Discussion Board prompt 1
What is the difference between a protocol, standard of care delivery, and policy at the practice, state, and federal level? Briefly outline each. What are the perceptions of the health care delivery system from the perspectives of patients, providers, payers, and policy makers? Discuss at least one perception from one of the populations listed: patient, provider, payer, and policy maker.
Due date 08/22/2020
2 replies. References and APA
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Reply 1 Ingrid
Protocols can be defined as an official procedures or system process’ implemented by a facility, institution, or government establishment. Standards of care delivery is defined as a diagnostic and/or treatment process that a health care provider or professional must adhere to base on a certain type of condition, condition, and/or circumstance. Policy is defined as course of action adopted by a business, corporation, hospital, and/or government establishment (Shiel, 2018).
At the practice level, protocols are what healthcare workers must perform as a guide to a management of a clinical situation and is incorporated into systems as a way healthcare professionals to provide the best evidenced-based care to their patients (n.d.). At the state level and federal level, professional expectations are established and provide the consistency to ensure quality of care. Nurses are expected to follow state and federal level regulations to protect the patient. If the standards of care according to state and federal levels are not met, legal implications can occur as the nurse can be found violating the standard of care. The legal implications can lead to malpractice on the health care professional (n.d.).
A perception that patients have regarding health care delivery system is that health care professionals are held to a standard and must be competent to perform their duties. Patients understand their condition with expectations regarding their treatments, if their treatments are not met, Patients know well enough to file complaints or legal action against the health care employee. From a provider perspective, health care professionals must attend proper schooling and complete a license exam. Having that license ensures that you are competent. The license can be revoked if you are unable to perform your duties therefore a health professional must be responsible and accountable for their actions.
Reply 2 Kristopher
Protocols are an agreed framework outlining the care that will be provided to patients in a designated area of practice. An example of this is a protocol to evaluate and discontinue unnecessary urinary catheters. This protocol has a set of guidelines that can be followed and carried out without a physicians order.
Standard of care delivery describes the care patients should be offered by health professionals and health services for a specific clinical condition or defined clinical pathway in line with current best evidence. (Clinical Care Standards, n.d.)
Health policy refers to decisions, plans, and actions that are undertaken to achieve specific health care goals within a society. An explicit health policy can achieve several things: it defines a vision for the future which in turn helps to establish targets and points of reference for the short and medium term. It outlines priorities and the expected roles of different groups; and it builds consensus and informs people. (Health policy, 2013)
Patient wants satisfactory health treatment, providers focus on patient safety, payers are responsible for enabling the process of patient access and policy makers have viewpoint to provide services, plan and manage health care policies.
Among all, patients’ perception needs to be discuss in detail here because insights of providers, payers and policy makers are concerned with them and their treatment. In a patient’s viewpoint, he or she is expecting, competent, compassionate and ethical care.
2 Board Discussion.
Due date 08/22/250250
APA, references.
Discussion Prompt 1
Describe how the educational level achieved by a nurse or the entry point into professional nursing practice affects the quality and competence of a nurse’s participation in policy making.Why it is important for registered nurses to influence the regulatory process? Does the nurses education have influence on their ability to make an impact?
Discussion Prompt 2
Reflect on what you have learned in this course. What were your major takeaways? Surprises? How will you apply what you have learned to your career?
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