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PSY 520 SPSS Assignment 2





1) Describe in your own words what type of research situations call for a researcher to use an ANOVA analysis.


Type answer below:

The one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) is utilized to figure out if there are any noteworthy contrasts between the method for three or more autonomous (disconnected) bunches.




2a) Use the Compare Means function (AnalyzeCompare MeansMeans) to compare the means of the three Sound conditions on Anxiety and Performance.



Type of background music during the test Performance on a test of general math ability Anxiety level during the test Prior math experience
Rock Mean 60.0000 36.5385 1.5385
N 13 13 13
Std. Deviation 7.70281 7.21821 .51887
Classical Mean 67.7143 36.5000 1.5000
N 14 14 14
Std. Deviation 7.01020 4.65337 .51887
White Noise Mean 59.1429 37.7143 1.5714
N 14 14 14
Std. Deviation 10.22709 5.41264 .51355
Total Mean 62.3415 36.9268 1.5366
N 41 41 41
Std. Deviation 9.12307 5.70259 .50485




2b) Based on these results, on which variable does it most appear there might be significant differences based on the Sound condition?


Type answer below:

The variable that appears to be significantly different based on sound condition would be performance.




3a) Conduct a one-way ANOVA on both Anxiety and Performance using Sound as the independent variable. That is, conduct two separate one-way ANOVAs, one with Anxiety as the dependent variable and one with Performance as the dependent variable.



Anxiety level during the test
Sum of Squares df Mean Square F Sig.
Between Groups 13.193 2 6.596 .195 .824
Within Groups 1287.588 38 33.884
Total 1300.780 40




Performance on a test of general math ability
Sum of Squares df Mean Square F Sig.
Between Groups 618.648 2 309.324 4.336 .020
Within Groups 2710.571 38 71.331
Total 3329.220 40




3b) Based on these results, were either of your ANOVAs significant? How can you tell? Use a cutoff level of .05 for your decision.


Type your answer below:

Based on the results there is a significant in the ANOVA with performance. I can tell this because I used the significant cutoff level of 0.05 and the significant level of performance was 0.020.



4a) Remember that in a one-way ANOVA, we are only looking at the impact of one variable on the dependent variable. Factorial ANOVAs, on the other hand, assess the impact of multiple independent variables. Conduct a factorial ANOVA on Performance using both Sound and Experience as independent variables. Be sure to choose the option to view the estimated marginal means for all of your main effects and interactions—this will allow you to more easily interpret the results.


Paste your output for only the Test of Between-Subjects Effects below:


Tests of Between-Subjects Effects
Dependent Variable: Performance on a test of general math ability
Source Type III Sum of Squares df Mean Square F Sig.
Corrected Model 2155.464a 5 431.093 12.855 .000
Intercept 160268.014 1 160268.014 4779.001 .000
Sound 492.240 2 246.120 7.339 .002
Experience 1324.027 1 1324.027 39.481 .000
Sound * Experience 231.822 2 115.911 3.456 .043
Error 1173.756 35 33.536
Total 162674.000 41
Corrected Total 3329.220 40
a. R Squared = .647 (Adjusted R Squared = .597)




4b) Write the results of the ANOVA. For help, refer to the third paragraph of the “Two-factor ANOVA” section of this document.


Type answer below:

A 2 x 2 ANOVA revealed a significant in sound F(2,35) =7.34, p <. 002. Female faces were rated as more attractive than male faces. There was a significant interaction between sound times experience F(2,35) = 3.46, p <. 043.

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