PSYC 255 Synthesis Paper|2025
Synthesis Paper Instructions
Reviewed April 13, 2018
The purposes of this assignment are to:
· Demonstrate proper use of current APA format in a term paper.
· Demonstrate proper use of one of the research methods studied in this course—specifically, the case study.
· Reflect on what you have learned in this course and write about it.
· Reflect on the course content as critiqued from a biblical, Christian perspective and write about it.
· Note: Thinking and reflecting on what you have learned will take a considerable amount of time. Be sure to give yourself plenty of time for this assignment.
Instructions: Using a case study approach, write a four to eight page research-based paper using yourself as the research subject by answering the assigned research questions:
· What have you learned about research at an introductory level?
· How do you evaluate or critique this from a biblical, Christian perspective?
You will use the APA skills that you honed during Module/Week 3, the case study skills you developed in Module/Week 5, and all the content you studied throughout all the modules/weeks of this course. Current APA format needs to be demonstrated in all aspects of this assignment.
Your paper must include a properly-formatted title page, four to eight pages of content with correct APA formatting throughout, including proper citations and levels of headings, and a reference page. The title page and references page are in addition to the assigned four to eight pages of content. Maintain consistency between your citations and reference page. Your paper must include at least four references to sufficiently support your paper. Required references include your Introduction to Research textbook and the Publication Manual, and at least two additional scholarly references, plus whatever other content-related sources you would like to include. Remember, use current APA format throughout (including your title page, running head, author note, appropriate vocabulary and sentence structure, introductory statement, in-text citations, page numbers, levels of headings throughout the document, a conclusion statement, and consistency between your in-text citations and references).
You may use your Discussion Board Forum posts and additional personal reflection. Your answer will be unlike anyone else’s, and that is what is expected. Be sure to consult your Publication Manual for proper formatting for your in-text citations and references for these other sources.
Your assignment will be checked for plagiarism.
Note: Some matching on the SafeAssign report is not unexpected. You will be citing sources that others may have used in other papers, so some matches might appear. Your instructor will be able to discern what is appropriate matching due to properly cited sources. This assignment is open-book/open-notes, open-Bible, open to discussion with friends, etc. Be sure to document your sources appropriately as in-text citations and as references when you use the textbook or other material from this course, personal interviews with friends, etc.
This assignment requires that you incorporate proper APA formatting throughout the document. Formatting errors will result in point deductions.
Please follow the attached Grading Rubric
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