Final Project For your Final Project, you will create a website that showcases the skills you have gained throughout your psychology program. Your website will consist of the following elements: a homepage, a literature review, expert opinions, résumés, a case study, and a list of pertinent websites. Each of these sections will be its own […]
The Assignment: For this Discussion Board, complete the following steps: Step 1: Review the elements of Classical Conditioning, Operant Conditioning and Observational Learning in Chapter 6 of your textbook. Listen to the Goats and Soda podcast entitled “How To Get Your Kids To Do Chores (Without Resenting It)” and read the follow-up article “How To Get […] 07:46:252025-02-25 10:23:04Review the elements of Classical Conditioning|2025
Crisis Intervention strategies Chapter 12 – Personal Loss: Bereavement and Grief 1. Compare the Adaptive grieving model (Martin & Doka, 2000) and the Dual Process Model (Stroebe & Schut, 2001). 2. What are the similarities and differences? 3. Which seems to fit best with your style of counseling? 4. Why is that so? Guidelines: • The answer should be based […] 07:45:392025-02-25 10:23:20Psychology models of loss, dying, grief, and bereavement|2025
Table of Contents
PSY 496 FINAL PROJECT WEEK 5-Psychology Applied Project Final Project|2025
/in Psychology Questions /by MegaCornFinal Project For your Final Project, you will create a website that showcases the skills you have gained throughout your psychology program. Your website will consist of the following elements: a homepage, a literature review, expert opinions, résumés, a case study, and a list of pertinent websites. Each of these sections will be its own […]
Review the elements of Classical Conditioning|2025
/in Psychology Questions /by MegaCornThe Assignment: For this Discussion Board, complete the following steps: Step 1: Review the elements of Classical Conditioning, Operant Conditioning and Observational Learning in Chapter 6 of your textbook. Listen to the Goats and Soda podcast entitled “How To Get Your Kids To Do Chores (Without Resenting It)” and read the follow-up article “How To Get […]
Psychology models of loss, dying, grief, and bereavement|2025
/in Psychology Questions /by MegaCornCrisis Intervention strategies Chapter 12 – Personal Loss: Bereavement and Grief 1. Compare the Adaptive grieving model (Martin & Doka, 2000) and the Dual Process Model (Stroebe & Schut, 2001). 2. What are the similarities and differences? 3. Which seems to fit best with your style of counseling? 4. Why is that so? Guidelines: • The answer should be based […]