Reliable Guide on How to cite in APA style.

Reliable Guide on How to cite in APA style.

This article discuss how to cite in APA style. The American Psychological Association (APA) format is the most common type of writing style. Practically every student in their academic career path has to use the APA writing style in one of their assignments. Although some students complain that they encounter difficulties when citing in APA, the writing style is pretty straightforward. The APA in-text citations are easy as well as creating the reference list in APA. Thus, do not freak out when you get an assignment requiring you to cite in this writing style.

The basics of How to Cite in APA

Do you need online help with your APA citing assignment? Well, you are in luck! Here is what you need to know about citing in APA;

  • You should always capitalize on every proper noun. This includes the initials of authors and places.
  • In case you are referring to the title of a particular source in your paper, ensure you capitalize all words that are four letters long or more within the title.
  • However, note that you will only capitalize the first word of the title in the References list.
  • When capitalizing the titles, ensure both words in the hyphenated compound word are capitalized
  • One should always capitalize the first word that appears after either a dash or a colon.

Formats of Citing Several Sources in APA

Most people do know the difference between the format of citing in MLA and citing in APA. They tend to confuse the two majorly. Here is how to cite sources in the APA writing style;

  1. A Book

With One Author;

The Author, A. A. (Year of publication). Title of work: Capital letter also for subtitle. Location: Publisher.

With Two Authors;

First Author, A. A. and Second Author, B.B. (Year of publication). Title of work: Capital letter also for subtitle. Location: Publisher.

With More than Three Authors;

First Author, A. A. et al. (Year of publication). Title of work: Capital letter also for subtitle. Location: Publisher.

  1. A Journal Article

One containing the doi;

The Author, Initial. (Year). Title of the article: Subtitle (if there is one). Title of the Journal, volume(issue if used), pages.

One without the doi;

The Author, Initial. (Year). Title of the article: Subtitle if there is one. Title of the Journal, volume(issues if used), pages. Retrieved from https://journal home page

  1. An Article in an Online Periodical

The Author, A. A., & Author, B. B. (Date of publication). Title of the article. Title of Online Periodical, volume number(issue number if available). Retrieved from

  1. A Webpage

The Author, A. (date). Title of document [Format description]. Retrieved from http://xxx

  1. An Unpublished Dissertation

The Surname, F. N. (Year). Title of dissertation (Unpublished doctoral dissertation). Name of Institution, Location.

  1. A Print Report

The Author, Initial. (Year). Title of report (Report No. xxx). Location: Publisher.

  1. A Chapter or an Article in an Edited Book

The Author, A. A., & Author, B. B. (Year of publication). Title of chapter. In A. A. Editor & B. B. Editor (Eds.), Title of book (pages of chapter). Location: Publisher.

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Persuasive Essay Writing

Persuasive Essay Writing

Writing a Persuasive Essay

An excellent persuasive essay helps in convincing the reader or the audience of a particular point of view. Therefore, one is expected to use relevant supportive compelling arguments to defend your essay paper.

The primary purpose is to make the reader lean on your point of view by believing your perspective argument. Depending on whatever theme one is provided, the underlying factor is that one must have brilliant persuasive skills. Not all persuasive essays show that the writer’s option is correct. Others also tell why the opposing view is incorrect.

Steps in Writing a Persuasive Essay

Here is a simple tutorial on how to write a persuasive essay;

  1. Develop a topic

When choosing an interesting question, one should select a title that one is familiar with and also one that is relevant to enjoy the writing process. The chosen topic will help the author create a well-structured body and conclusion reflected from the main subject. Pick an argument that will give your audience a chance to relate and connect to your information.

  1. Brainstorm the evidence

After choosing the topic, one must prepare as much as possible for their paper by brainstorming on various ideas. Brainstorming is imperative since it helps in giving a student a sense of direction in their essay.

  1. Consider the audience

It is always crucial to know who you are targeting in an audience. Research to identify if the audience will agree with your perspective and why they may not. It is always important to recall that what may be persuasive to one person might not be compelling to the other.

  1. Research thoroughly

A brilliant persuasive essay is one that is able to conquer the opposing argument. It is not easy. Thus, one needs to conduct in-depth research. A well thought out study will guide a student in formulating a strong foundation which will help the audience believe your perspective.

  1. Develop the essay structure

By organizing a shred of substantial evidence, one will now acquire a sense of how to structure their paper. It should be appealing to captivate the attention of the reader.

  1. Draft the essay

An excellent structured persuasive essay should entail an introductory paragraph. The opening section should have a strong hook that will help capture the audience attention from the start to the end. It should also have body paragraphs that discuss strong points. These points must e backed up with evidence that is either facts, statistics, or real-life experiences.

  1. Come up a distinct conclusion

The ending of a persuasive paper is very imperative since it indicates if the audience believes your point of view or not.  In this segment, a student ought to rewrite the significant points discussed in their persuasive essay. They also need to rephrase the thesis statement.

  1. Editing and proofreading the essay

A good persuasive essay should have a uniform flow, which will make the audience to read till the end. Therefore, it is advisable to reread the work and correct the grammatical and punctuation errors. A student can always seek online help of their friends or expert writers in case they do not have a keen eye for errors.


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Personal Leadership Styles in Nursing

Personal Leadership Styles in Nursing

My personal leadership style revolves around providing equitable and high quality patient care to all without discrimination or biasness in healthcare setting and upholding all the guiding principles and ethics which guides the nursing practice. The transformational leadership theory best aligns with my personal philosophy.

This leadership style is known to play a very vital role in the complex healthcare systems. Nursing requires knowledgeable, consistent and strong leaders. This leadership style helps in bringing about significant change in the organization as well as in followers. Through incorporating the practices and the beliefs into the behaviors of the employees, success in any healthcare organization is guaranteed.

Nurse executive is the selected future MSN role. Being an administrative position, transformational leadership can be used in developing successful relationships with the staff members. This in the end puts the follower and the leader in an environment where both strive to meet the goals of the organization. Furthermore, the enhanced relationship creates a platform where the followers can be motivated towards actualization of an organization vision.

Personal Leadership Styles in Nursing

Transformational theory also results in creation of strong leadership attributes critical for success as a nurse manager. These include vision, flexibility, authenticity, expertise, self-knowledge, ability to motivate others and shared leadership. Furthermore, this leadership style also provides a platform of creating and sustaining a healthy working environment.

I currently work on a surgical oncologist department in a hospital setting. Among the formal leadership roles include training new nurses as well as supervising medication for the cancer patients. Am also responsible for guiding and supervising the clinical and translational laboratory research.

The informal leadership roles include following up with my patients which include calling and texting them regularly to assess how they are doing. Among the formal roles I will have as a future manager will include leadership and management roles such as policy creation and formulation.

Others will include employee development and creation of a healthy environment. The informal roles will include coming up with suitable measures of disciplining the employee and following up with issues affecting their personal life.

At individual, team, organization and community level, the implication of my leadership might be diverse. At all levels, there are positive and negative implications. The positive implications include improved productivity and enhanced support from all the stakeholders at large. The negative implications may include resistance at all levels and lack of morale in achieving the set goals and objectives in each level.


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Outstanding Online Citation Help on Citing an Image

Outstanding Online Citation Help on Citing an Image

Online Citation Help on Citing an Image

Images are currently being used by students and researchers all over the world during essay writing. They tend to provide essential information in respect to a specific area of study. Besides that, instructors are also using images to teach their online and offline classes. Thus, a student must understand how to cite an image in any writing format.

What Is Required When Citing an Image?

There are specific elements that a student must, however, have before citing an image. First and foremost is the name of the artist. The artist is merely the creator of the picture. Sometimes, however, you may not acquire it. If this is the case, you are advised to use the title of the image but include it in quotation marks. The other element is the title of the image. Thirdly, you require ownership information which entails information of the individual, museum, library, or estate in charge of the picture. More so, you also need to include the materials of the image and dimensions if they are known.

Citing an Image in various writing styles

Here are the basic formats of citing an image in specific writing styles;

Citing an image in MLA writing style

The Surname of the Artist, First Name. Title of the image (Must be in Italics). Date of composition of the Image. The medium of the reproduction of the image and full details of the publication, the page number, figure or plate numbers (must be present).

How to Cite an Image in APA

The Last name of the Image Creator, First initial. Middle initial. (Year it was published). Title of the image [Photograph, Cartoon, Painting, etc.]. Retrieved from URL

How to Cite an Image in the Vancouver Writing Style

The Surname of the Author Author’s Initial. Title [Internet]. Year Published [cited Date Accessed]. Available from: http://Website URL

How to Cite an Image in the Chicago Writing Style

Last name, First name Middle initial of the creator of the image. “Title of the image” or Description. Digital Image. Title of the Website. Month Day, Year Published. Accessed date. URL.

Citing an Image in the Harvard Referencing Style

The Last name of the image creator, First initial., the date the image was created, Title of the image [Should be written in Italics], format, the date the image was viewed, the URL that indicates where the image was retrieved from.

Acquire Custom Online Citation Help

In case you are confident in your citing skills, do not hesitate to seek online citation help. Currently, multiple writing websites can help you with such tasks. However, ensure that you hire reliable and authentic services to ensure you acquire non-plagiarized work. Another option that a student can take is to use a citation generator. A citation generator will automatically come up with the citations for you in any writing style you want. However, if you are conversant with the citation generator, it is always advisable and safe to seek online citation help from experts.

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Obesity: A burning issue of modern society

Obesity: A burning issue of modern society

Obesity: A burning issue of modern society. The world in these current times is seeing more overweight and obese people. Contrary to what most people think, this epidemic is not only the result of lack of exercise and over-eating. The two alone do not constitute all of the causes of weight gain and instead, modern society’s technological revolution has raised the risk of people gaining excess weight.

In fact Smith and Smith, (2016), estimate that by 2030, 38% of the world’s entire adult population and 20% of all adults will be overweight and obese respectively. Modern society has availed cheap junk food that is energy-rich, sedentary work, labor-saving devices and even ubiquitous access to motorized transport. This modern lifestyle has contributed to an increase in cases of obesity.

However, modern society can combat this burning issue through practicing a healthier lifestyle. Due to sedentary work, people should exercise more often and eat less fattening foods as well as avoid over-indulging. Parents should also involve kids in outdoor activities from a young age instead of keeping them indoors occupied by video games. Modern society also has to contend with fast food as one of the key drivers of obesity due to its huge amounts of sugars, fats and calories. This especially affects children and the youth and collectively, parents have a responsibility to this risk group to sensitize them on the dangers of fast food and inculcate a responsibility in them to seek out healthier alternatives.


Concisely, obesity is indeed a burning issue in today’s modern society. To combat it, it will take both personal responsibility and collective initiatives. The initiatives help the children and the youth among other groups control their eating habits. They should also engage in more movement through exercise.


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Movie Review- Marriage and Family

Movie Review- Marriage and Family

Movie Review- Marriage and Family. Movie Review Instructions. You will write a 2-3 page movie review in current APA format that focuses on a movie with a strong marital theme. You must interact with the movie’s content in a way that helps you understand the impact of movies on the counseling process. Use the following format when completing your Movie Reviews – include the headings below in each of your reviews.

The Review

Give your impression of the movie with a brief plot summary. Resist the urge to retell the entire plot. Share the scenes that had the greatest impact on your thinking. Moreover, the scenes with the most potential for use within the counseling relationship. What aspects should viewers look for if they have not seen the movie? What themes/scenes do you feel warrant further reflection and why?

Therapeutic Implications

Answer the following questions for this segment of the review:

  • Having noted the scenes that warrant further reflection, what are the specific counseling values of these scenes for use in the counseling process?

For example, if you observe emotional outbursts, angry tirades, attempts at connection, empathic listening, etc., point out the scene and the ways it could be used to enhance your client’s understanding of the skill/technique you are teaching. • Are you using this scene to make an emotional, cognitive, or spiritual connection? • What is your rationale for choosing these scenes?

Personal/Professional Implications

Answer the following questions for this segment of the review:

  • How did you connect with the movieon a personal level, did it confirm or challenge some of your perceptions of marriage?. In addition, what approaches of utilizing this information (personally or professionally) to impact delivery of counseling services and the scenes that you strongly agreed/disagreed with on a personal level.


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Medical Benefits of Marijuana

Medical Benefits of Marijuana

Healthcare leaders have an obligation of communicating with their lay audiences in a more professional manner on their verge of effecting policy changes within the healthcare setting. It is critical to come up with proper educational programs which can help in raising awareness concerning a given issue in the community.

Medical Benefits of Marijuana

One of the issue of interest is the medical marijuana services in the community. With more than half of the U.S States legalizing it, the country needs to sit down and assess the cost-benefit analysis of taking such an action. It is however evident that medical marijuana has received support and criticism in equal measures. According to the Controlled Substance Act, marijuana is usually classified as a Schedule 1 drug.

Medical Benefits of Marijuana

This drug usually has a high potential for abuse. Medical marijuana represents the application of marijuana plant or chemical in treating diseases or conditions. Many states have failed to legalize it citing the fact that marijuana has no recognized or approved medical uses.

Medical Benefits of Marijuana

It is evident that the aggregated evidence of marijuana’s medical benefits, harms and potential role as a gateway to drug dependency is incomplete and uncertain. Research has suggested that patients treated with cannabinoids experience significant pain relief.

Medical Benefits of Marijuana

Oral cannabinoids can prevent chemotherapy induced nausea and vomiting. Evidence is however lacking on how effective this drug can help in dealing with the conditions in which it is prescribed. Just like most controlled substance, marijuana is known to have significant adverse effects. They include induced dizziness, hallucinations, vomiting, nausea, panic attacks as well as temporary learning and memory impairments.

Medical Benefits of Marijuana

In addition, when used regularly, it may results in high dependency rates. In my opinion, medical marijuana may pose more threats than benefits. It will hence be important to take the community through the benefits and shortcoming of using medical marijuana and leave them with the final decision on whether it should be adopted or not.

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Mastering the Art of Time Management

Mastering the Art of Time Management


Mastering the art of time management. There are very any misconceptions regarding what revolves around time management. Some students believe it is fixing more tasks in one day and solving them all, while others believe it is dividing roles according to days and solving them. When mastering the art of time Management, time is precious and limited. Although most students want a happy social life while still attending classes, they tend to manage their time poorly and sacrifice learning time for social life.

Are you a student who is seeking to acquire tips on how to better manage time? Here are the top tips students should consider;

Setting Small Achievable Goals

Goal setting is the number step that must be taken by a student looking to manage their time better. Although some may reveal that they have set goals before and have not succeeded in managing their time, it could be due to the process they undertook when setting the goals.

The goals one set must be SMART. These means the goals must be Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound. Similarly, it is crucial to set small wins, which will motivate the student to manage their time after a win better.

Knowing their Limits

There is a tendency of students of being overconfident and taking more credits that they cannot handle. For example, you may find a student taking 18 credits, whereas they can only manage to tackle 15 credits in a semester. Although it sounds right taking up 18 credits, it may end backfiring since the time one is required to hang with friends is spent reading. The situation results in an imbalance in the school and social life.

Creating a Schedule and Adhering to it

It has been repeated time and time that a student must create a schedule to manage their time better. However, the aspect most people forget is that of adhering to the set schedule. The reason most people ignore to adhere to their schedule is that they only plan for their learning, and fail to schedule or time for fun. Scheduling entails you include all the activities that you undertake. Schedule time for fun, for learning, and for breaks that will help clear your mind.

Learn to Say No

Not every experience is worth your energy. If your schedule requires you to study, yet your friends are asking you to have fun; it is significant to learn how to stand up to them and say no. You are your boss. Do not hesitate to declare an affirmative no if you truly want to do something opposite than what you are being asked to do.

Prioritize Wisely

Time management skills are only acquired if a student masters the art of prioritizing. A student should learn to arrange their tasks in various brackets which include essential and very urgent, important but not urgent, urgent but not essential, and not urgent and not necessary. Classifying jobs under these segments will help a student to allocate their time wisely for all their tasks.


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Management Team Briefing on Employment Laws

Management Team Briefing on Employment Laws

In your new role as Chief Human Resources Officer (CHRO) for a major retail organization, you have been tasked within the first 30 days by the CEO to conduct a presentation to the management team on employment law awareness. The CEO informed you that under the previous CHRO the company experienced lack of employment law understanding, resulting in a few lawsuits that were not in the company’s favor. Evidently, avoiding similar experiences is a high priority and your thorough presentation to the management team is the first big step to success.

Prepare a fifteen to twenty (15-20) slide PowerPoint presentation in which you:

Include cover, agenda, conclusion, and reference list slides, all of which may count toward total slide count. Provide a 1-2 slide overview of employment law based on information found in Chapter 1 of Employment Law for Human Resource Practice.

NOTE: Individual’s discretion to decide what information needs to be addressed as long as the overview is descriptive and relevant. Include in the remaining slides the following required presentation information: Provide a three (3) slide minimum covering at least 6 strong bullet points highlighting a discussion on whom employees and employers are in determining employment relationships

Management Team Briefing on Employment Laws


Provide a three (3) slide minimum covering at least 6 strong bullet points highlighting a discussion on the concept of employment discrimination Provide a three (3) slide minimum covering at least 6 strong bullet points highlighting a discussion on the types of discrimination Provide a three (3) slide minimum covering at least 6 strong bullet points highlighting a discussion on retaliation Go to to locate at least three (3) quality academic resources in this assignment.

Note: You may only use the resources listed in the course syllabus and those that are specifically provided by the instructor. In addition (1) Total number of words in the bullet points are not more important than the quality of the information. (2) More detailed information in the footnotes of the presentation. (3) Presentations must have a business-like professional look.

Your assignment must follow these formatting requirements:

Text font size for headings and titles in the presentation must not exceed 36 pt. For all other text, the font ideally should not exceed 24 pt. Check with your professor for additional details. Proper aligning of the presentation text throughout the presentation. Maintain the same line spacing and font size.

Professional presentation templates used. Check with the professor on possible examples. If images found at websites or other sources are placed in the presentation, credit must be given to the sources. This include provision of citations and references. The specific course learning outcomes associated with this assignment are:


Assess and understand employment laws, the rights they confer on employees, and the processes involved in enforcing these laws. Moreover, examine the legal significance of determining whether an employment relationship exists. In addition, use technology and information resources to research issues in employment law. Lastly, write clearly and concisely about employment law using proper writing mechanics.

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Leadership in Nursing

Leadership in Nursing

Leadership in nursing is increasingly becoming very important in the current years. It is important for nurse managers to possess critical leadership skills which will play a big role in policy formulation which enhance delivery of quality services.

This discussion will highlight upon a leader who had great impact on my practice, share a self-assessment of my leadership knowledge, skills and attitudes. In addition, this paper will highlight the significance of leadership competencies as well as the personal leadership acumen to my future MSN role and specialty track.

The leader who I have chosen is my current nurse manager for the past three years. I have had the privilege of working with this leader closely who has continually challenged me to become the best I could. This leader to a large extent is a transformational leader who work hard to inspire and motivate other employees.

In terms of knowledge, this nurse manager is a life-long learner with a rich background in nursing and managerial knowledge. With multiple certifications and degrees, the manager remains quite informed. In terms of skills, the nurse manager has strong decision making and organizational skills. The manager always asked for the views of every member before making any decision.

In addition, the leader is a good time manager and have excellent communication skills. In terms of attitudes, the manager maintains a positive and optimistic attitude which energizes the entire workforce. This in the end has impacted others positively with increased productivity within the workforce. In addition, the open communication adopted by the leader allow for sharing of ideas in the workforce.

Leadership in Nursing

I possess a variety of leadership KSAs which basically reflect the key concepts of the Chamberlain Conceptual Framework. Among the knowledge I possess include good understanding of communication skills and creation of interpersonal relationships. This in the end helps in creation of a holistic environment as enshrined in the Chamberlain Conceptual Framework.

The skills I possess include ability to work with a team, good decision making and an understanding of nursing ethics which helps in having care which is focused on the needs of the patient. The attitude I have is that of maintaining positivity in the work environment and respecting the rights of everyone including the patients. This helps in coming up with patient centered care.

As a future nurse executive, leadership competencies and personal leadership acumen are considered paramount in determining the success of an individual. Among the important leadership skills important for nurse executives include business skills, professionalism and communication.

Advocating for public safety is also considered critical as a future nurse executive. The personal leadership acumen is usually result driven. In the executive track, one should always be driven by success. This topic contributes significantly as a future executive as proper knowledge, skills and attitudes are critical for the success of any nurse manager.

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