complete paragraphs
for or against
the question being asked. After presenting both sides of the
debate, you’ll make three claims to support your thesis and
convince the reader why their opinion is correct.
1. Media Violence:
Does media violence cause
violent behavior?
2. Eye Witness Testimony: Is eye witness testimony
reliable in the court of law?
3. The Opioid Epidemic: Are doctors who over
narcotic pain medication causing the opioid epidemic?
You’re only to s
elect one topic for your paper.
Your essay must include:
1. A title page
2. Introduction paragraph and thesis statement
3. Topic background paragraph that presents
both sides of the debate
4. Body consisting of three claim paragraphs
and supporting
5. Conclusion paragraph
6. APA style reference page
The Title Page
The first page of your essay will be the title page. Provide the
following information:
The title of your research essay
Your name and student ID
SSC130: Essentials of
Exam number
Penn Foster College
Current date
Format your essay following APA style using 12pt. Times
New Roman font. Set your paragraph line spacing to 2.0
spacing. Use 1 inch margins. Include a header with a
title in ALL CAPS on the left and the page number
on the right. In
text citations and reference page must be in
To successfully complete this course, you must write a
research essay based on information found in your textbook
Psychology and ?our Life by Robert S. Feldman and three
outside sources. You’ll choose one of the three topics below
and write an essay of 6 complete paragraphs for or against
the question being asked. After presenting both sides of the
debate, you’ll make three claims to support your thesis and
convince the reader why their opinion is correct.
1. Media Violence: Does media violence cause
violent behavior?
2. Eye Witness Testimony: Is eye witness testimony
reliable in the court of law?
3. The Opioid Epidemic: Are doctors who over-prescribe
narcotic pain medication causing the opioid epidemic?
Note: You’re only to select one topic for your paper.
Your essay must include:
1. A title page
2. Introduction paragraph and thesis statement
3. Topic background paragraph that presents
both sides of the debate
4. Body consisting of three claim paragraphs
and supporting evidence
5. Conclusion paragraph
6. APA style reference page
The Title Page
The first page of your essay will be the title page. Provide the
following information:
n The title of your research essay
n Your name and student ID
n SSC130: Essentials of Psychology
n Exam number
n Penn Foster College
n Current date
Format your essay following APA style using 12pt. Times
New Roman font. Set your paragraph line spacing to 2.0
double-spacing. Use 1 inch margins. Include a header with a
shortened title in ALL CAPS on the left and the page number
on the right. In-text citations and reference page must be in
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