PSYCH Case Study Project—Brain and Behavior; Sensation and Perception

Last week you submitted the first part of your case study, which involved writing an introductory paragraph about your chosen individual and finding an article in the Walden library to support your analysis of that person. You are now ready for the next phase of your Final Project. This week you will continue working on […]

Discussion on Cultural Immersion Paper part 1 and part 2 also response to two student

ASSIGNMENT 2 – FORUM THE JEWISH RELIGION  Cultural Immersion Project – Part 2 Forum Instructions Based on the Cultural Immersion Project – Part 1 and Part 2 Paper, you will share some of your experience in the Cultural Immersion Project Forum. You will tell your classmates of the culture you are exploring, discuss with them some […]

Week 7 Discussion

I NEED THIS BY 01/13/21 AT 5PM.   Discussion: Typical and Atypical Medications There are two major types of antipsychotic medication, both of which manage the positive symptoms of schizophrenia or other psychotic disorders, including hallucinations and delusions. Typical antipsychotics are the first generation of medications, including chlorpromazine and haloperidol. Typical antipsychotics tend to be very […]

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