SOCW 6311 & 6070 Wk 2 Responses

Each Response needs to be 1/2 page in length with at least 1 reference**



Respond to two colleagues by doing all of the following:

· Identify strengths of your colleagues’ analyses and areas in which the analyses could be improved. Address his or her evaluation of the efficacy and applicability of the evidence-based practice, his or her identification of factors that could support or hinder the implementation of the evidence-based practice, and his or her solution for mitigating those factors.

· Offer additional insight to your colleagues by either identifying additional factors that may support or limit implementation of the evidence-based practice or an alternative solution for mitigating one of the limitations that your colleagues identified.

Colleague 1: Jared

Post an evaluation of the evidence-based practice that you selected for Jake. Describe the practice and the evidence supporting it. Explain why you think this intervention is appropriate for Jake.

In the case video (Laureate Education, 2013c), the supervisor discusses the value of meeting a client first before selecting a treatment. I wholeheartedly agree with this. Some of the practices such as meditation and yoga that the social worker suggested could be offensive to the client (I ran into this situation during my first practicum). Further, what works for one client well may not work well for another client, despite there being studies that were able to show a benefit for study participants. Indeed, a hallmark of evidence-based practice is a combination of research, clinical expertise and client values (Wampold & Imel, 2015). For client values and clinical expertise to be applied, one must first meet the client and build a trusting relationship where pertinent things about the client can be discovered.

Because there is a lack of information in the case video about the client (Laureate Education, 2013), I am prevented from having a good explanation of why any intervention is appropriate beyond that which the research states is an effective intervention for veterans with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Thus, based on this limited amount of information, I would select Seeking Safety as the evidence-based practice for Jake. Seeking Safety is an intervention listed in the National Registry for Evidence-Based Practices and Programs for treating trauma, among other things such as substance abuse. In fact, its dual focus is one of the hallmarks of the treatment as substance abuse often accompanies trauma (Najavitas, 2003).

There are some essential things that must be focused on when treating someone with trauma. For instance, it is important to normalize one’s experience of PTSD symptoms (DeCarvalho & Whealin, 2012). Seeking Safety begins with psychoeducation to normalize ones experience and educate one on what is happening or why they are experiencing the things they are experiencing (Najavitas, 2003). While it is true that we do not know if Jake has a drug issue, Seeking Safety with its focus on treating substance use, it would either treat Jakes substance issue, or it would provide him the tools to stay drug-free. With PTSD, there are many symptoms such as a tendency to isolate (American Psychiatric Association, 2013). Seeking Safety specifically works on treating PTSD symptoms and would help Jake with managing anxiety, difficulties with the interpersonal (Najavitis, 2003) and other factors that would affect functioning in life (Najavitis, n.d.). Indeed, while Seeking Safety does help those with PTSD, it does so by focusing on solutions and building social supports instead of diving into the trauma narrative (Desai, Harpaz-Rotem, Najavitas, & Rosenheck, 2008). Lastly, Seeking Safety has been specifically studied in the veteran population which increases the validity of this method with another veteran (Najavitas & Hien, 2013; Lenz, Henesy, & Callender, 2016). Thus, based on what little is know about Jake from the case video, Seeking Safety appears to be a safe choice of an intervention to treat Jake.

Then provide an explanation for the supervisor regarding issues related to implementation.

There should not be an issues related to implementation. Seeking Safety can be administered on a one to one or group basis (The California Evidence-Based Clearinghouse for Child Welfare, 2018). Of course, there are many unknowns about Jake. Thus, issues could arise once more information is known about Jake.

Identify two factors that you believe are necessary for successful implementation of the evidence-based practice and explain why. Then, identify two factors that you believe may hinder implementation and explain how you might mitigate these factors.

Seeking Safety is an easy intervention to implement. During my first 500 hour practicum, I led a Seeking Safety group. However, in the beginning, I had no manual and was forced to use that which I could find for free until the agency ordered me the manual. I was allowed great liberty with what was taught until I received the manual. However, I would suggest that having a manual is extremely beneficial to successfully implementing the practice. After all, the research was done on participants who sat under the treatment that was led by the manual. Thus, while some benefit would occur by covering the topics of the program, it likely would be hindered by not covering the material appropriately. Another factor that could affect implementation is the setting of the implementation. Seeking safety definitely could be implemented on a one to one basis. However, I feel that it can be implemented better in a group. This adds benefit to aspects of the intervention where discussion of the clients are prompted.


American Psychiatric Association. (2013). Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders: DSM-5 (5th ed.). Arlington, VA: Author.

The California Evidence-Based Clearinghouse for Child Welfare. (2018). Seeking Safety for adults. Retrieved from

DeCarvalho, L. T., & Whealin, J. M. (2012). Healing stress in military families: Eight steps to wellness. Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley et Sons.

Lenz, A. S., Henesy, R., & Callender, K. (2016). Effectiveness of seeking safety for co-occurring posttraumatic stress disorder and substance use. Journal of Counseling & Development94(1), 51-61. doi:10.1002/jcad.12061

Najavitis, L. M. (n.d.). Implementing Seeking Safety therapy for PTSD and substance abuse:. Illinois Department of Human Services’ Office of Alcoholism and Substance Abuse. Retrieved from

Najavitis, L. M. (2003). Seeking safety: A treatment manual for PTSD and substance abuse. New York, NY: The Guilford Press.

Najavitis, L. M., & Hien, D. (2013). Helping vulnerable populations: A comprehensive review of the treatment outcome literature on substance use disorder and PTSD. Journal of Clinical Psychology69(5), 433-479. doi:10.1002/jclp.21980

Wampold, B. E., & Imel, Z. E. (2015). The great psychotherapy debate: The evidence for what makes psychotherapy work. Retrieved from

Colleague 2: Kamran

Jake is a 31-year-old married veteran, he experienced and witnessed a traumatic event on a deployment to Iraq one year ago. Jake is currently taking the medication Paxil for his Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) symptoms. He has difficulty sleeping, heart palpitations, and moodiness. He is drinking alcohol heavily to avoid dealing with his feelings which is negatively affecting his marriage, children, and employment (Plummer, Makris & Brockson, 2014).

The evidenced-based intervention that I selected for Jake that I believe would be effective for him was Cognitive Processing Therapy (CPT), This practice will focus on the client’s avoidance of painful memories or reminders that prevents an actual processing of the past traumatic memory. He may be harboring false beliefs about the causes and results of the trauma which are creating strong negative emotions. CPT for PTSD is primarily a cognitive therapy.  The therapy will first focus on distorted beliefs about the trauma he experienced such as denial and self-blame. Then throughout this process, clients are taught to challenge their beliefs and assumptions through Socratic questioning and the use of daily worksheets. Once dysfunctional beliefs are deconstructed, more balanced self-statements are generated and practiced. It may help him to write detailed accounts of the most traumatic incidents during his deployment. The goal in CPT is that clients learn to make sense of their trauma and incorporate this understanding into their beliefs about themselves, others, and the world in a balanced way. Treatment can be delivered in individual or group format conducted by social workers, psychologists, psychiatrists, and other mental health therapists licensed to provide psychotherapy.  (SAMHSA, n.d).

An explanation I would give to the supervisor regarding the implementation of CPT is that I would educate my supervisor that this treatment is not new or experimental and has roots dating back to the 1980’s. and has been confirmed effective by evidence-based research. The other factor to note about the intervention is that first implementation would be simple and straightforward because the intervention could be done by the social worker without having to pay for copyright use or learning specific skills. Treatment consists of typically 12 sessions (range 10-15) conducted once or twice weekly for 60 minutes each (90 minutes in a group setting (SAMHSA, n.d). I would also mention a supporting study using CPT for PTSD was conducted using treatment-seeking veterans with military-related PTSD from Australia who was randomly allocated to receive 12 twice-weekly 60-minute sessions of CPT individually and in a group setting, demonstrated significant improvement scores from baseline to posttreatment (Forbes et al., 2012), (Laureate Education, 2013c).

The two factors that I believe may hinder implementation of CBT in the Jake Levy case is his cooperation and making sure that he attends both the individual and group components of the intervention. I would try to stress the importance of total compliance with the program for it to be effective. Along with that, I would have to be aware of the adverse effects related to CPT which may include mild to moderate increases in PTSD symptoms, anxiety, depression, and distress when the client begins to focus on his trauma. Based on research findings, on average, clients do not report a worsening of symptoms after starting CPT, and any worsening that does occur is generally short-lived (SAMHSA, n.d).


Forbes, D., Lloyd, D., Nixon, R. D. V., Elliot, P., Varker, T., Perry, D., Bryant, R. A., & Creamer, M. (2012). A multisite randomized controlled effectiveness trial of cognitive processing therapy for the military-related posttraumatic stress disorder. Journal of Anxiety Disorders, 26, 442–452.

Laureate Education (Producer). (2013c). Levy family episode 2 [Video file]. Retrieved from

Plummer S.B,  Makris S.., & Brockson S.M. (2014) Sessions: Case Histories. “The Levy Family”. Laureate International Universities Publishing, Inc.

Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (n.d.) NREPP: SAMHSA’s registry of evidence-based practices and programs. Retrieved June 5, 2018, from




Respond  to two colleagues in one of the following ways:

· Compare the greatest challenge your colleague has identified to the one you posted.

· Explain whether you think your colleague’s strategy for addressing the situation is likely to be effective and why.

Colleague 1: Angela

Analysis of the supervisor’s role in the Phoenix House 

The supervisor has the role of supervising four full-time social workers and two social work interns from a local university. The supervisor’s role is more of a leadership role vs a management role. She is charged with ensuring staff are performing to goals of the program. She is also charged with training and mentoring personnel as she has oversight of two interns. Lauffer explains, leadership focuses on the individual traits of those people identified as leaders while management focuses on contexts, including the design of work systems and the organizational arrangements in the workplace. (Lauffer, 2011, pg. 245).

Leadership skills that might help the supervisor resolve the issue.

The issue is a child, Daniel has been placed in the program by his mother. The mother leans Daniel had no knowledge of how drugs got into his back pack, but the mother wants to teach a lesson of consequences. It has been bought to the mother attention the purpose of the program, but the mother insist Daniel remain in the program. The mothers insistence is regardless of staff advice the program may not be a good fit for the program which can cause him more harm than good.

Northouse explains, skilled leaders are competent people who know the means and methods for carrying out their responsibilities (Northouse, 2018, pg. 5). Skills that may help the supervisor with this issue are administrative skills, interpersonal skills and conceptual skills. With administrative skills the supervisor can offer technical competence by providing the mother with competent knowledge and statics of the effects on children when placed in programs that are not a good fit for them. With good interpersonal skills help Daniel with communicating to his mother what really happened at school with the marijuana, in addition the ability to communicate with the mother. Conceptual skills assist with problem solving while understanding the parents fears, assist with an alternate plan to help Daniel and satisfy the mother.

Most challenging aspect of this situation

The challenging aspect of this situation is telling a parent about raising their child and this action may cause harm when the parent feels they are doing what is right. The parent in this situation wants to teach the child a lesson, although he has done nothing wrong.

If I were the supervisor in this case

In this situation administrative skills, interpersonal skills and conceptual skills are very important to get the parent to hear you with putting them in defense mode. Most parents think they are doing what is best for their child. Interpersonal skills provide the ability to communicate from a level within yourself which is inviting and understanding. As the cliché goes, “it’s not what you say it’s how you say it”. I would help the mother understand, yes there are consequences for our actions, but do we want Daniel to learn there are consequences even when you’re not wrong. I would ask her to allow the message to fit punishment. In this case Daniel is receiving punishment for something he adamant that he did not do. The long-term effects of placing Daniel in this program may not be what was desired.


Lauffer, A. (2011). Understanding Your Social Agency, 3rd Edition. [MBS Direct]. Retrieved from

Northouse, P. G. (2018). Introduction to Leadership: Concepts and Practice, 4th Edition. [MBS Direct]. Retrieved from

Plummer, S.-B., Makris, S., & Brocksen, S. M. (Eds.). (2014b). Social work case studies: Concentration year. Baltimore, MD: Laureate International Universities Publishing [Vital Source e-reader]. “Social Work Supervision, Leadership, and Administration: The Phoenix House” (pp. 82–84)

Colleague 2: Sandra

An analysis of the supervisor’s role in the Phoenix House case studies and identify leadership skills that might help the supervisor resolve the issue.

This is a very touching story Daniel has been placed in a program that appears to do more harm than good. His mother Lisa doesn’t understand that in order to be in a program like Phoenix House the student must be on the point of throwing out or on long-term suspension from their school, usually due to disciplinary issues. A good supervisor must be able to lead as well as listened to the ones she supervises in order to get an in-depth of any issues that may arise with the students.

As the supervisor, I believe she must have good leadership skill and management as well. In her leadership role, she can lead as well as learn from her followers (Northouse, 2013). She did the appropriate thing by respecting her followers (Social workers and interns).  Leadership comprises of attention to mutual goals. Leaders direct their energies toward individuals who are trying to achieve something together (Northouse, 2013).

In this case, the supervisor and her followers are working together to make changes for Daniel and to get his mother to understand that his placement at Phoenix House is not a good fit for him. Rost, 1991, believes that it also increases the possibility that leaders and followers wiJI work together toward a common good. When consideration is given to common goals this gives leadership an ethical implication because it stresses the need for leaders to work with followers to achieve particular goals.

Identify which aspect of this situation would be most challenging for you if you were the supervisor.

The part of this situation that would be more challenging for me is to get Daniel’s mother to understand why the program is going to do more harm to  Daniel than good because it appears she really believes that where he belongs. Whenever an individual is so strong in their belief it is harder to bring something across to them. The hardest part is that his mother (Lisa), does not understand the nature of the program.

Finally, explain how you would use leadership skills to proceed if you were the supervisor.

I would use leadership and power to influence Lisa. People have power when they have the ability to affect others’ beliefs, attitudes, and courses of action (Northouse, 2013). By doing this, I would be using the resource of power to effect change in others. As the supervisor, I believe that I possess the two power that most organization have which is position power and personal power. My personal power is the ability I have to make an impact on people. Position power is the role that I have in the company as a supervisor combining these two I am bound to make an impact on Lisa.


Northouse, P., G., (2013), Leadership. Theory and Practice (6th. Ed). Los Angeles. Sage Publications

Chapter 1 “Introduction” (PP. 1 -17)

Northouse, P. G. (2018). Introduction to leadership: Concepts and practice (4th Ed.). Washington, DC: Sage.

o  Chapter 1, “Understanding Leadership” (pp. 1–18)

Plummer, S.-B., Makris, S., & Brocksen, S. M. (Eds.). (2014b). Social work case studies: Concentration year. Baltimore, MD: Laureate International Universities Publishing [Vital Source e-reader].

“Social Work Supervision, Leadership, and Administration: The Phoenix House” (pp. 82–84)

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Multicontextual Life cycle

In this assignment, you will explain the Multicontextual Life Cycle Framework as well as completing a self-genogram of your family system. Complete the “Multicontextual Life Cycle Framework” worksheet. This assignment assesses the following programmatic competency: 6.1: Analyze the forms and functions of families at different developmental stages.

In order to analyze a family system, it is important to understand the multisystem structure. This assignment will help you learn this concept.

First, create a self-genogram of your family system, looking at it through the multisystem lens. Complete your family’s genogram and discuss your family system in terms of the family life cycle.

The genogram can be handwritten and scanned, done as a PDF, or done using Word tools to ensure it can be uploaded to LoudCloud. You can also go to the following site or another similar genogram site of your choice to download the GenPro software.

Use the different phases listed in Figure 1.5 of the textbook to look at both the emotional process of transition and the second order tasks (If you have a large family, pick six to eight key individuals including yourself to discuss). Relate this to what your family members are going through in their lives presently (you can include key moments of the past – someone passing away, going through cancer treatment, miscarriage, etc.):

  • All family members
  • Include ages (if known), marriages, divorces, deaths
  • Substance use identified
  • Mental illness identified
  • All relationship dynamics

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Compare and contrast the Groth typology of rape and the Massachusetts Treatment Center’s Classification Systems of rapists


1. According to the U.S Department of Justice Archives, the new definition of rape is: “The penetration, no matter how slight, of the vagina or anus with any body part or object, or oral penetration by a sex organ of another person, without the consent of the victim” (Sullivan, Rogers, & Moran, 2017). The Groth typology was developed almost forty years ago. This typology of rape is based on presumed motivations and aims that underline almost all rapes committed by adult males. Groth believed rape to be a “pseudo-sexual act”. He also believed that rape is a symptom of some psychological dysfunction, whether is temporary and transient or chronic and repetitive. Groth divided rape into three major categories. First, anger rape, second, power rape, and sadistic rape. He believed rape is always and foremost an aggressive act.

The Massachusetts Treatment Center’s Classification Systems of rapists has many similarities to Groth’s typology. The MTC has originally identified four major categories of rapists. One, displaced aggression, two, compensatory, three, sexually aggressive, and four, impulsive rapists. Anger rapists are similar to displaced aggression rapists, sadistic rapists are similar to sexual aggressive rapists. The MTC typology is more extensive and more complex because is based on ongoing research.

2.The Groth Typology was developed around forty years ago. Groth stated that there is always other motivations, rather than simple sexual arousal, for rapists. He divides rape into three different categories, including anger rape, power rape, and sadistic rape. Anger rape is typically brutal, degrading, and extremely forceful. Anger rapists have some internal anger, usually towards a specific woman, and take it out on their victims. Power rape is when the rapists is establishing dominance and control over their victim. The aggressiveness depends on how submissive the victim is. Victims of power rape are often kidnapped and experience multiple assaults. Sadistic rape involves the rapist experiencing arousal and pleasure of the victim’s torture and abuse.

Massachusetts Treatment Center’s Classification Systems of rapists is far more complex and researched than Groth’s. It continues to be researched and updated, unlike The Groth Typology. MTC also identifies four types of rapist, rather than three. The types include displaced aggression, compensatory, sexual aggressive, and impulse rapists. Although the two typologies are different, their division of types of rape are similar. Anger rape is similar to displaced aggression, sadistic rape is similar to sexual aggressive rape, and power rape is similar to compensatory rape. The final MTC type of rape is the impulse rape, in which rapists usually have no other history of sexual assault and committed it spontaneously when the opportunity was there. This type has no similarities with any of Groth’s types.

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Complete the Strategic section in the “Model Matrix” worksheet.

PCN-518 Topic 4: The Six Stages of Kohlberg



A female adolescent’s parents place a low priority on the value of an education. In fact, they prefer that she care for younger siblings instead of studying or completing a high school education. It is March. The student has told her parents that she has in-school suspension for the rest of the school year in order to have time to study, as she dreams of attending college one day.


Directions: Read the scenario listed above. Complete all sections of the matrix provided below from the perspective of an individual in each of the six stages of Kohlberg’s theory of moral development and the information from the provided scenario. Use complete sentences and include proper scholarly citations for any sources used.


Level 1: Preconventional Morality

Stage Adolescent’s Perspective Rationale for your Responses

Stage 1: Obedience and Punishment Orientation


The adolescent should take care of her younger siblings because her parents want her to do so. A child assumes that those with authority hand down a set of rules which the child must obey unquestionably. In this case, the adolescent must unquestionably obey her parents’ desire for her to quit school to take care of her siblings (Gibbs, 2013).




Stage 2: Instrumental Relativist Orientation/Exchange of Favors


The child can go to the in-school suspension to improve her chances of going to college one day, or obey her parents and stay at home to take care of her siblings. The child recognizes that there is no single right view handled down by authorities and different individuals have different opinions. Everyone is free to pursue his/her own personal interests because everything is relative (Gibbs, 2013).

Stage 3: Conventional Level/Good Boy or Girl


The adolescent should live up to her parents’ expectations of her taking care of her siblings. She should exhibit good intentions to her siblings by taking care of them.


Goswami (2008) argues that children see morality as being more complex; people should conform to the expectations of their family and community and be good mannered. People should exhibit good behavior by having good feelings and motives such as empathy, love trust as well as concern for others.



Stage 4: Maintaining the Social Order


Should go to the in-school program to enhance her knowledge. In this stage, the respondent is more concerned with the society in its entirety. They emphasize on respecting authority, obeying laws and performing one’s duties to maintain the social order. One should not break the law whenever he/she feels they have a good reason (Gibbs, 2013).



Stage 5: Social Contract and Individual Rights


Adolescent should continue with her studies as it is her right to get basic education Respondents believe that a good society is based on a social contract which they freely enter. They argue that basic rights should be protected (Goswami, 2008).

Stage 6: Universal Principles


Adolescent should go to school as getting an education is a protected right. According to Gibbs (2013), Respondents in this stage almost consider the society as good. They believe people need to protect certain individual rights, and settle disputes democratically.







Gibbs, J. C. (2013). Moral development and reality: Beyond the theories of Kohlberg, Hoffman, and Haidt. Oxford University Press.

Goswami, U. (Ed.). (2008). Blackwell handbook of childhood cognitive development. John Wiley & Sons.

© 2017. Grand Canyon University. All Rights Reserved.

© 2017. Grand Canyon University. All Rights Reserved.

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Psychology Interviewing Presentation (Powerpoint)

Create a PowerPoint presentation that overviews how to properly conduct a psychological interview. (minimum number of slides is 10 maximum number undefined, but it must cover all the items listed below)

Content:  integrate course content and research into your presentation. Mandatory requirements,  must include the key principles of interviewing (e.g., preparation, introductions, open vs. closed questions, professionalism, etc.). May focus on interviews with a certain population (e.g., families in crisis, children, etc.) or present on interviewing in general.


· Although research focused, many good tips can be found here:

· Another thorough resource related to psychological interviews with families and children can be found at:


· Must use textbook as one of the reference:

Cohen, R. J. & Swerdlik, M. E. (2017). Psychological testing and assessment: An introduction to tests and measurement (9th ed.). Boston, MA: McGraw-Hill. ISBN: 9781259870507.

Textbook covers interviews on pp. 9–11, 453–459, and 464–466 (these are attached)

Presentation: Must be creative but within APA guidance on the “aesthetics” of your presentation (graphics, clarity, interest, etc.).


– discusses the importance of the appearance and professionalism of the interviewer

– describes both nonverbal and verbal  communication elements of psychological interviewing

– discusses how to begin and end a psychological interview

– discusses how to ask and how not to ask questions in a psychological interview

– discusses the role of follow-up questions in psychological interviewing

– integrates information from at least 1 peer-reviewed source (in addition to the textbook) into the presentation

– utilizes graphics that are professional, relevant and engaging, not busy or overwhelming

– uses an appropriate balance of text and graphics on slides as well as appropriate stopping points

– presentation includes in-text citations of sources, as well as a References slide/section. All citations and references are presented in current, accurate APA format

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Skill set 1

Exploring Popular Assumptions

Give one example of a ‘folk-psychology’ claim that was not discussed in section this week. This can be something you have heard in your life, or one that you find on the Internet or popular media.  Explain why this claim is pseudoscientific, and not scientific.

Identifying Bias in Scientific Reporting

After discussing bias in class and lab this week, find a news article (about something scientific) that includes an example of one type of bias.

Answer the following:

a) Give the title and a link to the article you read.

b) Definition of the type of bias you identified.

c) Description of the example you found in a recent scientific news article.

d) Explain why this kind of bias is problematic.

d) Give a few possible ways that this bias could have been mitigated in your given example.

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Socw-6121-Responses Wk 2

***Each response needs to be ½ page or more with one reference***


Respond to two colleagues who presented a different strength and/or solution in analyzing one of the levels of practice.

Colleague 1: Kevin

Micro-Level practice focuses on personal interaction with the client on an individual level or with a couple or family. The intervention of micro social work effects change on an individual basis and involves working closely with clients to support them through their challenges while maintaining the client’s self-determination (NASW, 2017).

Mezzo-Level intervention entails bringing people together who are not as intimate as a couple or group of family members but might mutually build and benefit from this social or resource network (Holosko, Dulmus & Sowers, 2012). It might directly change the system that is affecting a client, such as a classroom or neighborhood group. Mezzo work may include group therapy counseling, self-help groups or neighborhood community associations (NASW, 2017).

Macro-Level practice focuses on systemic issues. It might include creating and maintaining a network of service providers in order to establish a continuum of care. Macro-level intervention can intersect with the political realm by creating and lobbying for policy changes. The planning, implementation, and maintenance of social programs are also processes which macro-scale approach is applicable. Coordinating multiple services and policy work offers an opportunity to address several overlapping social problems (NASW, 2017).

Explain how you would assess Paula Cortez’s situation applying the micro-level of social work practice and specifically identify two strengths and/or solutions in this level

The student understands the essential concepts of Paula’s self-determination. Nevertheless, a micro-level approach could assist her through counseling, empathy, active listening, goal setting and building rapport with her to produce a healthy therapeutic relationship (Arendt, 2017). The directive for recognizing and focusing on Paula’s strengths is crucial to the committed client empowerment and fulfillment. Paula’s resilience was drawn from her cultural background that played a part in her independence especially from mainstream medicine. Also, Paula’s strengths were exhibited in her uniqueness in teaching herself how to paint with her non-dominant hand and her ability to gather professionals together to work with her (Cowger, 1994).

Describe how you would assess Paula Cortez’s situation applying the mezzo-level of social work practice and specifically identify two strengths and/or solutions in this level

The student would be non-judgmental and resourceful and use the mezzo-level approach when it comes to connecting Paula with the right referrals to assist her with preparation for the pregnancy (Plummer, Makris & Brocksen, 2014).The psychiatrist also was a supportive example of a mezzo interaction regarding Paula’s well-being during her pregnancy and worked with the social worker in making the hard decision of having Paula involuntarily admitted into the hospital (Plummer et al., 2014). Clearly, Paula’s resilience proceeds her, and it created a sense of purpose; a new beginning from what was a troublesome past filled with disappointment, emotional and physical abuse (Plummer et al., 2014).

Describe how you would assess Paula Cortez’s situation applying the macro-level of social work practice and specifically identify two strengths and/or solutions in this level

The student also recognizes that macro-level social work is essential in helping Paula to identify her personal needs. With advocating, the social worker can propose interventions and implement strategies through local government assistance, provided reasonable healthcare assistance, food and protected shelter that would aid Paula’s complex needs (Plummer et al., 2014).

Describe what the value of applying strength-based solutions is.

Applying strengths-based approaches will be helpful in successfully shifting the balance of care and developing services that are focused on prevention and independence. For example, Paula’s newborn child created that sense of purpose. Paula became independent and began to acquire social services on her own (Plummer et al., 2014). Paula maintained her autonomy which was of value to her.


Arendt, V. (2017). Changing Areas of Practice: The Transferability of Social Work Skills. New Social Worker24(2), 10-25.

Cowger, C. (1994). Assessing client strengths: clinical assessment for client empowerment. Social Work39(3), 262-268.

Holosko, J., M., Dulmus, N., C., Sowers, M., K. (2012). Social Work Practice with Individuals and Families: Evidence-Informed Assessments and Interventions, 1st Edition. [Bookshelf Online]. Retrieved from

Plummer, S.-B., Makris, S., & Brocksen, S. M. (Eds.). (2014a). Sessions: case histories. Baltimore, MD: Laureate International Universities Publishing. [Vital Source e-reader].

The National Association of Social Workers. (2017). Code of ethics. Retrieved from

Colleague 2: Lorraine

Your description of how micro-, mezzo-, or macro-levels of practice aid social workers in assessing families. Assess Paula Cortez’s situation using all three of these levels of practice, and identify two strengths and/or solutions in each of these levels.Assessing families is an important part of what we will do as social workers.

Understanding the family unit and how the intricate  parts of this unit interact and affect one another is essential.  On the Micro level it is important to understand each individual unit and the family’s dynamic.  This understanding of the family helps social workers identify how the  influences exist within the overall unit.  On a Mezzo level it is important to understand the families interaction as a group and the groups interaction with the community in which it lives and works.  The families access to resources and whether these resources are being utilized or not.  On a Macro level we examine how this family fits into the social environment on a larger scale and how social policies impact the family as a whole.  According to Holosko, Dulmus & Sowers (2013),  “The key challenge here is to recognize how the common themes of making available material and social resources and achieving health and well-being for all family members are constructed within the global economy and have different meanings across different contexts” (p.244).As I review Paula Cortez’s situation from a Micro level I can see several areas of strength.  However, the strengths I identify here have to do with Paul’s level of resiliency.  Paula has faced several life altering medical conditions, one being her HIV positive status.  Paula has been diagnosed as bipolar, yet has been able to remain out of the hospital of over 5 years.  On a  Mezzo level Paula has been admitted to a skilled nursing facility due to paralysis on her right side, yet has been able to progress within that facility and regain some mobility within her right arm and the ability to walk again.  Paula became pregnant and despite her overwhelming medical condition she has been able to request and receive 24/7 in home services for her child.  On a Macro level Paula is identified as low income.  Although Paula is part of a larger issue regarding poverty and the imbalance of societal wealth,  she is doing her best to utilize public assistance to help her in providing a stable environment for her self and her child.  Paula is utilizing many social resources to assist her with her childcare as well as her health issues (Plummer, Makris & Brocksen, 2013).

Describe the value in strength-based solutions.

I am a overwhelming fan of strength based solutions.  Strength based solutions provide he client with a strong focus on their abilities and on what can be done as opposed to what can’t.  There are key themes social workers should incorporate when assessing families.  According to Holosko, Dulmus & Sowers (2013), “A commitment to the belief that families bring strengths and resources to the helping relationship, and these can be harnessed in finding solutions. This means that the assessment can provide opportunities for exploring both problems and resources within the family” (p.247).  It is important for clients to focus on the genuine possibilities and work towards realistic, measurable and obtainable goals.  When clients are operating from a strengths perspective, they can begin to envision their goals as actual possibilities.  Operating from a strength perspective does not discount the serious nature of the families issues at hand, it incorporates the understanding of the risk involved with the family’s situation while incorporating a strength based approach to it.  According to  Holosko, Dulmus & Sowers (2013), “An understanding that a focus on strengths does not diminish the importance of identifying risk and safety issues and finding ways to protect clients from harm and causing harm” (p.247).

Holosko, M. J., Dulmus, C. N., & Sowers, K. M. (2013). Social work practice with individuals and families: Evidence-informed assessments and interventions. Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Chapter 9, “Assessment of Families” (pp. 237–264)

Plummer, S.-B., Makris, S., & Brocksen, S. (Eds.). (2013). Sessions case histories. Baltimore, MD: Laureate International Universities Publishing. “The Cortez Family” (pp. 23–25)


Respond to two colleagues whose assessments of family cohesion differ from yours. Resolve the differences or explain how each viewpoint is valid.

Colleague 1: Farren

The Circumplex Model of Marital and Family Systems is a tool that is used when working with families. The models address three dimensions which are cohesion, flexibility, and communication (Olson, 2000). The model is designed for treatment planning and clinical assessments and focuses on treating marital and family system and focuses on togetherness (Olson, 2000). The goal of this model is to promote flexibility and provide balance amongst the members and create ways to effectively communicate.

The Cortez family would benefit from the Circumplex Model as they appear to lack togetherness and everyone appears to be doing their own separate things. The family would benefit from cohesion as it balances togetherness as the family appears to be very distant from one another (Plummer, Makris, & Brocksen, 2013). Balanced families have better communication skills than unbalanced families (Olson,2000). The Circumplex model would also assess the family’s flexibility as it would assess how the family reacts to change. In the Cortez family, Paula is pregnant and has numerous health issues, and the father had remarried and Miguel was in school and had a job. The family system appears chaotic and the family is distant and has their own lives, however, Miguel did step in and provide some support but it was limited (Plummer, Makris, & Brocksen, 2013). Communication reinforces the previous 2 dimensions (Olson, 2000). In the Cortez family, it does not appear that there is effective communication going on however, Paula and Miguel appear to communicate more together then they do with David.

Assessing these dimensions can assist the social worker in treatment planning as it can help the social worker create goals by assessing the gaps in the family dynamics. In the Cortez case communication amongst the family members appears to be very limited. Also, the family lacks cohesion. The Circumplex Model would have identified these issues and create goals that will alleviate some of the family’s issues if they are able to successfully achieve their goals as the model is designed for clinical assessment and treatment planning (Olson, 2000).


Olson, D. H. (2000). Circumplex Model of Marital and Family Systems. Journal of Family Therapy, 22(2), 144–167.  Note: You will access this article from the Walden Library databases.

Plummer, S.-B., Makris, S., & Brocksen, S. (Eds.). (2013). Sessions case histories. Baltimore, MD: Laureate International Universities Publishing. “The Cortez Family” (pp. 23–25)

Colleague 2: Amanda

The circumplex model of families and relationships are built on three different dimensions. These dimensions include cohesion, flexibility, and communication (Olson, 2000). Each of these dimensions are broken down to show us how a family functions. Cohesion is described as the amount of time the family spends together as a whole. There are four types of cohesions that could be possible within a family unit, disengaged, separated, connected, and enmeshed (Olson, 2000). Disengaged is the lowest form of togetherness while enmeshed is overly together. Flexibility is like cohesion, but this shows amount of change in its leadership, role relationships, and relationship rules (Olson, 2000). The levels of flexibility include rigid, which is the lowest, structured, flexible, and chaotic, which is the highest level (Olson, 2000). If there is no conformity or leadership within a family unit, there will indeed be chaos. Communication is different and has many different aspects to it. This is when the family unit can communicate with regards to their listening skills, speaking skills, self-disclosure, clarity, continuity tracking, respect, and regard (Olson, 2000). The circumplex model serves as a framework to assess family systems, because each dimension helps you to identify to what degree the family is suffering.

The Cortez family case is slightly complicated. This family unit includes Paula (mother), Miguel (son), and David (father). This family no longer live together as a family due to Paula’s illnesses, however they are still close to one another (Plummer, Makris, & Brocksen, 2013). In the first dimension of the circumplex cohesion, Paula’s family tends to be disengaged. I say disengaged, because David and Miguel are doing their own thing with limited attachment or commitment to Paula (Olson, 2000). The second dimension is flexibility. Paula’s relationship with her son Miguel is chaotic. I chose chaotic because there is no leadership between them, nor is there proper decision making. Paula is constantly going off her medications making her impulsive (Plummer, Makris, & Brocksen, 2000). The last dimension is communication. Paula has poor communication within her family unit. She doesn’t ask for help when needed, and she rarely speaks with Miguel or David unless she must.

Assessing these dimensions helps the social worker in treatment planning, because to set goals and help family units, we must know how the family is functioning daily. This can also help with the breakdown of what maybe causing some family problems. Treatment plans are vital to clients who are struggling to keep their family together such as a separation or divorce. Its helpful to the social worker to set goals, and if these goals are followed than there is a chance the family unit can change, if the goals are not followed than the chance of a change is slim.


Olson, D. H. (2000). Circumplex Model of Marital and Family Systems. Journal of Family Therapy, 22(2), 144–167.

Plummer, S.-B., Makris, S., & Brocksen, S. (Eds.). (2013). Sessions case histories. Baltimore, MD: Laureate International Universities Publishing.

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Unit 3 Assignment: TED Talk Reflection Paper

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As you delve further into Psychology, there are so many topics that you can learn more about.  Learn more about a topic of interest to you by listening to a TED talk!  Many TED talks are created by prominent researchers in their fields.  For this assignment, you will choose a TED talk from the list provided, and write a 3-page reflection paper on the TED talk.  See the attached document for complete instructions and grading rubric.

Submit your completed assignment to the above submission link by 11:59 p.m. EST, Sunday of Unit 3.

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