Forensic psychologists are important advisors to the lawyers,  mediators, and judges in child custody disputes. Unfortunately, messy  child-custody disputes are an all-too-common occurrence when parents  divorce. In some especially difficult cases, one parent may make an  allegation against the other, and sometimes these allegations are made  primarily to gain the support of the courts. As […]

Humanistic Personality Analysis

You will prepare and present a personality analysis of your choosing. In 10-12 slides, address the following questions. Choose a person to analyze. This can be a historical figure, a famous person  (politician, celebrity, musician), or a fictional character from a book or other media. Just be sure you have enough information on this   person’s […]

I need someone to write 4 to 5 pages about Anorexia Nervosa disorder must be fictional story)

You will be responsible for writing a brief paper about a fictional person with a mental illness. Your job is to present a realistic, accurate, and comprehensive portrayal of what a person with a certain mental illness may look like: how the mental illness developed, the symptoms, how it was diagnosed, and how it was […]

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