American TV show “Shameless” and psychology

I’m writing a case study about Fiona Gallagher from the American TV show shameless. I need someone to take the paper that I was writing edited and resubmit it to me.  The American TV show shameless is not to be confused with the British TV show shameless. I’m looking for someone who enjoys watching the show and can easily edit my paper to reflect a case study related to Fiona.


in a private message tell me something about Fiona and why you should write the paper


i’ve already been screwed over twice so I will be very selective. Make your personal message unique or it will be skipped over! If you do not like following directions do not message me!!!

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HU 2000

Recognizing Fallacies
Constructing sound arguments requires valid logic and reasoning. If your premises (reasoning) are incorrect they are considered to be “fallacies”. There are several different types of fallacies that exist. Once you recognize the fallacies you are more likely to avoid them in your reasoning.

(Hint: refer to textbook Chapter 11 for more information on fallacies.)

1. Match each fallacy with its definition in the chart below.

A. Begging the question                                 G. Appeal to fear       H. Questionable cause

B. Hasty generalization                                    

C. False dilemma

                                                                                  I. Two wrongs make a right

 D Slippery slope                                                       J. Misidentification of the cause

E. Appeal to authority                                                                                                                                                                                                                  

F. Bandwagon

___. Also known as circular reasoning because the reasoning assumes the conclusion is true.

___. Sometimes occurs due to “peer pressure” or groupthink phenomenon when you may be influenced to conform to the opinion of the group.

___. A causal situation where we are unsure of the actual root cause of the issue. It’s possible to ignore a possible cause or to incorrectly assume a common cause.

___. This argument states that the action (or conclusion) is a justified response to another wrong action (or conclusion).

___. This occurs when there is no real evidence for the argument. Superstitions are a good example of this.

___. The “either/or” fallacy – the argument presents only two extreme alternatives and does not allow for alternative options.

___. Indicates that one negative action will lead to another, and then another worse one, and so on and so forth all leading to a terrible end result

___. Basing a belief on a source or person who is not qualified to give an expert opinion on the subject.

___. The argument supports its conclusion not by evidence, but by demands or threats of punishment or misfortune.

___. A general conclusion is reached based on a very small sample, so the reasons provide weak support for the conclusion.


Deductive Argument
In a deductive argument, the premises (reasoning) provide such strong support for the conclusion that, if the premises are true, then it would be impossible for the conclusion to be false. Deductive arguments are VALID or INVALID.


Valid – All children are young. Johnny is a child. Therefore, Johnny is young.

Invalid – All children are young. Johnny is a child. Therefore, all children are Johnny.

Complete each deductive argument below with a valid conclusion.

2. Premise 1: All humans are mortal.

Premise 2: I am human.

Conclusion: Therefore, I am _______________

3. Premise 1: All birds have feathers.

Premise 2: Cardinals are birds.

Conclusion: Therefore, cardinals have _______________

4. Premise 1: There is a party at work today.
Premise 2: Jimmy is sick and not at work today.
Conclusion: Therefore, Jimmy will _______________


Inductive Argument
An inductive argument is an argument that is strong enough that, if the premises (reasoning) were to be true, then it would be unlikely that the conclusion is false. So inductive arguments are STRONG or WEAK depending on the strength and frequency of the premises (reasoning).


Strong – 74% of 20-year-old have a job. 89% of 30-year-olds have a job. Most 20- to 30-year-olds are employed.

Weak: John, 20, has a job. Mary, 30, has a job. Most 20- to 30-year olds are employed.

**The first argument is much stronger due to the fact that the sample size is much larger.

Complete each inductive argument below with a conclusion. Your conclusion may be strong or weak depending upon the strength of your premises.

5. Premise 1: Four-year-old Jeremiah likes to play with blocks.

Premise 2: Four-year-old Mary likes to play with blocks.

Conclusion: Four-year-old children at the daycare center probably _____________

6. Premise 1: Jill studies two hours a day.

Premise 2: Jill is on the honor roll.

Conclusion: Students who study two hours a day are most likely _____________

7. Premise 1: The houses on Washington Avenue are falling apart according to a real estate developer.
Premise 2: Christopher lives on Washington Avenue.

Conclusion: Christopher’s house is more than likely _____________


Evaluating Arguments

Evaluate the strength of each argument below based on the criteria for deductive and inductive arguments. Explain why you believe the argument and conclusion is valid or strong, OR invalid or weak.

8. Deductive argument: To graduate from UMA, Sally must pass all of her classes. Sally passed all of her classes at UMA. Therefore, Sally will graduate from UMA.

a. Is this argument valid or invalid?

Type answer here

b. Explain your answer

Type answer here

9. Inductive argument: I have a sore tooth. I also have a headache. Conclusion: I must have a cavity.

a. Is this argument strong or weak?

Type answer here

b. Explain your answer

Type answer here

10. Deductive argument: All dogs are dangerous. The golden retriever is a dog. Therefore, the golden retriever is dangerous.

a. Is this argument sound or unsound?

Type answer here

b. In your words, explain your answer for 10a.

Type answer here

11. Inductive argument: When I wore my blue socks, my team won. When I wore my white socks, they lost. I have to wear blue socks so my team wins.

a. Is this argument strong or weak?

Type answer here

b. Explain your answer for 11a.

Type answer here


Emotion Through Action
Read the short story, Emotion Through Action, and answer the questions below.

12. Explain the wife’s inductive reasoning for determining her husband’s level of safety at work.

Premise 1: The wife assumes that her husband works a desk job.

Premise 2: _______________.

Conclusion: The wife assumes that her husband has a safe job.

13. Explain how the husband knows that his wife is no longer comfortable with his job.

Type answer here

14. The husband says: “I know what I’m doing. It’s not my first time.” Why is his argument a generalization? Explain. (Hint: Refer to textbook pages 463-468 for more information about generalizations).

Type answer here


Reflect on what you have learned this week to help you respond to the question below. You may choose to respond in writing or by recording a video!

15. Why is it important to make decisions or draw conclusions based on true, valid, and sound reasons/arguments?
Type answer here

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Career Counseling Across the Lifespan

For this discussion, synthesize your understanding of career counseling as an integral part of human development. From the perspective of your specialization, how does the developmental lifespan perspective influence career and educational planning, placement, and evaluation? Discuss the influence of career counseling when working with children (elementary school), adolescents (secondary), and older adults. Identify models that would be appropriate for children and adolescents in the school setting, including identity models such as Erik Erickson.

Response Guidelines

Respond to at least two of your peers, commenting on the effectiveness with which your peer addressed each developmental stage, identifying the needs of elementary, secondary, and older adults. The response needs to include at least one reference


First peer posting

Career Counseling as an Integral Part of Human Development

Career development is not a one-time event, rather it is a process that occurs across the lifespan and is an integral part of human development.  Further, the counseling that may be offered to support career development must also be offered from a lifespan perspective, with counselors supporting a client’s unique needs at the various stages of their life and career.  Zunker (2016) also points out that changing cultural and environmental systems can effect human development, and best practice involves case conceptualization from a holistic perspective.  Humans are actively growing and changing throughout their lives, and their vocational interests, goals, and preferences are no exception.  Career counseling is a dynamic and lifelong process that evolves with each client throughout the course of their life.

The Developmental Lifespan Model Influence on Career and Educational Planning, Placement, and Evaluation

From a mental health counseling perspective, the developmental lifespan model of career planning is highly influential.  Mental health counselors will need to be prepared to address all phases of career counseling in all phases or stages of a client’s life.  Career and education planning begin in early childhood and continue throughout the course of life.  Mental health counselors will need to be aware of the foundational career needs of the children they serve, and be prepared to focus on improved social skills, industry, and communication skills.  When working with adolescents, mental health counselors also need to be aware of the importance of developing quality relationships outside of their family, and how these interpersonal skills will benefit them later in the workforce.  Also, mental health counselors will need to understand life stages when selecting assessment tools, conducting evaluations, and placing individuals in jobs.

The Influence of Career Counseling When Working With Children, Adolescents, and Older Adults

Career counseling can easily be integrated into work with children by focusing on the foundational skills necessary for successful education, vocational, and social experiences.  Some of the foundational skills that counselors can focus on with children include prosocial skills, positive work habits, diversity skills, pleasing personality traits, and entrepreneurship (Gysbers, 2013).  Counseling work with adolescents can begin to focus on planning, goal setting, and decision making skills, along with a focus on curricula that supports a possible career direction.  Interestingly, Newman and Newman (2012) highlight the concept of career maturity, which suggests postponing career decisions until an adolescent or young adult matures and gains valuable life experience.  Career counseling with adults in the new workforce places more emphasis on career development than remaining at a particular company (Zunker, 2016).  Retirement counseling should also be highlighted as individuals move to transition from the world of work to increased volunteer and leisure opportunities.  Finally, more retired individuals are going back to work on a part time basis in order to supplement their retirement income, and may require counseling to make this change.

Appropriate Career Counseling Models for Children and Adolescents, Including Erik Erickson’s Model

Stage theorists such as Erik Erickson conceptualize career counseling from the developmental life stage that a particular client is navigating.  Between the ages of 6 to 11, for example, children are actively learning a variety of social, academic, and work related skills that will create a foundation for later more complex career development.  This stage of development is also associated with achievement of self-efficacy and an understanding of the importance of productivity.  Adolescents are actively working on the developmental task of achieving a group and individual identity and avoiding isolation.  Adolescents work hard to expand their social circles and distance themselves from their parents in an effort to achieve independence (Newman & Newman, 2012).  An overarching principal associated with Erickson’s stage model is that children or adolescents who fail to successfully achieve their developmental tasks may require special supports later in life (Zunker, 2016).  Career counseling from this stage model would consider this developmental information as the foundation from which to create a comprehensive career plan.

Other career counseling models appropriate for children and adolescents include Super’s self-concept theory, Krumboltz’s learning theory, and cognitive development theory.  Because elementary school students are busy forming their identity or self-concept through their childhood relationships, Super’s self-concept theory may be applied (Zunker, 2016).  Krumboltz’s learning theory looks at the way that children and adolescents utilize observation in learning new things, and are able to adapt their behavior based on this observational learning (Zunker, 2016).  Piaget’s cognitive development theory is also a stage theory in that it views children’s knowledge acquisition as developing in specific steps or levels through their environmental engagement.


Gysbers, N. C. (2013). Career-ready students: A goal of comprehensive school counseling programs. Career Development Quarterly, 61(3), 283-288. doi:10.1002/j.2161-0045.2013.00057.x

Newman, B. M., & Newman, P. R. (2012). Development through life: A psychosocial approach. Belmont, CA: Wadsworth Cengage Learning.

Zunker, V. G. (2016). Career counseling: A holistic approach (9th ed.). Boston, MA: Cengage Learning. ISBN 9781305087286.


Second peer posting

Newman & Newman (2012) stated that career identities are “a well-integrated part of [people’s] personal identities rather than as activities from which they are alienated or by which they are dominated” (p. 412). Career counseling across the lifespan has implications in all fields of counseling practices. As it pertains to mental health counseling, career counseling becomes an integrated conversation about the wants, needs, & desires a person has to have a satisfied existence.

Developmental Lifespan from a MH Perspective

Zunker (2016) stated that early life experiences tend to influence later life decisions. As it applies to career counseling, this is the core and foundation for how young children begin to view the world and all it has to offer. For example, children who have parental figures who exhibit hard work ethic are likely to influence their young children especially if it is reinforced with at-home activities (e.g., chores). These experiences, along with other life experiences, are likely to shape what a child decides to do. From a MH perspective, because the child’s feelings about these practices greatly challenge or confirm their beliefs, it will affect their behaviors.

Erikson’s Psychosocial Developmental Model illustrates the challenges that people face at different stages of their life development. What made Erikson’s model much more appealing (versus Freud’s Psychosexual Theory) is that it included polarities that challenged each individual’s relationship to his/her culture, family, and life environment (Syed and McLean, 2015). So as it is applied to career counseling in the cases of young children and adolescents, Erikson’s developmental model provides a theoretical explanation for the decisions and choices one makes at certain times of his/her life.

Branje, Lieshout, & Gerris (2007) studied personality development across adolescence and adulthood to see if the Big Five personality factors (extraversion, agreeableness, conscientiousness, emotional stability, and openness to experience) changed as individuals aged and gained experience. Their research suggested that males have fewer changes than females, but both sexes showed increasing signs of maturity and adaptation as they aged. The importance of their study was that it showed that personality continued to develop during the middle adulthood potentially because of the delegation of new responsibilities (i.e., parenthood). As it is applied to career counseling, the changing course of one’s career can have profound impact on their livelihood and decisions that (in)directly affect how one views his/her future.

Thoughts from the “Other Side”

Based upon Maslow’s (1943) Hierarchy of Needs, there exist several, innate physiological needs during infancy: food, water, shelter, sleep, air (breathing), excretion, and sensory satisfaction (e.g., touch, taste, hear, feel, and smell; Daniels, 1992; Maslow, 1943; and Seeley, 1992). The early, formative years allow the child to experience the world through their parent’s permission. Fast forward to adulthood, and these same basic needs are still required; however, they have evolved into something much more complex. When integrated with the work life, it is not surprising that these same needs are still needed in the workplace environment; however, they are ascribed new titles or new entitlements. For example, infants have the need for food; employees have the need for a clean environment to enjoy said food. Another example: infants have a need for sleep; employees need an hour per day for a break to do with it whatever they would like. These needs have never left; they have just evolved. The career demands that one has available to him/her that are most desirable are the attributes the (s)he will seek. In these instances, it will be necessary to determine if a client is okay with where (s)he is at this junction of his/her life. If they are not, it will be important to determine how career counseling and lifespan developmental theory can be influential in assisting with producing changes.

Wm D. Stinchcomb


Branje, S.J.T., Van Lieshout, C.F.M., & Gerris, J.R.M. (2007). Big Five Personality Development in Adolescence and Adulthood. European Journal of Personality, 21, 45-67.

Daniels, J. (1992). Empowering homeless children through school counseling. Elementary School Guidance & Counseling, 27(2), 104-113.

Maslow, A.H. (1943). A Theory of Human Motivation. Psychological Review, 50, 370-396.

Newman, B. M., & Newman, P. R. (2012).Development through life: a psychosocial approach (11th ed.). Belmont, CA: Wadsworth Cengage Learning.

Seeley, E. (1992). Human needs and consumer economics: The implications of Maslow’s theory of motivation for consumer expenditure patterns. Journal Of Socio-Economics21(4), 303.

Syed, M., & McLean, K. C. (2015). Understanding identity integration: Theoretical, methodological, and applied issues. Journal of Adolescence, 47, 109-118. doi: 10.1016/j.adolescence.2015.09.005

Zunker, V. G. (2016). Career counseling: A holistic approach, 9th Edition. [VitalSource Bookshelf Online]. Retrieved from

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Week 3 Discussion Response to Classmates

Please no plagiarism and make sure you are able to access all resource on your own before you bid. Main references come from Capuzzi, D., & Stauffer, M. D. (2012) and/or American Psychological Association (2010). You need to have scholarly support for any claim of fact or recommendation regarding treatment. I have also attached my discussion rubric so you can see how to make full points. Please respond to all 3 of my classmates separately with separate references for each response. You need to have scholarly support for any claim of fact or recommendation like peer-reviewed, professional scholarly journals. I need this completed by 06/14/19 at 8pm.


Responses to peers. Note that this is measured by both the quantity and quality of your posts. Does your post contribute to continuing the discussion? Are your ideas supported with citations from the learning resources and other scholarly sources? Note that citations are expected for both your main post and your response posts. Note also, that, although it is often helpful and important to provide one or two sentence responses thanking somebody or supporting them or commiserating with them, those types of responses do not always further the discussion as much as they check in with the author. Such responses are appropriate and encouraged; however, they should be considered supplemental to more substantive responses, not sufficient by themselves.

Read a your colleagues’ postings. Respond to your colleagues’ postings.

Respond in one or more of the following ways:

· Ask a probing question.

· Share an insight gained from having read your colleague’s posting.

· Offer and support an opinion.

· Validate an idea with your own experience.

· Make a suggestion.

· Expand on your colleague’s posting.

1. Classmate (C. Spi)

NCDA C.2.a – Professional Competence 

When reviewing the ethical standards of both the NCDA (2015) and ACA (2014), I realized that practicing within the boundaries of my professional competence is crucial. As a new counselor, especially one with limited counseling experience, working with certain populations may be outside of my professional wheelhouse. According to NCDA Standard C.2.a and the ACA Standard C.2.a, both state counselors must practice within the realms of their professional wheelhouse. For me, this means that working with some populations would require additional training. For example, my counseling specialty focuses on addiction. My client population will be geared towards working with adolescents and young adults; however, I recently learned that I need additional training when working with the LGBTQ community. If my client is part of the LGBT community, then I need to seek supervision regarding the best way to assist this client or if I need to transfer this client to another counselor that specializes working within the LGBTQ community. Following these ethical guidelines not only protects the professional but also protects the wellbeing of the client.

ACA B.1.a – Multicultural/Diversity Considerations

According to ACA (2014), counseling professionals must maintain awareness of multicultural and diversity differences. Counselors must remain self-aware of any bias that exists personally and professionally. Counselors must be sensitive to the differences and experiences between the professional and the client. For me, this might include clients that have different values than my own. I need to be sensitive to the needs of each client as they are all unique individuals with different experiences from my own. Young adults with different racial backgrounds may feel oppressed in their working environment and as their counselor, I need to be sensitive to their feelings. I also need to consider cultural appropriateness when making suggestions to aid the client (Harris & Engels, 2012). As a counselor, my goal is to empower and encourage my clients.

Ethical Challenges 

One potential challenge I found within the NCDA (2015) Standard A.2.d was sharing information. Since some of my clients will minors, it may be necessary to share information with the client’s parents. In many states, informed consent applies to adult clients only. When the client does not have the ability to give consent, I would work to obtain assent from the client and discuss the limitations of confidentiality in detail with both client and parent/guardian to that each has an understanding of what they are. I would work with the minor client to help them be able to share the information with their parent/guardian and give them the option of having me be present or telling them alone. In my opinion, this gives the minor client some power in making their own decisions by choosing how to include their parent/guardian.

A second challenge I may face is regarding the ACA (2014) Standard C.2.g – Impairment. The ACA states that counselor must remain vigilant of their own self-care needs as well as the needs of their colleagues. As a new counselor, I am not sure I would understand the signs of my own impairment or be comfortable confronting a colleague that is experiencing impairment. I may disagree if someone confronted me, or feel out of place. To counteract this, I would be mindful of my own needs and feelings regarding the work I am doing. If I thought someone was experiencing an impairment of some sort, I may seek consultation with my supervisor as to how to handle such a situation.

Summary of NCDA and ACA

After reviewing the NCDA (2015) and ACA (2014) ethical guidelines, I find that both are very similar. In fact, most of the guidelines are written using the same wording. In my opinion, this makes it extremely beneficial when maintaining ethical and legal practices. So long as the guidelines are followed, there is little room for error. I find comfort knowing that I do have resources to turn to if I have questions and can always seek guidance from consulting with a colleague or supervisor.


American Counseling Association (ACA). (2014). ACA Code of Ethics. Retrieved from

Harris, H. L., & Engels, D. W. (2012). Ethical and legal issues in career counseling. In D. Capuzzi & M. D. Stauffer (Eds.), Career Counseling: Foundations, perspectives, and applications (2nd ed., pp. 127-149). Boston, MA: Pearson Education.

National Career Development Association (NCDA). (2015).  NCDA Code of Ethics

2. Classmate (J. Ru)

NCDA Ethical Standards

In this week’s reading we concentrate on ethics, one important aspect when it comes to entering the field of counseling or any field working with a diverse clientele we must adhere to our ethical codes. Being able to follow the ethics codes allows us to protect the dignity and well being of our clients.

When it comes to selecting a ACA I will have to go with A.2. Informed Consent in the Counseling Relationship (ACA, 2014), The reason I have selected A.2. is because currently as an Intake caseworker this is one important document that we must have signed in order to provide services and share information to those that are also working with our clients. If parents refuse to sign the informed Consent form, we are not allowed to communicate with the individual that made the referral until parents signed the consent form which sometimes makes it difficult to help the families reach the desire outcome of the referral made.

Now when it comes to the NCDA I would go with A.1.a. Primary Responsibility (NCDA, 2015), the reason I have selected this one is because it is my primary responsibility to respect and serve my client in a lawfully matter. I also think these two are very hard in my working setting because if I feel that a child is immediate or impending danger, I must call child protective services and break that relationship that I have built with my client. I always tell myself that my purpose is to make sure that I am meeting the child’s needs as well as the parent’s, but he/she must obey the rules that are put in place to protect these children from harm.

These codes are put in place to make sure as counselors we are aware of boundaries and what must be done to serve our clientele but also to protect them


National Career Development Association (NCDA) Ethical Standards

National Career Development 2015 Standards

American Counseling Association (ACA). (2014). ACA Code of Ethics. Retrieved from

Highlights of the ACA Code of Ethics

3. Classmate (J. Sch)

Ethical Standards

As counselors there may be different ethical codes governing our disciplines, specialty areas, work setting and client populations.  It is advantageous for counselors to look at the code of ethics for counseling organizations like their own discipline’s code of ethics.  In this discussion I am going to be comparing the code of ethics of the American Counseling Association and the National Career Development Association.  I will identify two individual standards from each association’s code of ethics that I feel are important to adhere to and two which I feel may be most challenging to adhere to.

Important Codes: NCDA C.2.a. and ACA  B.1.a

Two individual standards that I think are most important to adhere to address competencies of counselors regarding boundaries and cultural competences.  The National Career Development Association (NCDA) Standard C.2.a. addresses Boundaries of Competence.  According to Standard C.2.a. of the 2015 NCDA Code of Ethics, career professionals should practice in their areas of competence according to their “education, training, supervised and professional experience, state and national professional credentials, and appropriate professional experience.”  (National Career Development Association, 2015)  I do not think it is ethical for counselors to present themselves as having experience they don’t have nor is it legal to give the appearance that you have licenses or training that you don’t.

In addition to making sure they are adhering to the boundaries set by the NCDA, being culturally competent is a requirement that covers all counseling fields.  The American Counseling Association requires that culturally competent career professionals possess knowledge, personal awareness, sensitivity, and skills of working with individuals from diverse backgrounds communicating “the parameters of confidentiality in a culturally competent manner.”  (American Psychological Association, 2014, p. 6)  Being bilingual in English and Spanish allows me to communicate with clients in the language they feel most comfortable with.  For counselors who do not speak the language their clients feel comfortable expressing themselves, or if I find a situation where I don’t speak the native language of my clients, it is best to refer them to another professional who does.  Because I am getting my MS in Clinical Mental Health Counseling with a specialization in Military Families and Culture it will be vital that I adhere to the ACA Code of Ethics and familiar with the NCDA Code of Ethics so I can help guide veterans in my program that may be looking for assistance in career development or training after discharge.  I believe having a working knowledge of the NCDA code gives me insight into explaining to veterans how career development counselors can help them identify jobs using their skills, abilities and strengths so they can find rewarding careers that fit their personalities and skills.  I also think that having cultural competence for military culture is important for me to provide the best services for veterans and their families.

Challenging Codes:  ACA A.4.a. and NCDA C.4.a.

As a counselor I believe we have decided to enter the profession of counseling due to our desire to help others.  According to the American Counseling Association 2014 Code of Ethics Standard A.4.a. “Counselors act to avoid harming their clients, trainees, and research participants and to minimize or to remedy unavoidable or unanticipated harm.” (American Counseling Association, 2014, p. 4)  I think being vigilant of my actions, thoughts, biases and prejudices are some of the best ways I can avoid causing harm to clients, trainees and research participants; but there are other areas which must be considered.  I also think being honest in explaining my credentials and experience to clients is another way I can avoid harm as I do not think it is ethical or legal to treat clients in areas that I lack training or experience in.  I also feel it is incumbent on me as a counselor to keep up to date on my licensure and new developments in my field.  One way to do this is to join professional organizations and avail myself to training to gain experience I need to improve my skills and knowledge.

The second code I will address is C.4.a. of the National Career Development Association Code of Ethics.  According to the 2015 NCDA Code of Ethics standard C.4.a. states career professionals claim/imply only the professional qualifications they have completed, use appropriate titles, correct misrepresentations of their qualifications by others and distinguish between paid and volunteer work, education, and training.  (National Career Development Association, 2015) I feel this is important because clients should be aware of our credentials, but they should also be aware of any limitations we may have to providing them appropriate treatment.

I placed both the ACA A.4.a. and NCDA C.4.a. standards under the challenging category not because I feel I will have trouble enforcing them, but because I see how they can present ethical and legal dilemmas for counselors.  As such, they may present dilemmas where I will need to seek guidance and/or input from others like supervisors, co-workers or legal and professional experts.  For instance, say I have a client who is a veteran in my program who is having trouble finding a job.  Though he has been improving in counseling through identifying his goals and working on expressing his thoughts and feelings, his wife doesn’t feel he is working hard enough at finding a job and wants me to do a career assessment on him.  This can present a legal dilemma concerning misrepresentation of my professional qualification in that she may not understand as a clinical mental health counselor I am not a licensed career development counselor and doing no harm as I do not feel it is ethical or legal for me to try to assess the veteran in career, but the issue presents a delicate scenario on how to inform the wife of this without the veteran thinking I am breaking confidence or feeling he is at fault for misleading his wife in some way about the limits of my abilities.


American Counseling Association. (2014). ACA Code of Ethics. Retrieved from

National Career Development Association. (2015). 2015 NCDA Code of Ethics. Retrieved from

Bottom of Form

Required Resources

· Capuzzi, D., & Stauffer, M. D. (2012). Career counseling: Foundations, perspectives, and applications. (2nd ed.). Boston, MA: Pearson Education.

Pick one of the web sites below to review, depending on your specialty area, in addition to the NCDA Ethical Standards, which everyone is to review.

  • American Psychological      Association (APA). (2010). Ethical Standards
  • American Counseling Association      (ACA). (2014). ACA Code of Ethics. Retrieved from
    Highlights of the ACA Code of Ethics
  • National Board for Certified      Counselors


· National Career Development Association. (2015). Internet sites for career planning. Retrieved from

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SOCW 6311 & 6070 Wk 4 Responses


Respond to at least two colleagues by explaining how that colleague might rule out one of the confounding variables that they identified.

Colleague 1: Debby

Being able to look at the different designs and choosing the right design for the information necessary to give an accurate accounting is imperative.  Looking at the variables and outcomes wanting to be measured is also an important part of choosing a statistical design.  The outcome of the design should be able to tell whether the goals of the client have been met (Dudley, 2014).  In the study Social Work Research: Chi Square (Plummer, Makris, & Brocksen, 2014b), the outcome of the client was the outcome data measured.


The intervention provided by the organization was to rehabilitate recently paroled prison inmates and get these clients ready for full-time employment (Plummer, et. al., 2014b).  The design was to use a quasi-experimental research design and the program started with thirty recently paroled clients, the intervention group (Plummer, et. al., 2014b).  There was also another thirty recently paroled individuals that were waiting to enter the rehabilitation program, the comparison group (Plummer, et. al., 2014b).  The parole officers of each individual within both the intervention group as well as the comparison group were provided surveys regarding the employment and demographics of the individual (Plummer, et. al., 2014b).  The independent variable (rehabilitation program group) and the dependent variable (employment outcome), were measured using the Pearson chi-square and compared to the comparison group.


This study found the difference in the two groups were highly significant with a p value of .003 which is beyond the usual alpha-level of .05 which is used by researchers to determine the significance of the design used (Plummer, et. al., 2014b).  This type of findings would give the organization reason to believe that the rehabilitation program could be effective when working with these clients in being able to obtain full-time employment (Plummer, et. al, 2014b).


Internal Validity


The validity of the rehabilitation program may be compromised by the two groups selected for the study.  For example, there was no random selection when choosing the groups.  Also, gaining employment may or may not prove that these individuals can maintain employment and for how long.  This type of study would need a random selection of the groups as well as follow-up for a specific amount of time in order to follow how these groups were able to maintain the full-time employment.  The individuals that did not find employment and the individuals that found part-time employment would also need to be followed to measure whether full-time employment was achieved after a period of time.  This type of study gives a basic measurement but in order to truly get a valid conclusion regarding the rehabilitation program and the ability to gain and maintain full-time employment, there would need to be further evaluation.




Dudley, J. R.  (2014).  Social work evaluation: Enhancing what we do.  (2nd ed.).  Chicago, IL:


Lyceum Books.


Plummer, S.-B., Makris, S., & Brocksen, S.  (Eds.).  (2014b).  Social work case studies:


    Concentration year.  Baltimore, MD: Laureate International Universities Publishing. (Vital


Source e-reader).

Colleague 2: Tammy

In the case study “Social Work Research: Chi Square”, Molly, an administrator with a regional organization asked a team of researchers to conduct an outcome evaluation of a new vocational rehabilitation program for recently paroled prison inmates (Plummer, Makris, & Brocksen, 2014). The findings of the chi square showed that the vocational rehabilitation intervention program is effective in increasing the employment status of participants. These conclusions come from two groups, which are the first 30 participants (intervention group) and the waiting list 30 participants (comparison group). The vocational rehabilitation intervention program is effective due to 18 or 60.0% that are a part of the intervention group, have full-time employment.  The Chi Square also shows that out of the comparison group, 6 or 20.7% have full-time employment, but 16 or 55.2% do not have employment, and are not participating in the program. However, if the non-employment levels from the comparison group were affected (in the program), then the study shows that there is a greater chance for full-time employment for participants.

The factors limiting the internal validity of this study is that the researcher of this study observed the comparison group and the 30 (wait list) participants were not affected by this study. Internal validity is only relevant in studies that try to establish a causal relationship and is not relevant in most observational or descriptive studies (Trochim, 2006). The intervention group was affected due to, they are already participating in the program and benefiting from the program. This group was also observed. Factors that limits the ability to draw conclusions regarding cause and effect relationships are that the test only describes the relationship between two variables, which are employment levels and treatment condition.  The study does not discuss anything prior to when the paroles where prison inmates. Employment level outcome effectiveness for recently paroled prison inmates are being studied. It doesn’t tell what was done for the program for the participants to gain full-time employment, which shows construct validity (Trochim, 2006).


Plummer, S.-B., Makris, S., & Brocksen S. (Eds.). (2014b). Social work case studies: Concentration year. Baltimore, MD: Laureate International Universities Publishing.

Trochim, W. M. K. (2006). Internal Validity. Retrieved from


Respond to at least two colleagues in the following ways:

· Address a colleague’s post that differs from yours with regard to at least one cultural lens and expand upon the colleague’s interpretation of Paula’s needs.

· Explain whether you might use your colleague’s strategy for addressing multiple perspectives when treating clients, and explain why.

Colleague 1: Sandra

As a social worker, might interpret the needs of Paula Cortez, the client, through the two cultural lenses you selected. 

Paula has many different needs and so as a social worker, I need to take a holistic approach in treating her. Paula is HIV positive, hepatitis C, she has multiple foot ulcers that need attention from medical providers, she is pregnant, she uses drugs, and she is also suicidal. Taking all of this into consideration from cultural lenses like socioeconomic and mental health  Paula has a quite a disadvantage. First, Paula is lacking in financial support she is not working and therefore she is unable to provide all her needs. She is unable to relocate even though she is living in fear of her baby’s father. She has easy access to the drugs and is constantly putting herself and her unborn child in danger. She also is estranged from her parents who could be her natural support as well as financial support.

I believe the Hispanic communities also have less access to healthcare and therefore she could be limited in choosing the best health care needs for, example, she will need an impatient. facility to treat her the comorbid problem she is facing once she is released from the psychiatric facility.  However, some facilities will not take her without insurance and if she is receiving Medicaid she will need prior approval and meeting other criteria. With health insurance, she could have more choices and access to faster services.

In working with the Latinos communities I understand there is a stigma associated with mental health and so she might be living in isolation afraid of what others might think. Paula is not being in compliance with her medication which is putting her more at risk for potentially harming herself and her unborn child. There are many barriers in mental health which include the usual public-health precedence agenda and its effect on funding. The difficulty of and struggle to the devolution of mental health services; challenges to implementation of mental health care in primary-care settings; the low numbers and few types of workers who are trained and supervised in mental health care; and the frequent shortage of public-health standpoints in mental health leadership.

Then, explain how, in general, you would incorporate multiple perspectives of a variety of stakeholders and/or human services professionals as you treat clients.

Paula’s team involves HIV doctor, psychiatrist, social worker, and OB nurse engaging all of these stakeholders with different perspectives we can enhance communication and promote the inclusion of underserved and under-deserved individuals. Each of these individuals has different perspectives but all are working for common goals to enhance the well-being of Paula. The Physician explained to Paula the importance of taking her medication and educating her about the treatment for the ulcers. The OB nurse is dealing with the pregnancies, the psychiatric speaks about her mental health and the importance of taking her medications.  The social worker can incorporate all these perspectives into Paula’s treatment and give her a better quality of life.

Chun-Chung Chow, J., & Austin, M. J. (2008). The culturally responsive social service agency: The application of an evolving definition to a case study. Administration in Social Work, 32(4), 39–64.

Northouse, P., G., (2013). Leadership. Theory and Practice (6th ED.). Los Angeles. Sage Publications.


Saraceno, B., van Ommeren, M., Batniji, R., Cohen, A., Gureje, O., Mahoney, J., & Underhill, C. (2007). Barriers to the improvement of mental health services in low-income and middle-income countries. The Lancet370(9593), 1164-1174.

Colleague 2: Randi

Each professional working with Paula was able to express their own concerns in regard to services that Paula required. Cultural awareness plays a major role in Paula’s case based on her current needs. “Beginning in the 1970s, concerted attention was given to helping agency staff members become more culturally aware” (Chun-Chung & Austin, 2008, p.40).  According to the information provided, the two cultural lenses that can be used to interpret Paula’s needs are through socioeconomic and mental health factors. At this time, Paula is pregnant and the professionals working with her are unsure if she will have a successful delivery due to many of her complications. It is important to address the multiple perspectives of a variety of stakeholders while assisting Paula. One source states that “prior responses to addressing issues of social inequalities and injustices have been inadequate due to the preoccupation with individual change, lack of power analysis, and stereotypical practice” Chun-Chung & Austin, 2008, p.42).

One of the concerns is Paula’s socioeconomic factors. Paula is long divorced, and according to the psychiatrist, “she has absolutely no support at all, outside of the treatment team, and would have no familial assistance to take care of this child” (Laureate Education, 2014a).The psychiatrist’s concerns are validated since Paula also has physical restraints that may cause her to need additional assistance during and after her pregnancy. For advice, the psychiatrist has suggested terminating the pregnancy. Also, the social worker feels that carrying through with the pregnancy may not be the best idea, but she believes that Paula should make that decision on her own. However, the OB/GYN seems very empowering in her approach. The nurse states that “While Paula clearly started to decompensate and exhibited some very risky behaviors recently, I think we should try and understand the stress she has been under. While it is not my place to tell the patient what she should do about a pregnancy, I don’t see that we would have to recommend termination” (Laureate Education, 2014a). The nurse seems to understand what being part of a multicultural human service organization (MHSO) entails. According to Leadership: Theory and Practice “a MHSO is committed to an empowerment perspective that appreciates, celebrates, and values client strengths, resources, needs, and cultural backgrounds” (Chun-Chung & Austin, 2008, p.43).

As the social worker, I would work on ways to provide economical support to Paula. The social worker in the case study mentions that “Our goal now is to help Paula make it safely through this pregnancy and work on a plan to help her care for this baby once it is born” (Laureate Education, 2014a). Although it is not mentioned in the references, being familiar with Paula’s case, I know that Paula is an artist and she loves to paint. To provide her with socioeconomic support, I would research local art groups that Paula can attend in her community. This way Paula can do something that she loves while possibly forming healthy relationships. As well, I would try and connect Paula to a local religious organization (preferably Spanish-speaking). Religious organizations have been known to help provide resources and emotional support to people in their communities. There, Paula may be able to receive free assistance when her baby is born.

Stakeholders may also have multiple perspectives concerning Paula’s mental health. Paula takes multiple medications for her depression and bipolar disease but has recently reported that she has stopped taking them. Paula has also recently been admitted for suicidal ideations. Paula’s psychiatrist recommends that for the safety of the baby, Paula be involuntarily hospitalized because she “cannot be trusted to take her medications”. The OB/GYN is concerned for the safety of the baby, yet, she continues to display a positive outlook by encouraging Paula to make her own decisions. As well, the social worker has taken the strength perspective concerning the recommendation of the psychiatrist. The social worker states “I don’t agree that she should be kept on the psychiatric unit for the next seven or eight months. Allowing Paula to play an active role in preparing for the baby is an important task, and she will need to be out in the community and in her home taking care of things. We have to show that we believe in her and her willingness to manage this situation to the best of her ability. We need to affirm her strengths and support her weaknesses” ” (Laureate Education, 2014a.

As a social worker, it would be important to work on Paul’s compliance with taking her medication. By allowing Paula to play an active role in preparing for the baby, Paula may be more cooperative during the process. For stakeholders, one source states that “they need to develop communication competencies that will enable them to articulate and implement their vision in a diverse workplace (Northouse, 2013, p.384). Taking this approach with Paula’s history of mental health mean allowing her to make her own decisions throughout this journey.


Northouse, P. G. (2013). Leadership: Theory and practice (6th ed.). Los Angeles: Sage Publications (pp. 383–421). Retrieved from

Chun-Chung Chow, J., & Austin, M. J. (2008). The culturally responsive social service agency: The application of an evolving definition to a case study. Administration in Social Work, 32(4), 39–64. Retrieved from

Laureate Education (Producer). (2014a). Cortez case study [Multimedia]. Retrieved from


Respond by to at least two colleagues who identified strategies and/or challenges that differ from the ones you posted, and respond in at least one of the following ways:

  • State      whether you think the strategies your colleague identified would be      effective in advocating for social change through cultural competence, and      explain why.
  • Identify      a strategy social work administrators might use to address one of the      challenges your colleague identified, and explain why this strategy might      be effective.

Colleague 1: Mashunda

Social Work Strategies used to Advocate for Social Change

Social workers need to develop communication competencies that will enable them to articulate and implement their vision in a diverse workplace (Northouse, ) and community to ensure that needed changes are understood by others that may be of different cultures. One of the strategies that could be used when advocating for social change is charismatic/value based behaviors. The social worker using this strategy would be a “visionary, inspirational, self-sacrificing, trustworthy, decisive, and performance oriented” (Northouse,). Another strategy that could be used to assist with advocacy in social work is Humane Oriented which demonstrates behaviors of “modesty and sensitivity to other people” (Northouse, ). Using these two strategies the social worker will be articulate, open-minded, capable of changing how others think or view change, be person-centered, and understanding of social change.

Challenges Administrators my Face in Developing Cultural Competency

Change within an agency/organization will most likely bring about challenges. One challenge could be making sure that the organization/agency is culturally competent (Chun-Chung Chow, 2008) to address the needs of the different groups/individuals that they will encounter. Another challenge that the administration will have to focus on is how the change will impact the organization/agency (Chun-Chung Chow, 2008) and the phases of change.


Chun-Chung Chow, J., & Austin, M. J. (2008). The culturally responsive social service agency: The application of an evolving definition to a case study. Administration in Social Work, 32(4), 39–64.

Northhouse, P. G. (2013). Introduction To Leadership Concepts and Practice. Sixth Edition. Los Angeles: Sage Publication

 Colleague 2: Daneilia

Strategies Social Workers May Use to Advocate for Social Change

Social workers becoming advocates for social change through cultural competence have many options to do so.  Advocating for something usually takes knowledge in what one is advocating.  Thus, gaining an education is an essential component in the process of advocating.  Adler and Bartholomew (as cited in Northouse, 2013) discuss the competencies in cross-cultural awareness, and one of those competencies is comprehending cultural environments as well as the business and political parts.  The need for understanding these areas is a portion of understanding how everything acts and interacts with one another.  Therefore, making advocacy for social change less challenging as the knowledge supports the social change.

Nevertheless, another strategy for social workers to use to become advocates for social change through cultural competency is to engross oneself into diversity.  The strategy may consist of surrounding oneself with culturally diverse people.  Whether working alongside diverse individuals or immersing into the community or various agencies/organizations, contributes to the knowledge and experience of diversity and numerous cultures.  Chun-Chung Chow and Austin (2008) elaborates on leaders to revolve themselves around diversity and therefore to have the ability to project that diversity through work.  The action of being involved with diversity and many cultures is the foundation of incorporating those experiences into advocacy for those different facets.

Two Challenges Administrators Face with Cultural Competency

Administrators may face challenges in developing cultural competency within their organizations.  One of the challenges administrators face in the integration of cultural competency within the organization is the potential damage to the agency’s core culture (Chun-Chung Chow & Austin, 2008).  The culture of the agency forced to change to reflect diversity and culture of those the agency serves can create resistance and a bit of havoc because of disruption to the norm of the agency, with new and upcoming changes.

Another challenge may consist of hindering the organization’s staff from acting less efficiently than before (Chun-Chung Chow & Austin, 2008).  The staff may lose motivation or feel less incorporated in the organization because of current development to foster a new culture and gain the necessary competency.  Frustration may ensue because of a misunderstanding of the direction the organization is trying to go.  However, taking precautionary actions to avoid these circumstances, it is best to include the staff on potential changes.  Therefore, taking better preparation before things are finalized.


Chun-Chung Chow, J., & Austin, M. J. (2008). The culturally responsive social service agency: The application of an evolving definition to a case study. Administration in Social Work, 32(4), 39–64.

Northouse, P. G. (2013). Leadership: Theory and practice (6th ed.). Los Angeles: Sage Publications

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Assignment: 5-1 Short Paper

Consider the following examples of research findings:

  1. High satisfaction with one’s direct supervisor leads to lower levels of employee turnover. In other words, employees who are highly satisfied with their direct supervisor are less likely to leave an organization than employees who are dissatisfied with their direct supervisor (DeConinck, 2009).
  2. High levels of parental reading are associated with faster cognitive development in young children. In other words, children who are read to more by their parents show faster cognitive development than children who are read to less often (National Scientific Council on the Developing Child, 2007).
  3. The experience of being socially excluded leads to increases in aggressive behavior. Research has found that when people are excluded by others, they are more likely to behave aggressively, even to people who did not initially exclude them (Twenge, Baumeister, Tice, & Stucke, 2001).
  4. Defendants who wear glasses are less likely to be convicted by juries as being guilty of committing violent crimes (Brown, Henriquez, & Groscup, 2008).

In a brief paper, describe a potential mediator and moderator that could apply to each research finding. Be sure to clearly explain what a mediator and moderator are, and be sure to clearly describe how they relate to each research situation

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Read through 1 of the 2 the case study options in the Gorenstein & Comer (2015) (2 Edition) textbook. Then, complete the provided answer sheet of questions, utilizing information from the Comer textbook to formulate appropriate answers. Submit the completed document as an attachment via the assignment submission link.

Grading will be based on the accuracy and quality of answers, the demonstration of higher-level critical thinking skills, and appropriate quantity/content of the answers. Your answers must do the following:

  • Be in complete sentences.
  • Demonstrate focus and clarity of thought.
  • Display grammar, spelling, and sentence structure appropriate for college-level work.

Use the Obsessive Compulsive Disorder Answer Sheet or the Panic Disorder Answer Sheet attached above based on your selection. Place the answers into the boxes provided on this document

PYSC 430

Module/Week 2 Case Study Assignment

Case 1: Panic Disorder

Case Studies in Abnormal Psychology

Gorenstein & Comer, 2015


DSM Application (10 points): List the DSM criteria for Autism. Next to each criterion, detail the specific symptoms that match.



Assessment Questions (6 @ 5 points each):


#1: In the case of “Joe,” what event precipitated his panic attack?



#2: Why is Joe’s case different from most panic attacks?



#4: Why do individuals first suspect a general medical condition?



#5: Why was Dr. Geller convinced that panic disorders are “best explained by a combination of biological and cognitive factors?”



#7: How did Joe’s avoidance of going outside alone contribute to his panic disorder?



#8: What was the outcome for Joe?



Bible Application Question (10 points, 50 word minimum): Discuss this case and disorder from a biblical perspective using at least 1 Scripture reference (direct quotes do not count towards length requirement).

Case 2

PYSC 430

Module/Week 2 Case Study Assignment

Case 1: Panic Disorder

Case Studies in Abnormal Psychology

Gorenstein & Comer, 2015


DSM Application (10 points): List the DSM criteria for Panic Disorder. Next to each criterion, detail the specific symptoms that match.


Dx checklist:

Panic Disorder

1. Unforeseen panic attacks occur repeatedly.

2. One or more of the attacks precedes either of the following symptoms:

a. At least a month of continual concern about having additional attacks.

b. At least one month of dysfunctional behavior changes associated with the attacks (for example, avoiding new expiriences).

Matching Symptoms

1. Unforeseen panic attacks occur repeatedly.

a. Joe had an unforeseen attack while on a plane, while on a routine trip to the store, and also had an increasing amount of attacks in bed during the middle of the night.

2. One or more of the attacks precedes either of the following symptoms:

a. At least a month of continual concern about having additional attacks.

i. The case study describes Joe as having attacks over a course of a few weeks not to include the initial week. Joe first had an attack while on an airplane and then a few days later, suffered an attack in bed at 2 am. Over time, Joe had come to fear the possibility of new attacks and had described this apprehensiveness to his doctor who suggested a psychologist visit.

b. At least one month of dysfunctional behavior changes associated with the attacks (for example, avoiding new expiriences).

i. Joe began to remain in his home, avoiding trips to the store for fear of an another panic attack. At times, he did leave his home with the componay of his wife, however his symptoms only lessened rather than disappeared.

Assessment Questions (6 @ 5 points each):


#1: In the case of “Joe,” what event precipitated his panic attack?


“With a panic attack, there is no external triggering event” (Gorenstrin & Comer, 2015, p. 8). In Joe’s case, he was sitting on an airplane while he panicked, he awoke in the middle of the night and had then had an attack, and then finally had attacks if he left his home to go to the store or for a walk. But none of these things have anything in common and do not suggest causality.


#2: Why is Joe’s case different from most panic attacks?


Joe’s case is different in that panic disorder usually begins between late adolescence and the mid-30’s.


#4: Why do individuals first suspect a general medical condition?


People first suspect a medical condition when they have a panic attack because they experience many physical symptoms like a racing heartbeat, dizziness, becoming short of breath, choking sensations, perspiration, and trembling among other physical symptoms. In Joe’s case, his wife thought he was having a heart attack.


#5: Why was Dr. Geller convinced that panic disorders are “best explained by a combination of biological and cognitive factors?”


Dr. Geller believes that panic disorder is caused by biological factors as well as cognitive factors because a panic attack brings about responses in which a person reacts both physiologically and cognitively. They may experience physical symptoms like discomfort in the chest, dizziness, perspiration, and increased heart rate. Some of these symptoms are types of physiological arousal that mirror the fight or flight response however, a person suffering a panic attack is not reacting to real danger, yet the body continues to behave that way anyway. From the physiological aspects of panic attacks come the cognitive factors. The person who is having an attack percievces these physical symptoms to be of real danger and begins to interpret them as such, thus producing more physical symptoms and possibly even more dread or fear.


#7: How did Joe’s avoidance of going outside alone contribute to his panic disorder?


Joe had a panic attack while walking outside to go to the store one day. That panic attack drove him home. In order to prevent having another attack while on the street, Joe avoided leaving the home. Behaviorally speaking, Joe stopped doing X so that Y would not occur again. This concept is known as negative reinforment where a behavior is strengthened by avoiding a negitve outcome. Joe’s avoidance behavior was reinforced because he no longer panicked while walking to the store. But, in doing this anxiety about being outside can develop. This sort of anticipatory anxiety increases the likelihood of another panic attack whether outside or not.


#8: What was the outcome for Joe?


Joe receieved several thereapy sessions with a psychologist who administered CBT and psychoeducation. Other techniques such as exposure tretments and relaxation training were employed as well. For example, Joe practiced muscle relaxation and breathing control. Eventually he was asked to practice these techniques while engaging in activities that preceded previous panic attacks. Over time, his symptoms progressively lessened until he was not having any symptoms or attacks which led him to a state of body and mind control, once again.

Bible Application Question (10 points, 50 word minimum): Discuss this case and disorder from a biblical perspective using at least 1 Scripture reference (direct quotes do not count towards length requirement).


Which comes first? The thoughts or the behavior? According to the case study, Joe had a happy childhood, yet his family did suffer financial problems and Joe had unresolved issues regarding his resulting lack of education. Joe was also a Soldier and an infantryman at that, which implies that he may have saw some combat action and could very well have some lingering psychological issues there. All of these life factors could have contributed to maladaptive thinking which may have produced neuronal changes in the brain over time. This fits with the documented normal age range for the onset of panic disorder.

As cited in Comer (2016), research by Henn (2013) and Bremner and Charney (2010) state that the brain circuit and nuerotransmitters thought to be involved with panic attacks may not function appropriately. One thought toward causality is heredity. Personally, I wonder if maladaptive thoughts have a larger role than the text suggests. Biblically, thoughts and emotion play a huge role in determining health.

Thoughts govern behavior. What can be seen is the most salient component of behavior however, physiology (to include psychophysiology) is behavior as well. Thoughts are crucial to maintaining psychological health. For example, a panic attack leads to fear and other maladaptive thoughts. The Bible may not address panic attacks by name, but it does describe one in Psalm 55:4–8 (NIV) “my heart is in anguish within me; the terrors of death have fallen on me. Fear and trembling have beset me; horror has overwhelmed me. I said, ‘Oh, that I had the wings of a dove! I would fly away and be at rest. I would flee far away and stay in the desert’”.

Fear is the overruling emotion during a panic attack, but it can be the overruling emotion throughout a person’s daily life as well. All this negativity presents further complications in the mind and body. Matthew 6:33 reminds us to seek God and His kingdom first. Phillipians 4:19 says that God will meet all our needs. Matthew 10:28 pleads with us to be rid of fear of such temporal matters and to fear the Lord instead. God reminds us over and over that fear has no room in the heart of a child of God. When that child insists on focusing on these cognitive distortions, his spiritual and psychological health diminish and this is where we see problems like panic disorders. Thoughts should be focused on God, His promises (in this case), and who we are in Christ. 1 John 4:18 tells us that “there is no fear in love. But perfect love drives out fear”. With a focus on Christ, panic attacks have no place in the life of a believer.



Comer, R. J. (2016). Fundamentals of abnormal psychology. New York: Worth /Macmillan Learning.

Gorenstein, E. E., & Comer, R. J. (2015). Case studies in abnormal psychology. New York, NY: Worth , a Macmillan Higher EducationCompany.

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Parenting styles worksheet

MHW-632: Parenting Styles and Outcomes Worksheet

Directions: For this assignment, you will complete the table about parenting styles by filling in the reactions of each parenting style to the behavior, by explaining the child’s perception, and by explaining possible outcomes. See the example below to assist you.


Age: 5 years old

Behavior: Call from teacher stating the 5-year-old has been aggressive toward another student at school.
Authoritarian Parent: Verbally scolds child who “knows better” and spanks the child, who is not given dessert after dinner.

Child’s perceptions: The child feels she is bad and that her parents are scary.

Possible outcomes: The child will lack problem-solving skills, parents are intimidating, unsafe.

Authoritative Parent: Expresses disappointment and concern for feelings of the other child. Explores context of incident and reminds child of more appropriate alternatives.

Child’s perceptions: The child feels remorse, his feelings/frustration are validated by parents who do not condone nor judge.

Possible outcomes: The child learns empathy, feels unconditional positive regard from parents, and learns problem solving.

Permissive Parent: Explores context of situation and suggests child refrain from hitting.

Child’s perceptions: The child feels parents will find out what she does at school, but will not follow up.

Possible outcomes: May encourage deception.

Dismissive Parent: Did you go to school today?

Child’s perceptions: Believes parents do not care what the child does. The child feels insignificant.

Possible outcomes: The child may be subject to risky behaviors, negative peer influence, and have low motivation to succeed.


Now, fill in the reactions of each parenting style to the behavior by explaining the child’s perception, and by explaining possible outcomes. Cite two to three scholarly sources to support your explanations.

Age: 5 years old
Behavior: Johnny cries and holds on to his mother’s legs when she takes him to kindergarten. His teacher reports that he usually settles down within 5 minutes and is well-liked by other children.
Authoritarian Parent:

Child’s perceptions:

Possible outcomes:

Authoritative Parent:

Child’s perceptions:

Possible outcomes:

Permissive Parent:

Child’s perceptions:

Possible outcomes:

Dismissive Parent:

Child’s perceptions:

Possible outcomes:

Age: 6 years old
Behavior: Teacher reports how the child struggles to complete tasks and often seems to be daydreaming. She spends a lot of time sharpening her pencil and asking to use the restroom. At times, she pretends not to hear the teacher’s instructions, although there is no hearing impairment.
Authoritarian Parent:

Child’s perceptions:

Possible outcomes:

Authoritative Parent:

Child’s perceptions:

Possible outcomes:

Permissive Parent:

Child’s perceptions:

Possible outcomes:

Dismissive Parent:

Child’s perceptions:

Possible outcomes:

Age: 7 years old
Behavior: Bobby loves collecting rocks, which he keeps meticulously organized. While he was at school, his little sister got into his room and knocked over the box of his recent treasures. When Bobby discovered the damage, he slapped her hand angrily, leaving a red mark, which she showed her parents. When confronted, Bobby denied hitting her and blamed his mother for leaving his bedroom door open.
Authoritarian Parent:

Child’s perceptions:

Possible outcomes:

Authoritative Parent:

Child’s perceptions:

Possible outcomes:

Permissive Parent:

Child’s perceptions:

Possible outcomes:

Dismissive Parent:

Child’s perceptions:

Possible outcomes:

Age: 8 years old
Behavior: The daughter started a new school and has met new friends. Suddenly, she will not eat meat, not even chicken nuggets, which are her favorite. She claims that none of her friends eat meat, and that people who do are “gross and disgusting.”
Authoritarian Parent:

Child’s perceptions:

Possible outcomes:

Authoritative Parent:

Child’s perceptions:

Possible outcomes:

Permissive Parent:

Child’s perceptions:

Possible outcomes:

Dismissive Parent:

Child’s perceptions:

Possible outcomes:

Age: 9 years old
Behavior: The child plays competitive soccer. At a recent tournament, the hotel the team was staying in had a series of fire drills waking the team up several times. The team arrived completely exhausted the next morning for the championship game, which they lost 6-3. Naturally, they were upset by the loss, but they were positively enraged but the lack of fairness.
Authoritarian Parent:

Child’s perceptions:

Possible outcomes:

Authoritative Parent:

Child’s perceptions:

Possible outcomes:

Permissive Parent:

Child’s perceptions:

Possible outcomes:

Dismissive Parent:

Child’s perceptions:

Possible outcomes:

Age: 10 years old
Behavior: The son earns an allowance and had saved up for a new video game he had been longing for. He has been sullen lately, so his parents decide to cheer him up by offering to supplement the balance and surprise him with it today. Instead of excitement, he says he has changed his mind. When his parents question him further, he tells them he lost his money, then bursts in to tears. His parents learn that he had been getting bullied at school and had to ‘pay’ the bully to leave him alone.
Authoritarian Parent:

Child’s perceptions:

Possible outcomes:

Authoritative Parent:

Child’s perceptions:

Possible outcomes:

Permissive Parent:

Child’s perceptions:

Possible outcomes:

Dismissive Parent:

Child’s perceptions:

Possible outcomes:

Age: 11 years old
Behavior: The daughter brings home a report card with 2 A’s, a C, and 2 D’s.


Authoritarian Parent:

Child’s perceptions:

Possible outcomes:

Authoritative Parent:

Child’s perceptions:

Possible outcomes:

Permissive Parent:

Child’s perceptions:

Possible outcomes:

Dismissive Parent:

Child’s perceptions:

Possible outcomes:










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career counseling and career development

Topic: Career Counseling and Career Development.

Type of paper: Critical thinking

Discipline: Psychology and Education: Counseling

Format or citation style: APA


1. Please define career counseling and career development. In your definitions, please discuss the myths counseling students may have about career counseling as well as the rationale for the importance for counselors, regardless of their intended focus, to have competency in career counseling. In your chosen counseling path, how would you implement the competencies you learn in this course to work with your population of interest?

2. Please describe the similarities and differences between  Lent, Brown, and Hackett’s SCCT and Gottfredson’s theory of Circumscription, Compromise and Self-Creation?

3. Share your understanding of one of the Career Development Theories discussed in chapters 2 and 3 that appeals to you the most and evaluate its strengths and limitations for diverse populations.

4.      Tim and Scott and have been married for 1 year. Scott comes to you for counseling due to Tim’s (stay at home dad) expressing not feeling appreciated by Scott (a surgeon in the ER of their local hospital). Scott reports to you that he feels left out by his family (they have two children 3-year old girl and 5-year old boy), and not as connected to Tim emotionally as they used to be. He works between 60 and 70 hours per week at 12-hour shifts. He feels like his work is important and due to being a small town, his unique skills are essential for the small hospital and is often needed for critical procedures. With the information you have, please discuss some challenges Scott is facing? Integrating your reading of the course materials, how would you go about working with Scott? What are career related concerns that may be important to Scott? Any other thoughts or valuations of this case?

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Text: Psychology Core Concepts: Zimbardo, Johnson and Hamilton 7TH EDITION (978-0-205183463) I cant found the text online maybe you can


Or You can access The Discovering Psychology video series on the internet for free!


  1. Go to
  2. Click on the blue tab near the top that reads “view programs”
  3. Many film series will be listed. They are in alphabetical order. Scroll down to Discovering Psychology: Updated Edition. Click on it.
  4. All 26 episodes from the series are listed in order. Double click on the box that says “VoD” next to the episode you wish to view. That’s it! 

    Type 1 page for each ½ hour video unit where you submit bullets outlining the content of each ½ hour lecture (not more than one page in length) AND, SEPARATELY, ANSWER ALL LEARNING OBJECTIVE QUESTIONS FROM THE ATTACHED/ENCLOSED PACKET( state each question before each of your responses. Make sure you cite page references from the text for each of your answers).





    Objectives 1


    After viewing the television program and completing the assigned readings, you should be able to:


    1. Define Psychology.

    2. Distinguish between the micro, molecular, and macro levels of analysis.

    3. Describe the major goals of psychology.

    4. Describe what psychologists do and give some examples of the kinds of questions they may be interested in investigating.

    5. Summarize the history of the major theoretical approaches to psychology.

    6. Describe seven current psychological perspectives.

    7. Describe how the concerns of psychologists have evolved with the larger culture.



    Objectives 2

    After viewing the television program and completing the assigned readings, you should be able to:


    1. Explain the concept of observer bias and cite some techniques experimenters use to eliminate personal bias.

    2. Define placebo effect and explain how it might be avoided.

    3. Define reliability and validity and explain the difference between them.

    4. Describe various psychological measurement techniques, such as self report, behavioral, and physiological measures.

    5. Define correlational methods and explain why it does not establish a cause-and-effect relationship.

    6. Summarize the American Psychological Association’s ethical guidelines for the treatment of humans and animals in psychological experiments, and explain why they are necessary.

    7. Discuss some ways to be a wiser consumer of research.

    8. Describe how a hypothesis leads to a particular experimental design.


    9. Discuss how job burnout develops, how it can be studied, and how psychologists can intervene to prevent or combat it.

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