Lab Report Writing

Lab Report Writing

Lab Report Writing Service

Before writing a lab report assignment, a student must have conducted research. It is because a lab report entails analyzing the findings of the investigation and coming up with accurate conclusions. In most cases, students tend to make the lab report task difficult for themselves.


It is because they tend to complicate the procedure of analyzing eth collected data. When they complicate the process, the students tend to overthink the discussions or make discussions out of their hypothesis. To avoid all these obstacles when writing an accurate lab report, students are advised to seek homework aid from reliable lab report writing services.

How to Write a Lab Report

Most students daunt the lab report writing procedure. It is tricky but straightforward.

  1. Writing an abstract

To begin with, one must write an abstract. Although an abstract appears first in the report, it should be written last. It is written last since it is a comprehensive summary of your research report. One point students must note is that the abstract should be brief and precise. Do not be wordy. Instead, be concise since the discussions will be found in the results segment. It is vital to recall not to list the summary in point form.

  1. Write the introduction

The introduction is imperative since it tells the reader what the report is all about. It should contain a hook sentence and the initial thesis statement. Do not be tempted to fall out of the subject while writing the hook sentence. Most students often find themselves getting carried away and writing an essay hook rather than that of a report.

  1. Write the methodology

The most significant mistake students make in this section is writing this part in the present tense. They forget that the data has been carried already. Hence, as you write this section, use the past tense. Similarly, avoid giving reasons for why you chose specific methods. This is wrong. A student is expected to state what techniques they used without their justifications.

  1. Write the results or the findings

In this section of your lab report, what you ought to do is write the statistics you acquired from your investigation. Ensure you state these findings clearly and concisely. For numerical figures, for example, a student is advised to use a table or a chart, to display these statistics. It makes it easier to compare and contrast the figures, especially during the analytical phase.

  1. Write the central discussions

In this segment, you are required to write the findings of your study. Try to relate these findings to your initial hypothesis. The dominant mistake of students writing a lab report make in this part is using complicated terminologies that tend to complicate their results. List the findings in plain English to avoid misinterpretations by the readers. After listing them, discuss them into details and indicate the implications of the study. Give a conclusion at the end of this section, showing your interpretations and imperatives on eth subject matter.

  1. Write the references

One must have a reference list if they were citing their work in APA writing style. If one was citing in MLA writing style, one should have a bibliography.


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Is winning important in a game?

Is winning important in a game?

Is winning important in a game? The essence of any game is winning and appreciating the effort that makes one better that their opponents. When participating in a competitive game especially, a win makes the player and team proud taking home numerous awards and recognition. Through winning, a team weighs the progress and growth so far, becoming more motivated to improve. Without motivation, competing and working harder becomes almost impossible. It therefore is important to win in a game so as to measure how well one is progressing.

Winning does not only motivate a player or players but also challenges them to aim higher than their current achievement. While winning may seem like an accomplishment at that moment, it is important to appreciate the fact that winning is like a process where ones keeps growing. After crossing one level successfully, you have to work even harder to cross the next level otherwise remain stagnant in that level. Human beings grow in the midst of challenges and not while content.

An achievement should not only make one feel proud but it should also motivate them to grow and improve beyond their set goals. While winning is emerging better than others, not winning is also important to a game. Not winning a game offers a great lesson to any competitor as it allows one to reflect on what they should have done better. It becomes a source of inspiration for one to work harder.

In conclusion, the pride, joy, sense of achievement and awards that come with winning a game make it the main goal of any player. Winning is very important to a game as it motivates the player to set even greater goals.

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Is money the most important aspect of a job?

Is money the most important aspect of a job?

Is money the most important aspect of a job. However, people should be aware that money is not a representation of everything, but a means to meet one’s needs of living. That is why according to Paymentsense, (2017), about 50% of the working UK population claim they work to support their families. A job is a great way to earn a living and support the various projects, goals, needs and to maintain the social status that one has.

When choosing to do a certain job

there are other aspects besides money that one takes into consideration. One aspect of taking up a certain role is to gain precious skills and experiences. One’s job can be a platform through which they can make contributions to the society. When people are trusted with the responsibility to use their skills and efforts towards achieving something, then they are more likely to derive meaning and satisfaction from such a responsibility.

Since a job is a responsibility

People also work to make a contribution, to or support a cause they believe and gain the satisfaction, happiness and respect. This by itself gives their life meaning. People also choose a job for progress and to give themselves a challenge. Some work to unlock the feeling of accomplishment that comes from working as part of a great team of professionals. Moreover, achieving individuals’ professional goals forms a reason why people work.

In conclusion, while money plays an important aspect of a job, other factors such as social status, professional respect, passion for a particular cause, and to gain skills and experience also come into play. Therefore, most people choose their jobs for a combination of these reasons.

A job is a great way to earn a living and support the various projects, goals, needs and to maintain the social status that one has.


Why do we work? Our research says only 16% have a passion for it – Paymentsense. (2017). Retrieved from


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Importance of Telling the Truth in Relationship

Importance of Telling the Truth in Relationship

There is importance of telling the truth in relationship. Most people in relationships fail to define telling the truth versus twisting factors on occasion to spare the other person’s feelings. However, one cannot say with certainty that honesty is the most important consideration in a relationship. This arise from the fact that loyalty, sensitivity, selflessness and trustworthiness are strong contenders in a relationship. It is however evident for most relationship that communication is imperative in maintaining any relationship. Indeed, according to Firestone & Catlett, (2018), interpersonal relationships fail due to duplicity and lack of effective communication.

One of the reasons why telling the truth always is crucial arise from the fact that lying to the other person erodes trust. This y destroys the relationship. No one can trust a liar. However, when one makes it a habit t always tell the truth in a relationship then they strengthen their relations. This is because they can share their innermost feelings with each other and be secure in the knowledge that they are always going to get comfort and honest advice.

Additionally, honesty is a great virtue to practice in one’s relationships because it makes them comfortable and emotionally stable. On the other hand, lying induces a feeling of guilt and can burden them with negative feelings that come from dishonesty. Furthermore, lying to one’s relations also shows a lack of respect or kindness for them. In addition, the benefit of building trust and confidence in the relationship, far outweighs that of sparing the other person from hurt feelings at the time of telling the lie.


Consequently, I believe that honesty is a crucial consideration for every relationship and makes the parties in the said relationships feel more comfortable and closer to each other which also boosts confidence and satisfaction. Evidently, any relationship especially personal relationships should stand on the basis of truth since it is one of the most important considerations in any relationship.


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Importance of Learning History

Importance of Learning History

earning History is enormous. Nowadays it is often argued that learning about the past is not important since information people acquire is not practical and cannot be implemented. However, this is not true since history gives valuable sources of understanding societies and different people. Studying history also provides people with knowledge of predicting the future trend and constructing an individual’s identity.

Learning history enables people to know about valuable things like politics, making politicians familiar with past events. Moreover, history creates past experiences and frames the steps of development. However, individual are able to understand diverse social mechanism and various examples of events. In addition, things happening today results from the past and will have an influence on the future. Basically, people avoids mistakes done in the past hence ending up making proper decision. Most of the conflicts resulting from the politics stems from the past. Through history, one can find lessons as well as experiences in which people can tell right measures from ones which are wrong.

Furthermore, past events are vital for the people’s culture. In order for the culture to grow, information is passed from previous generation to the next one. Also history can be regarded as reading a narrative book. However, this makes reading more interesting since the characters are real individual who once lived. Basically, people learning the history of their country creates identity and feeling of belonging to a certain community.


History is the teacher thing that can demonstrate to us how to differentiate right from wrong. A person can gain more than they expected once they learn the past. It can be considered a great adventure since individual are able to understand, today’s events.

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Importance of Automobiles

Importance of Automobiles

Importance of automobiles is enormous. Automobiles are very useful since they make us cover large distances within a short time. It is vital since it has assisted the society grow across large areas hence reaming connected. Moreover, vehicles makes the trade easier and giving it an extensive scope of operation. Automakers have resulted in production of different model of vehicles through challenging each other hence pushing the industry forward. This has made technology to develop into passenger cars. The technology have led to invention of cars which are efficient, safe and convenience to owners (Marder, 2007).

Vehicles act as a big investment people could ever make, hence they are property which are owned by individual. After some time, a person may decide to sell it and use the money for something which is useful. Owning a personal car is importance because it helps to fight frustration that an individual can have after missing a bus or it’s already full. People travel to their destination without depending on other means of transport.

Vehicles give people an extremely wonderful experience when they are driving on the open roads. They make people enjoy the nature such as ocean, forest, lakes, deserts, rivers hills and mountains. Cars can take people to an adventures where one cannot make it through walking. Automobiles can save peoples mind and time since when taking children to school, time cannot be wasted through public transportation.


In conclusion, the importance of automobiles can not be underestimated. Automobiles have benefited the countries greatly since they have streamlined trade and has led to increase in economy. Discoveries of vehicles opened up ways to new innovations. In addition, automobiles continue to be the most relied mode of transportation all over the world. Economy will continue to be influenced by vehicles.

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How to Write MLA In-text Citations

How to Write MLA In-text Citations

MLA refers to the Modern Language Association. It is one of the most commonly used styles by writers, researchers, and students to write their research papers and assignments. However, despite their popularity, majority of them still do not know how to write in-text citations in MLA. It goes to mean that a couple of students are still not conversant with the MLA in-text citation format. Due to this, most of them have gone online in search of online citation help from expert writers.

Writing In-text Citations in MLA Writing Style

There are two ways in which one can write MLA in-text citations. Both formats are straightforward. One is where an individual can only use the page number. This format is known as the signal phrase. The second format is whereby a writer uses the parenthetical citation. Using the parenthetical citation, an individual ought to include the author’s surname and the page number.

How to Write In-text Citations of Various Sources

  1. A material with one author only


(Last name of the Author Page number)

For Example:

Breast cancer is rampant in America and continues to be a critical factor leading to women mortality in the country (Pardee 9).

  1. A material with two to three authors


Last Name of Author 1, 2, and 3 Page Number)

It is crucial to note that one should not separate the names of the authors with the‘&’ symbol. Instead, one should write the word ‘and.’

For Example:

Cultural practices are the key aspect that tends to identify various communities in the world (Mitchell, Thomson, and Smith 189).

  1. Materials with more than three authors


(First Author’s last name et al. Page number).

A point to note is that there should be no comma between the ‘et al.’ and the page number.

For Example:

There is no cure for breast cancer that has been verified yet (Smith et al. 8).

  1. Citing a material with no known author



[must be in Italics]

Page number)

For Example:

In-text citations help the reader become aware that the points being presented by the author belong to another writer (A guide to citation 176).

  1. Citing a source without a page number


(Author’s last name chapter) or (Author’s last name paragraph).

For Example:

A student must provide the background information of the area of interest since it helps a reader gain more knowledge about your theme (Michael ch. 6).

  1. Citing a material with authors having the same last name


(Initials. The surname of the First Author) and (Initials. Surname of the Second Author).

For Example:

Summer is the best season for a family to take a vacation because the weather is convenient (J. Smith 6) and (k. Smith 87).

  1. Citing an Audio-Visual Source


(The last name of the author hours: minutes: seconds)

For Example:

If an individual wants to discover what their life purpose is, the first step they must take is to take time and find out who they really are (Burke 00:12:43).


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How to Write an Outstanding Nursing Essay

How to Write an Outstanding Nursing Essay


How to write an outstanding nursing essay. When taking a look at the existing articles written by other nursing students, one will discover that the themes revolve around their day-to-day activities. It goes to mean that a student should pay more attention while writing the essays since they use the knowledge in their practice. This fact tends to create fear in most nursing students who have nursing essay assignments. To ensure they deliver in such tasks, the students go online with the hope of hiring the best nursing writing service, or to buy a nursing essay assignment online.

How to Write a Nursing Essay

There are very many topics that a student may be required to develop an article from by their professor. The most common issues students have been asked to create an essay from include the nursing core values, professionalism in nursing, amongst others. Whichever topic one is given, here are the steps to follow to write a brilliant nursing essay;

Researching on the topic

It is imperative for a student to conduct their research on the problem they have been given. Research helps them identify the existing gaps in the research topics, the arguments they can use in their paper, and the corresponding counterarguments and how to address them. While one is researching, it is also vital to use the literature theoretical knowledge to formulate real-life examples that correspond with the points they discuss.

Create an Outline

An outline refers to a draft. It helps the students to arrange their points logically. An overview also helps the students to support each point they select with concrete and actual evidence.

Write the Introduction

The opening of an essay is very significant. It signifies if the reader will continue to read the paper or not. Hence, a student is required to begin their essay with a hook sentence. It could be a pun, quote, or anecdote that is related to the subject of interest. Another critical element to include in the introduction is the thesis statement. A thesis statement summaries the main point of the essay.

Writing the Body Paragraphs

The body paragraphs carry the main discussions of the essay. With this in mind, it is crucial for a student to discuss each point in each section. Each paragraph should be introduced with the main point to be discussed, followed by supporting sentences containing the evidence, and concluded with a transitioning sentence.

Write the Conclusion

The conclusion summarizes the primary discussions of the essay. A student should remember to restate the thesis statement for the article.

Top Five Tricks to Write a Good Nursing Essay

  1. Read Widely

A good nursing student is required to read a lot of literature to improve their grammar and writing style.

  • Practice

A student must write a lot of nursing essays to improve their writing skills.

  1. Proofread

It is vital for a student to proofread the already written content. Proofreading helps a student correct grammatical and spelling errors that may be present in their essay.


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How to Write an Outstanding Literature Review Outline

How to Write an Outstanding Literature Review Outline

The article discuss how to write a literature review outline. Literature review writing is not every student’ cup of tea. Most students daunt the process since it is very demanding. As a result, most of them opt to search for ideal literature review help online rather than struggle with such an assignment. Others, on the other hand, prefer to buy a literature review outline online. Evidently, no matter the decision taken by the student, the truth of the matter is, literature review writing is not complicated. Follow this ideal literature review outline guide to help you in your writing.

Step by Step Guide on How to Write a Literature Review Outline

Are you looking for the most practical steps in writing a literature review outline? We have compiled the most straightforward steps on how to write a literature review outline. They include;

  1. Selecting the topic

The topic represents the primary area of interest. Topic selection is a very tricky process. Thus, ensure you have ideal online help as you select your topic.

Evidently, the secret of settling on a good question is researching on dominant issues, and selecting one that is researchable. More so, choose one that you enjoy.

  1. Gather the Central Points to Discuss

Brainstorming is the first and most ideal step students are advised to take when developing their arguments. It helps the student in identifying what to discuss about the topic. However, do not rely solely on brainstorming as a means of acquiring your arguments and counterarguments. Conduct research that can back up all the points in your paper.

  1. Organize your Primary Points

Organization is vital when writing a literature review outline. Therefore, arrange your points in chronological order to bring about the flow of ideas.

Clearly, it is very crucial to discuss each significant point in each paragraph. Evidently, it will help you approach the point in an orderly manner and use only concrete evidence to support your point.

  1. Find the Sources to Use to in Your Literature Review

Evidently, there are multiple sources a student can use to write their literature review. They range from journals, lectures, films, articles, books, and even periodicals. However, the vital point to note when selecting the source materials is the credibility aspect. Moreover, always opt to use peer-reviewed sources when writing your literature review since it shows the information in that source is verified. Another critical point to remember is to cite your work to avoid cases of plagiarism.

  1. Write the Literature Review

Given the ideal literature review outline help, writing the actual review now becomes pretty easy. The good thing about the outline is that it will help you in every section of your paper. Thus, you do not have to generate new points or worry about having inadequate evidence for the claims in your writing. An outline will also help you minimize errors such as those of repetition or giving little information on a point.

As you write your literature review, also recall using the assigned writing style. Since such a paper involves a lot of in-text citations, ensure you are familiar with the writing style. In case you aren’t, always seek homework aid from your instructor or online help from literature review writing websites.


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How to Write an Article Critique

How to Write an Article Critique

Article critiques are susceptible papers to write. It is because critiquing a piece of work that has been written by a famous author is nerve-wracking. However, with the right materials and shills on how to write a journal article critique, these assignments are easy to nail.

Steps on How to Write a Critique on an Article

Here are easy steps to help you when writing an article critique;

Read and re-read the introduction segment of the article

An opening contains vital information, such as the thesis statement and the hypothesis. As you read the introduction, try asking yourself questions such as; Has the author clearly stated the hypothesis? Is essential background information and previous research included? Is the opening appealing and captivating the attention of the reader? The answers to these questions will be very handy in your critique.

Read the methodology segment of the article

The methodology section highlights the methods that were used in data collection. As you scrutinize this art, ask yourself questions such as; Is the study protocol outlined clearly in this section? Are the variables the researchers are measuring clear? Are the data tools and instruments feasible? Remember to answer the questions as you are reading the article.

Evaluate the results section of the report

It is crucial to scrutinize this segment thoroughly. Ask yourself questions such as; Are all tables and graphs used clearly labeled? Are they an accurate reflection of the data collected? Have the researchers provided competent statistical information? Did the researchers receive all of the data required to measure the variables stipulated? These answers will provide vital information when you are writing your final critique.

Scrutinize the discussion segment of the article

The discussion section contains the interpretation of the data collected. Try and ask questions such as; How did the researchers interpret the results of the research? Do the findings support their hypothesis? Are the conclusions drawn by the researchers reasonable? The discussion will help you take a position in your critique.

Tips on How to Write a Convincing Article Critique

Indicate both a negative and positive critique

Most students tend only to use the negative analysis. It is essential also to give some positive features that will dilute the overall impressions of the article.

Do not provide excessive background information

Majority of the readers already know what the report entails and who wrote the piece. Thus, do not spend too much time and energy on explaining or highlighting information on the theme, the biography, or even the publishing details. Moreover, the reader is more curious about reading your take on the article and critique.

Include a primary argument

Many students forget to include the central case and instead tend to summarize the entire article. Evidently, the central claim is a vital part of your critique and needs to be added at the beginning of your paper, as a means of telling the reader what your position on the subject is.

Critique the stylistic elements used

Do not overlook the literary and formal techniques that the author has used in their article. Concentrate on areas that have vague choices of words and also on the writer`s tone in the report.

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