States the Reasons why people work?

States the Reasons why people work?

Reasons why people work. It is tempting to think that making money is the only reason why people go to work every day. If one never had to worry about money for the rest of their lives, would they dedicate it solely to rest and fun? While money is an important aspect of why people go to work, there are additional reasons that would offer great explanations as to why people work.

Why People

Let’s start with money People want to get paid for doing certain tasks and being good at a certain skill. People work to support their families and themselves. Whether this is through paying bills such as fees, food, utilities and rent, people work to get money that can help them achieve these things. Indeed, according to a research by Paymentsense, (2017), 50% of said part of the reasons why they go to work each day is to support their families.

Secondly, people works as work gives purposes to life. In addition, it enables individuals live a more meaningful. This result from the fact that work not only offers people objectives to strive towards achieving every day and it also allows them to make long-term goals that improve life’s meaning and satisfaction.

Individuals always want to meet new people regularly and this creates a sense of happiness. Moreover, people also want to be respected by others for their effort and skills in carrying out their tasks. These things stimulate in a social and emotional way the urge of people to work.

People work because they support what they create. Individuals’ involvement in making certain decisions or producing certain outcomes makes them fulfilled.


In conclusion, people will work when trusted with responsibility and when given an opportunity to learn, in addition to making money, they gain a sense of purpose and derive meaningful social interactions from their job.

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Should teenagers work?

Should teenagers work?

Should teenagers work?

While they may be underage, teenagers like adults should not be restricted to work. It is not wrong for teenagers to have work exposure as it helps them learn about the important value of work from an early age.

Teenagers should work as a way of training them to become responsible adults in a few years after teenage hood. Unlike adults, working with teenagers requires getting parental or guardian consent to allow them to do a job. The type of work assigned to teenagers also should be controlled and restricted to that age group. That will avoid overworking, abusing or working against the laws given to protect children from child labor or child abuse.

Simple manual or technical jobs for instance are not harmful to teenagers. The experience that the teenagers acquire from the jobs assigned will be greatly useful in their future job roles. They will have less struggle learning and meeting the job requirements once employed. Exposure to a job during teenage years creates interest, motivates and prepares teenagers for adult work years. Examples of jobs that teenagers can do are serving in restaurants during holidays. Teenagers should only work in organizations or companies during holidays to avoid any interference with their studies.



In conclusion, work does not only involve doing an office job or factory job but also performing assigned duties at home or in school. A teenager should be able to clean their clothes, prepare a meal for the family and clean the home perfect. The young adults should work as it makes them more responsible in the future. There are also many teenagers who help support their families or save money in order to go to college.

Like Shelley Staaats in the article “Part-time Work Ethic: Should Teens Go For It?” she tells that “she saves about $200 a month for college, works to support her-self, and pay for car, clothes, and stuff, like going out.” Teenagers, by having their own income don’t have to depend on anyone; they don’t have to bug their parents any time they want to buy new shoes or something.

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Should people do things they do not like?

Should people do things they do not like?

A question linger on should people do things they do not like? When going through life, it is possible that life will deal different experiences that one may not only be unprepared for but also, does not want to deal with. The role of wants plays a part in determining what one likes and wants to do, go or be (Carey, 2018). However, just because one does not like a certain thing does not mean that they should not do it.

In fact there are many common situations when one should abandon their interest or joy to reap the bigger benefit. An apt example would be taking up a job they do not like just to pay the bills as they continue the search for their dream job. Such a scenario represents a situation where one has to do something they don’t like to achieve a better or bigger benefit.

However, that is not the only reason that one should do something they don’t like. When people do things they do not like, they may be engaging in a trial and error process to discover their interest or passion. Playing sports, playing a music instrument and drawing among other things may be things that a particular person does not like but may lead them to discover a love for something else such as crafting or graphic design for example. Furthermore, all the skills gained in doing such things may apply elsewhere in their lives.


While people should once in a while do things they do not like for the above reasons, they should however also do things they like and enjoy doing as these bring tremendous pleasure and fulfillment while offsetting the lack of pleasure from the things they do not like to do but have to.

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Should children learn a foreign language?

Should children learn a foreign language?

Should children learn a foreign language? Learning should be a lifelong endeavor that starts during childhood. In fact, the more one learns, the more they expand their knowledge and value. When it comes to learning a foreign language, it is important for such an endeavor to start at a young age. In my view, children should start learning a foreign language from a young age because this presents numerous benefits to them.

For instance according to Chen–Hafteck et al., (2018), children should also learn a foreign language because it is important for brain development. Learning a foreign language at an early language aids in brain development because a child’s brain has several active communication areas targeted at language acquisition. This brain capacity however diminishes as they grow older.

Secondly, when children learn a foreign language, they are exposed to new cultures and hence this can enable them to be more supportive of diversity and even open up new opportunities to study or live abroad when they grow up. Besides, in today’s world where business is done across border and cultural divides, learning an extra foreign language improves the child’s communication and therefore, can help the child have access to better job and business opportunities on an international platform.

Finally, learning a foreign language takes a long time and hence, starting as early as possible from a young age, makes it easier and faster to grasp the various aspects, vocabulary and nuances associated with a particular language. Besides, learning a foreign language while young helps relate it to the mother tongue and therefore improves the child’s grasp of the language in relation to their own.


Based on these factors, I believe that children should learn a foreign language and the opposition to this on grounds that the process can be tedious is offset by the many benefits that makes this a great childhood development process.


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Selecting a Good Essay Topic

Selecting a Good Essay Topic


Selecting an essay Topic. Choosing an essay topic may seem like a simple process, but it is tedious and overwhelming. Students of any academic level at one point in their career have to select a topic for their essay. Essay topics vary according to the subject of interest. There are a vast amount of essay topics that one can choose from for their paper.

However, the secret before one settles on a problem is to research their area of interest. Research equips a student with fundamental ideas and points, making it easier for a student in their writing.

Steps to Selecting Successful Essay Topics

Here is a step by step guide on how to choose an essay topic;

Begin with a matter that you are familiar with

It will make your essay writing easier since you are familiar with the subject of interest. Familiar themes will also make your writing process fast and time-saving since you already have the right information and an idea on how to approach the topic. This is safe, unlike when one chooses a complex issue that might contradict him or her. However, one must be very creative since a lot of essays exist about everyday topics. Research adequately to ensure your piece stands out from existing ones.

Choose a topic that interests you

Passion and dedication are simple aspects that make your essay paper enjoyable.  Good grades are achievable when a student gets to know what he or she is writing about. Hence, do not select a theme that does not interest you.

Take time to research thoroughly

For a successful essay paper, one has to exhaustively research on the topic to gather essential points and keywords. There are various platforms one can use to study on available issues. They could be books, newspapers, journals, or even images. In case a student has difficulties in tackling the problems, they have been assigned, the best solution is to research about it.

Brainstorm several potential topics

Choosing offset topics given their lack of popularity can be hectic for the essay writer due to lack of adequate sources of information. Therefore, it is advisable to think of at least a few essay topics to choose from before writing your essay. Choose a topic that interests you and one that you are passionate about.

Find an exciting way to approach the topic

The most crucial step to take after choosing a topic is identifying the flow of ideas and the approach to the problem. It acts as a guideline in developing a successful essay. Essay writers who keep their writing in perspective and find an angle to approach each topic easily develop their thesis and create an article that is on point.

Ask for help

When a student gets inspired by a mentor, it helps them be creative and passionate about their essay. Hence, if a writer gets stuck in their writing, they should seek help either from fellow students, their teacher, or from online help experts. Homework aid from such people helps them come up with great ideas and topics

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Scenario Research Project-England

Scenario Research Project-England

SCENARIO RESEARCH PAPER PROJECT INSTRUCTIONS-textbook(Terrill, R. J. (2016). World criminal justice systems: A comparative survey (9th ed.). New York, NY: Routledge. ISBN: 9780323356466.)

In this assignment you will find yourself in various countries as a criminal! In the scenario and analysis you create you will truly be an international criminal. The “crime” committed can be of your choosing is long as it is illegal in the country we are studying. You will find that this very deep dive into the criminal justice systems of each country we study will help you become a world criminal justice system expert.

The following is your prompt for the setting of your paper: 1) You are a US Citizen that is travelling to the country we are studying, arrive at the country and commit a crime a. Make the crime interesting enough to write about b. Make the crime of a nature that you will work through the country’s criminal justice system c.

Do not get caught up in the detail of the crime at the expense of the analysis – this will lead to failure of the assignment! 4) You are caught by the country’s law enforcement officers 5) You do not have diplomatic immunity and the country is balking at any means of negotiation with the US for your release from the crime and subsequent punishment

Scenario Research Project-England


The following is an outline of what you should cover in your paper: 1) Begin your paper with a brief analysis of the following elements: a. Country analysis i. Introduction to the country ii. People and society of the country iii. Economy iv. Transnational issues (if applicable) that may impact law enforcement v. Relations with the United States b. What is the basic government structure and its relationship to the criminal justice system, the “legal family” or basis of law in the country and the major components of the criminal justice system in the country

Scenario Research Project-England


2) Please explain the following elements: a. What crime did you commit? The method of arrest? In other words, briefly set up the scenario. b. Explain the country specific law, first contact through arrest and questioning your experience with the country’s law enforcement officials d, the detention process you will experience as a foreign national for the crime you committed e, the judicial process you’ll experience for the crime you committed as well as the detention, corrections, and/or incarceration process you’ll experience for the crime you committed

Scenario Research Project-England


3) Provide an analysis on: a. The effectiveness of the criminal justice system in the country b. The human rights perspective of how you were treated through the lens of the country where you were caught c. A Holy Bible comparison/analysis of the criminal justice system of the country where you were caught Each research paper should be a minimum of 8 to 12 pages.

The vast difference in page count is due to the fact that some countries are quite easy to study and some countries have very limited information. In some instances there will be a plethora of information and you must use skilled writing to maintain proper page count. Please keep in mind that this is doctoral level analysis and writing – you are to take the hard-earned road – the road less travelled – the scholarly road in forming your paper.

Scenario Research Project-England


The paper must use current APA style, and the page count does not include the title page, abstract, reference section, or any extra material. The minimum elements of the paper include using the following sources: • At least 8 recent, peer reviewed sources: some countries may have more recent research articles than others.

In addition, 2 verses/citations from the Holy Bible • Moreover, 1 newspaper article • Books may be used but are considered “additional: sources beyond the stated minimums. • Additionally, you may use .gov sources as your recent, relevant, and academic sources as long as the writing is academic in nature (authored works). Again, this paper must reflect graduate level research and writing style. If you need to go over the maximum page count you must obtain professor permission in advance! Please reference the Research Paper Rubric when creating your research paper.

Scenario Research Project-England

Each Mini-Scenario Research Paper Project is due by 11:59 p.m. (ET) on Sunday when assigned. Due Dates: • Mini-Scenario Research Paper Project One: England – Week One


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Research Paper and Essay Topics on Medicine

Research Paper and Essay Topics on Medicine

Research Paper and Essay Topics on Medicine

Medicine is considered one of the most demanding areas of interest. However, it is easy when one knows what is expected and how to handle it. When it comes to medical research paper writing, most students tend to daunt this process. It is because they tend to consider countess possibilities in their heads of what could go wrong, rather than focus than making it work.

Research Paper and Essay Topics on Medicine

Here are a few themes that we have narrowed down to help you write an excellent and comprehensive medicine research paper. All you need to do is to choose the one that interests you the most;

Research Paper and Essay Topics on Medicine

Medicine Research Paper Topics

  1. Discuss the role of paramedics in general health care
  2. Explain the role of humanitarian missions in ensuring there is medicine in third-world countries
  3. Critically discuss the role of antibiotics in the treatment of diseases
  4. What is the best way of treating chronic conditions and people with them?
  5. Is autism a disease or a variant of the norm?
  6. What methods of treatment can modern medicine offer in treating HIV/AIDS?

Research Paper and Essay Topics on Medicine

The Best Argumentative Essay Topics on Medicine

  1. Should surrogate pregnancy be used on-demand or only for health reasons?
  2. Should the organ transplantation committee consider the patient’s personal details (marital status, children, accomplishments, personal qualities) when choosing what person will receive an organ?
  3. Should people be refused organ transplantation for leading an unhealthy lifestyle?
  4. Should euthanasia be considered illegal in all countries?
  5. Should a doctor be able to provide medical care to a minor despite their parent’s wishes?
  6. If the research was able to give a solution to one healthcare issue, what should it be? (a cure from cancer, AIDS, infertility, creation of organs from artificial materials/with the help of cloning, etc.
  7. Should teens be able to obtain birth control pills?
  8. Should unconventional forms of medicine be part of national healthcare?

Research Paper and Essay Topics on Medicine

Interesting Essay Idea Topics on Medicine

  1. Should scientists work to make computers displace doctors? What can be the potential benefits/drawbacks?
  2. Can medical research pose a threat? If yes, what are the ways to mitigate it?
  3. Should the state do more or less to make people lead a healthy lifestyle? Consider if such interference into personal lives is justified or no. Try to think about all the state does and can do, e.g. ban smoking and drinking under certain age or in certain areas, ban advertisements and censor films promoting unhealthy lifestyle or unhealthy body image standards, establish more recreation zones easily accessible and attractive to people, educate people on the effects of the unhealthy lifestyle, … or instead invest the money in the economy as higher economic level is associated with better health.
  4. How should the issue of obesity be treated: as a personal problem or as a public concern? (Should obese people be entitled to better healthcare coverage or additional days off?)
  5. Should the state refuse to import the products, which were manufactured/obtained at the cost of someone’s health? (Consider pollution in China, child labor, etc.)

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Research Education Change

Research Education Change

One aspect of professional development that educators can participate in is that of educational conferences. While you may at some point have participated in an educational conference as an attendee, you have the opportunity in this assignment to think as a presenter! This assignment will also provide you the opportunity to create or revise your Curriculum Vitae (CV) and cover letter.

In this assignment, you will take your discussion presentation you prepared for the staff meeting. That will be converted into a poster that you could use at an academic conference. As well, often when submitting a poster proposal you include a CV and cover letter that highlight your experience and research interests. If you created a CV and cover letter for a course in your program sequence, you may take this opportunity to revise and update those artifacts.

Research Education Change


Historically, a conference poster session involves use of a large poster-board style document as a reference when speaking with conference attendees about your research or practical experiences with a topic. Increasingly, the poster session involves handouts in digital format transferred through QR codes or another medium. It may involve a television or other screen display to communicate your research at an academic conference.

Always, your poster presentation contains a title, introduction of the research question/s and overview of the research approach. It also contains results from the study or experience, and planned next steps in applying or expanding the study or experience. Additionally, the poster provides information about literature related to the poster topic. This is usually a selected listing of previously published articles that are important to the research, and a brief acknowledgement to those who helped with the s

Your poster, in whatever format it is presented at the conference, is effective if it can be scanned and comprehended at a high level in around five minutes. Usually you will be present with your poster to explain points and answer questions in an authentic conference experience.

Using the Poster Presentation Template, create your assignment to meet the content and written communication expectations below. Upload your assignment to the course for evaluation and to your ePortfolio.

NOTE: Including your CV or Cover Letter in your ePortfolio is optional

Content Expectations- Two Parts

Research Education Change

Part One:

Introduction (1 point. In 100-200 words, use this section to interest your audience in the issue or question of the study while using minimal background information and definitions. Materials and Methods (1 point): In 50-100 words, describe the procedure used in the study to collect data. Study Results (1 point): In 50-100 words, state the research questions. Moreover, describe how they were supported by the research. Include visuals (e.g., graphic/charts/diagrams) to illustrate the parts or results of the study. Conclusion (1.5 point): In no more than 200 words, provide the concluding remarks about the study.

Research Education Change


Explain the major result in such a way as to convince the audience why the outcome is interesting. Describe the relevance of the findings to the field of education and/or beyond. Describe other directions this study could lead to, and summarize the changes you would make to the study had you been the researcher. Relevant Literature Cited (.5 points). Use full citations in APA for all primary works consulted from the literature to inform and support the purpose of the study.

Research Education Change

Written Communication Expectations

APA Formatting (.5 points): Use APA formatting consistently throughout the assignment. Syntax and Mechanics (.5 points): Display meticulous comprehension and organization of syntax and mechanics, such as spelling and grammar. Page Requirement (.5 points). Includes a CV and Cover Letter that are no more than 4 to 5 pages in length. Source Requirement (.5 points): References three scholarly sources in addition to the course textbook. For information related to APA


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Remote Sensing and Its Major Applications

Remote Sensing and Its Major Applications | Simplified 2021

There is energy source or illumination, radiation and the atmosphere and interaction with the target. Other critical stages are recording of energy by the sensor, transmission, reception and processing. We also have interpretation and analysis and finally application. Remote sensing finds wide applications in studying elements both on the global surfaces and the atmosphere. What makes remote sensing popular is its easiness in retrieving data. Moreover, another critical trait is its ability to respond fast to certain demands.

Remote sensing by definition represents the science of information acquisition concerning the surface of the earth without being in contact with the actual surface. This is made possible through sensing as well as recording emitted or reflected energy and processing, analyzing and applying that information. This therefore demonstrates that the remote sensing process usually involves the interaction between incident radiation and the targets of interest. Remote sensing is mainly comprised of seven major elements. There is energy source or illumination, radiation and the atmosphere, interaction with the target, recording of energy by the sensor, transmission, reception and processing, interpretation and analysis and finally application.

Elements of Remote Sensing Process

Energy Source – This represents the first step of remote sensing. Evidently, the energy source is used to provide or illuminate electromagnetic energy to the target of interest. There are basically two main sources of energy: the sun and the remote sensing system itself. It is, however, critical to note that the sun provides most of the energy needed for remote sensing.

Radiation and atmosphere- All emitted energy must pass through the atmosphere. As the energy travels from its source to the target, it usually interacts greatly with the atmosphere. Evidently, this interaction can take place a second time as the energy travels from the target to the sensor. The atmospheric conditions, as well as the wavelength of the energy, determines the atmospheric effects on electromagnetic energy.

Interaction with the earth’s features- Once the energy reaches a given target, interaction between the two happens. However, this interaction is closely guided by the properties of both the radiation and the target. Once the energy reaches the target, some is absorbed, some is reflected while some is transmitted through the object.

Recording of energy by the sensor- After the energy has been emitted from or scattered by the target a sensor is needed to collect as well as record electromagnetic radiation. The sensor systems detect the energy from the object using the film a process referred to as photography or it could use electronic detectors such as digital cameras and scanners or it can use antennae.

Transmission, Reception, and Processing- The energy which is recorded by the sensor is transmitted in an electronic form to processing and receiving station. The data is then processed into images. An image can either be in a digital form or hard copy. The recorded data is then processed to generate data product for further analysis or for data product display. These products include photographic or digital image, image maps, and image mosaics.

Interpretation and Analysis- The processes image is usually interpreted to extract information about the object which was illuminated. There are two major categories of interpretation and analysis:

Visual Interpretation

Digital Imaging Processing (DIP) or Digital Analysis

Process of Digital Image Processing

The process of digital imaging processing follows three-step phases: pre-processing, image enhancements and information extraction.

  • Pre-Processing- Among the major phases of pre-processing include corrected for the geometry of the image, radiometric distortions as well as the image noise for purposes of conducting an analysis.
  • Image Enhancement- It is usually applied to more effectively display or record the image data for subsequent visual interpretation. Enhancement is therefore done to improve the current status of the image.
  • Information extraction- Text data which is usually present in images usually contain useful information for an automatic explanation, structuring as well as indexing of images. Extraction of this information involves detection, localization, tracking, extraction, enhancement as well as recognition of the text from a given image. Among the method available for information extraction include image classification, change detection, Indices, Extraction of physical quantities as well as extraction of specific features.

Physics of Remote Sensing

Electromagnetic energy is usually a dynamic form caused by acceleration of electrical charge or synthetic and natural substances above-average absolute 0k (-273.160C). It usually emits a range of electromagnetic energy. Nearly all the electromagnetic energy which is ejected into the earth’s system is produced by the sun. The process of energy transfers follows three methods:

  • Radiation- Energy transfer from one body to another in the absence of an intervening material medium. This is considered to be the only method which solar energy reaches the earth and the energy transfer concerned in remote sensing.
  • Conduction- This represents the direct transfer of energy with direct physical contact.
  • Convection- This is the energy transfer by physical movements of either liquids or gasses.

Electromagnetic Radiation (EMR)

This by simple definition represents the electromagnetic energy which is in transit. It is usually detected when it comes into direct contact with matter. In the absence of matter, the electromagnetic radiation is known to travel at a speed of light (3×108m/s). Electromagnetic radiation is usually described by two models; wave model and particle model.

  • Wave model of EMR- This represents an EMR which is carried by a series of continuous waves which are equally spaced as well as repetitive in time and space. Clearly, electromagnetic radiation usually consists of two fluctuating fields. One is magnetic with the other one being magnetic which are perpendicular to each other. They are also perpendicular to the direction of the propagated wave. The relationship between wavelength and frequency is given by

C = Vλ where:

C = Speed of Light (3.0 x 108m/s)

V= Frequency (Oscillations/second or Hz).

λ = Wavelength

  • Particle model of EMR– This emphasizes the behavior of the EMR as if the radiation were composed of a collection of discrete particles like objects known as quantum or photons. Photons are known to carry particular-like traits such as momentum and energy from the source but usually have no mass. The intensity of EMR is directly related to the number of photons present as well as the energy of the quantum.

Quantum energy is calculated as:

Q= hv =hc/ λWhere;

Q= Energy of photos in Joules

H= Plank’s constant. (6.626×10-34J)

V= Frequency (Hz)

λ = Wavelength (m)

Note: Any object more than zero kelvin usually emit electromagnetic energy.

Energy Interaction with The Atmosphere and Earth’s Surface

The energy which is reflected by the remote sensing sensors is usually radiated by the sun. Through the speed of light, it is propagated through the vacuum of space. It then interacts with the earth’s atmosphere before interacting with the target of interest. It then interacts with the atmosphere again before it reaches the remote sensors where various interactions take place with the aid of the optical systems. This, therefore, demonstrates that the incident radiation may be scattered by the atmosphere or might be absorbed by the earth’s features. Another possible scenario is a reflection as well as could be emitted. Energy interaction with the features on the earth surface is thus given as follows:

EI(λ) (incident energy) = ER(λ) (reflected energy) + EA(λ) (absorbed energy) + ET(λ) (energy transmitted).

Energy reflected by the earth’s features is calculated as:

ER(λ) = EI(λ) – [EA(λ) + ET(λ)]

The Geometric manner through which objects reflect energy is a function of the surface roughness. It is usually categorized into three:

  1. Specular reflectors
  2. Diffuse reflectors
  3. Spread reflector

Types of Remote Sensing

There are two types of remote sensing. They include:

Active Remote Sensing.

Passive Remote Sensing

Active Remote Sensing: the energy source is the remote sensing itself. The majority of the active sensors usually operate in the microwave portion of the electromagnetic spectrum. Among the active remote sensors include laser altimeter, lidar, radar, ranging instruments, scatterometer, and sounder.

Passive Remote Sensing: in this category of remote sensing, the naturally reflected or radiated energy from the earth’s surface features is measured by the sensors operating in various selected spectral bands on board the airborne platforms. Among the passive remote sensors include accelerometer, hyperspectral radiometer, imaging radiometer, radiometer, sounder, spectrometer, and spectroradiometer.

Remote Sensing can also be classified into three types:

  • Visible and Reflective Remote Sensing.
  • Thermal Remote Sensing.
  • Microwave Remote Sensing.


This is the bending of light when it passes from one medium to another due to varying densities. The index of refraction represents a measure of the optical density of a substance.


This represents the unpredicted diffusion of radiation by particles in the atmosphere. There are three types of scattering:

  • Rayleigh scattering– This represents the scattering done by air particles or molecules size < 1/10 wavelength. This type of scattering is strongly wavelength dependent. Moreover, it is considered to be over dominant from overhead and usually favors the short wavelength.
  • Mie scattering– This represents the type of scattering done by air molecules and particles > 1/10 wavelength. This type of scattering is considered not to be wavelength dependent. Its intensity is usually projected forward e.g the white light from the fog or the white glare around the sun.
  • Non-SelectiveScattering- Occurs when the atmospheric molecules and particle diameters are much larger than the wavelength of the interactive radiation. Water droplets are known to scatter all visible as well as near to mid-infrared wavelength equally.


This represents the effective loss of energy to atmospheric constituents. The most efficient absorbers of EMR are carbon (ii) oxide, Ozone, and water.

Atmospheric Windows

The transmission traits of the earth’s features usually vary with wavelength. Some wavelengths are blocked while others are transmitted almost perfectly. The range of wavelength which is transmitted well by the atmosphere are referred to as atmospheric windows. It is these windows which are used for remote sensing. The common atmospheric windows are:

  1. Ultraviolet to near-infrared (0.3 μm – 1.2 μm)
  2. Mid Infrared Band (3 μm -5 μm & 8 μm-14 μm)
  3. Microwave Band

Spectral Bands Used in Remote Sensing

Remote sensing in the ultraviolet spectrum.

Most of the UV light is usually scattered by the earth’s atmosphere. It is thus nit widely applied in remote sensing. However, some materials when well illuminated by U.V radiation re-emits it as visible light. Based on this, some specialized airborne remote sensing systems have been designed to illuminate a target area with UV and record the visible light emitted applied in oil spills detection on water.

Remote sensing in the visible spectrum

The wavelength, in this case, ranges from (0.4 μm – 0.7 μm). The energy which is provided by the sun and which is available for detection is maximum in the above range. In addition, remote sensing in this spectrum uses electronic sensors, digital scanners, cameras, and films. Remote sensing in the visible part of the spectrum has the following uses:

  • Visible blue (0.45 μm – 0.5 μm) – it is mainly used for the analysis of water characteristics such as coastal zonal mapping, water quality and depth among others. It is also used for soil and water discrimination, for soil types, geology, and identification of cultural features.
  • Visible green(0.53 μm – 0.6μm) – used for vegetation discrimination, plant vigor assessment as well as analysis of cultural features and urban infrastructures such as roads and buildings.
  • Visiblered (0.63 μm – 0.68 μm) – Used in chlorophyll absorption band for healthy green vegetation, for discrimination of vegetation type, assessing plant condition, delineating soil and geologic boundaries and furthermore, it is used for water quality analysis.
  • Panchromatic band(0.5 μm – 0.9 μm)- This is usually collected at higher spatial resolution.

Remote sensing in the infrared spectrum

This mainly ranges from (0.7 μm – 1000 μm). It mainly includes the near-infrared, short infrared, medium infrared, long-wave as well as the far-infrared. Clearly, the near-infrared is considered to be better in distributing vegetation types, for biomass estimation as well as condition monitoring. Additionally, the shortwave infrared is useful for land cover classifications and distinguishing clouds from ice and snow.

Remote sensing in the micro-wave region.

This one usually has wide applications because of its advantages. It usually has more energy and therefore not scattered by the atmosphere. This type is also used at night and in extreme weather conditions. Moreover, this type allows for overlap which produces 3D useful for terrain analysis.

Spectral Reflectance

This represents the portion of the incidence energy which is reflected and normally expressed as a percentage:

e(λ)= [ER(λ)/ EI(λ)] x 100 where:

e(λ) = spatial reflectance.

ER(λ) = reflected energy.

EI(λ) = Incident energy.

Spectral response pattern– This represents the spectral reflectance or emittance of a terrain feature.

Spectral signature curve – This is the spectral response measured to assess the type and or the position of the features.

Spectral reflectance curve – A graph for spectral reflectance of an object as a function of wavelength. It is critical to note that all features and phenomenon have varying and unique reflectance curves.

Temporal effects – These are factors which change the spectral characteristics of a feature over time. An example is vegetation in different seasons e.g winter and summer.

Spatial effects – These represents factors which cause the same type of feature at a given point of time to have different spectral characteristic at different locations.

Types of Remote Sensing Sensors.

  • Passive sensors – They sense naturally type of energy.
  • Active sensors – These sensors incorporate own energy source e.g radar.
  • Static sensors – These are sensors which are based on geostationary platforms.
  • Dynamic sensors – These are sensors on the orbiting platform.
  • Scanning sensors –Sensors with the capabilities of producing images.
  • Non-scanning sensors– These are sensors which produce profiles.

Remote Sensing Platforms

A platform represents a carrier or vehicle in which remote sensors are born. Typical platforms are aircraft and satellites. We also have the helicopters and balloons. It is critical to note that one platform can have more than one sensor. Evidently, among the major factors which should be considered when describing a platform include altitude, attitude, orbit and play load (weight of platform).

Uses of Remote Sensing

Remote sensing is widely used in studying elements both on the global surfaces and the atmosphere. What makes remote sensing popular is its easiness in retrieving data as well as its ability to respond fast to certain demands. notable uses of remote sensing:

In meteorology, remote sensing finds usage in profiling of atmospheric temperature, pressure, water vapor as well as wind velocity.

In oceanography, remote sensing finds applications in measuring sea surface temperature as well as mapping ocean currents. Furthermore, remote sensing finds usage in wave energy spectra.

Glaciology – measuring ice cap volumes. Moreover, remote sensing finds applications in ice stream velocity as well as sea ice distribution.

Geology – In addition, geomorphology as well as identification of rock type. Moreover, there are applications in mapping faults and structure.

Geodesy – measuring the figure of the earth and its gravity field.

Topography and cartography – improving digital elevation models

Agriculture, forestry, and botany – monitoring the biomass of land vegetation, monitoring the health of crops as well as mapping soil moisture. Furthermore, it is used to forecast crop yields.

Hydrology – assessing water resources from snow, rainfall and underground aquifers.

Disaster warning and assessment – monitoring of floods and landslides, monitoring volcanic activity, assessing damage zones from natural disasters.

Planning applications – mapping ecological zone and monitoring deforestation. Additionally, it is used in monitoring urban land use.

Remote sensing is also used in oil and mineral exploration. It is applied in locating natural oil seeps and slicks as well as mapping geological structures. Furthermore, it is used in monitoring oil field subsidence.

In the military, one primary usage is in developing precise maps for planning. In addition, it is used in monitoring military infrastructure. Moreover, remote sensing is used in monitoring ship and troop movements . . . (This is where most of the US funding for remote sensing goes.

Remote sensed images find wide applications in:

The first application of remote sensed images island covers mapping. Moreover, these images find usage in land cover change. In addition, these images are used for sea surface temperatures. Additionally, some of the remotely sensed images are applied for snow survey. Furthermore, the remotely sensed images are applied in monitoring atmospheric constituents. Additionally, the remotely sensed images are used for geological interpretation as well as DEM generation.

Scanning Systems in Remote Sensing

There are three main types of a scanning system in remote sensing.

  1. Across track scanning– Also referred to as whiskbroom scanning. It usually scans the earth in a series of lines. The lines are perpendicularly oriented to the direction of motion of the sensor platforms. Each line is scanned from one side of the sensor to the other using a rotating mirror.

Across track scanning

  1. Along track Scanning – Also referred to as push-broom scanning. It mainly uses the forward motion of the platform to record successive scan lines and build up a two-dimensional image perpendicular to the flight direction. Evidently, instead of using scanning mirrors, they apply a linear array of detectors which are located at the focal plane of the image.

Along track scanning

Common Terminologies Used in Remote Sensing.

  • Radiometric distortions – It represents the radiometric anomalies caused by sensor noise and responses of detectors. The variations in viewing geometry, as well as variations in atmospheric conditions, also causes this condition. However, it is imperative to note that variation in scene illumination and viewing geometry to a large extent results in non-uniform tonal or color balance of multidate image of the same location or images adjacent location. This affects change detection and mosaicking applications.
  • Spectral resolution –This represents the number of wavelength position and width of spectral bands that a sensor has. On the other hand, multispectral sensors usually have few but wide bands while hyperspectral sensors have many but narrow bands.
  • Spatial resolution –This represents the size of the smallest possible features which can be detected and it depends on the instantaneous field of view of a sensor.
  • Temporal resolution and Extent –Temporal resolution represents the shortest amount of time between image acquisitions of a given location. On the other hand, temporal extent, on the other hand, represents the time between sensor launch and retirement which may affect historical data availability.
  • Radiometric resolution –It describes the ability to discriminate very slight differences in energy. If a sensor uses 8 bits to record a data, then there will be 28 =256 levels of digital values.

Why GetSPSSHelp?

The GetSPSSHelp Desk will provide expert help in Remote Sensing Assignments. Our experts are familiar with the software used for Remote Sensing and available tools utilized for the practical works. This software includes Erdas ImagineEnvi and Idris. GetSPSSHelp desk delivers quality, plagiarism-free work in a timely manner. Moreover, our professional experts are ready to take you through the Remote Sensing Tutorials.

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Reliable Guide on How to cite in MLA

Reliable Guide on How to cite in MLA

The article discuss how to cite in MLA. Citing in MLA tends to challenge most students. Majority do not even know what MLA means. MLA is the abbreviation of the Modern Language Association. The thing most students do not realize is that before learning how to cite in MLA, they need to understand the MLA style manual. The manual is very straightforward. Our online help agents will help you know how to cite each source in this writing style.

  1. How to cite in MLA( a book)

One book

The standard formula of citing a single book in this writing style is;

Surname, First Name. Title of Book. City of Publication, Publisher, Publication Date.

Two books

Surname, First Name of the First Author and Last Name, First Name of the Second Author. Title of Book. City of Publication, Publisher, Publication Date.

More than three books

The Surname of the First Author, the Author’s First Name et al., Title of Book. City of Publication, Publisher, Publication Date.

  1. How to cite a journal article

A journal article is one of the most important sources used in acquiring content for assignments. However, students do not know how to cite a journal article in MLA format. Here is how to go about it;

The Author’s Surname, First name. “Title of Journal Article.” Title of Journal, vol. number, issue no., date, page range. Database or Website Name, URL, or DOI.

  1. How to cite in MLA(a website)

To cite a website, use this formula;

The Author’s Surname, First name. “Title of Individual Web Page.” Title of Website, Publisher, Date, URL.

  1. How to cite a newspaper on a website in the Modern Language Association (MLA)

Do not freak out if you do not know how to cite such a publication in your assignment. The formula is simple and entails;

The Author’s Surname, First name. “Title of Article.” Title of Newspaper’s Website (Write it in italics), publication date, page range, URL.

  1. Citing in MLA(a magazine)

A magazine is also another reliable source of information. To cite it in MLA, use the following formula;

The Author’s Last name, First name. “Title of the Article.” Magazine Name, vol. number, issue no., publication date, page numbers, or URL.

  1. How to cite in MLA(an edited book)

If you have come across an edited book and do not know how to cite it, you do not need to worry. The basic formula is;

The Surname, first name, editor. Title. Title of container, Contributors, Version, Number, Publisher, Year of publication.

  1. How to cite in MLA(an E-book)

E-books have become common sources of information. Researchers in their studies are widely using them. To cite them, use the formula below;

The Author’s Surname, First name. Title. Title of container, Contributors, edition, e-book, Number, Publisher, Year of publication.

  1. How to cite a newspaper in a database

The formula of citing a newspaper in a database is;

The Author’s Surname, First name. “Title of Article.” Title of Newspaper (Should be in italics), publication date, page range. Title of Database (if applicable), URL.

In case you have a paper you wish to be written on MLA, kindly contact us on


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