Psychosocial Development Case Study Assessment Overview|2025

The purpose of this assignment is to use what you have learned about lifespan theories, models of resilience, and psychosocial development to assess how well individuals and families are functioning in relation to all three of these areas. To address realistic situations without violating personal rights to privacy, you will view the movie The Butler, or […]

classical conditioning|2025

In this assignment you will learn to identify the components of classical conditioning in real life situations. Please identify appropriate components in each of the situations listed below and write two paragraph summary sharing what you learned in this assignment. 1. Geraldine had an automobile accident at the corner of 32nd Street and Cherry Avenue. […]

Addressing and Confronting Bias and Prejudice|2025

rior to beginning work on this discussion, please read Chapters 8, 12, and 13 in DSM 5 Made Easy: The Clinician’s Guide to Diagnosis; Chapter 2 in Turning Points in Dynamic Psychotherapy: Initial Assessment, Boundaries, Money, Disruptions and Suicidal Crises; Chapter 5 in The Psychiatric Interview: Evaluation and Diagnosis; all required articles; and review the PSY645 Fictional Sociocultural Case Studies (Links to […]

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