Can new technologies help students?

Can new technologies help students?


Can new technologies help students? The technology revolution of the late 20th century and the 21st century have definitely had its share of pros and cons. Technology is praised for so many things such as ease of doing work and at the same time it is blamed for quite a number of things such as contributing to sedentary lifestyles. However, the positive impact has been arguably mostly felt in the education sector.

Before the era of technology, students had to search through the volumes at libraries and mostly unearthed outdated information. However, today, with the click of a mouse, a student can carry out deep updated research that will add to their knowledge and specialized study. Thanks to computers and the internet today, students can access libraries and documents for free or for a small fee. This saves also saves on time.

Technology is also aiding students to communicate with their professors out of the class as well as with each other without having to meet up. As a result, students can use Skype, messaging apps, email, and discussion forums to schedule their own learning programs and activities, clarify issues and stay up-to-date with their coursework.

In addition students can use the internet to sign up for some of the numerous online courses to improve their skills or just feed their curiosity and interest. Online courses are often free or offered at a lower cost than their conventional counterparts (Goodman, Melkers & Pallais, 2019). They also cover a wide range of knowledge making it possible for students interested in ca certain topic to educate themselves.


Technology definitely helps students in their research and online classes. Students should however, avoid wasting time playing games and exercise self-discipline when using technology as an education resource.


Goodman, J., Melkers, J., & Pallais, A. (2019). Can online delivery increase access to education?. Journal of Labor Economics37(1), 1-34.

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Buying Nursing Research Paper

Buying nursing research paper. Research papers are the most tricky assignments students are given. They require comprehensive research and a lot of time to draft, which makes most students fear writing them. Such students turn online in search of research writing help or a nursing writing site from where they can buy a nursing research paper online.

Online Research Writing Help

Currently, multiple writing websites offer students homework solutions. However, only a selected number of these websites grant students reliable and high-quality research papers, especially in nursing. To ensure a student selects the best nursing website to write their research paper, a student should look for four primary factors. One is the quality of work delivered by the site. Select a writing firm that is reputable and highly ranked due to the authenticity and quality of their work.

The second factor to consider is the timeliness. Go for a writer who can deliver in the given time frame. The third aspect to look for is the experience of the writers in writing papers in your field. Select a writer who has a background in nursing or medicine to write your research paper for you. Last but not least is the skills of the writer. Ensure you choose a professional writer.

How to Write a Good Nursing Research Paper

Do you want to submit a good research paper? Here are the steps you should follow to write a brilliant scientific research paper;

Choose a Topic

In case your professor has not assigned you a topic, you will need to select a topic. The major mistake most students make when selecting a topic is choosing a broad topic and forgetting to narrow it down. A general topic cannot be covered in one research paper. Thus it is essential to narrow down your topic into a specific focus. For instance, if you want to write a research paper in patient pain management, you can narrow the issue down and research on patient pain management for patients after surgery.


Select the Literature

Research papers rely solely on research from certified sources. A student is advised to use current research sources since they contain current issues. The research sources one can use include academic journals, articles, books, and scientific journal article databases.

Create an Outline

Since a research paper contains several chapters, such as the methodology, data collection, data analysis, and data interpretation, it is crucial to have an outline so that one can arrange the segments well. Outlining makes it ten times easier to synthesize information from multiple research sources and to organize what information to include in each section.

Create citations

A student is recommended to write their citations before writing the research paper since it makes it easy to acquire and use the in-text citations.

Use the Required Writing Style

It is essential to follow the guidelines of the given writing style. If a student is not conversant with a specific writing style, it is crucial they seek online help immediately before writing.

Proofread the Research Paper

After writing, it is essential for a student to proofread their work to correct typos, spelling, and grammatical errors.

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How Students Can Beat Procrastination

How students can beat procrastination. Procrastination is one of the most dominant problems that students from all over the globe share. Although most students procrastinate doing various tasks due to laziness, most procrastinate due to poor time management skills. Practically every individual in the world is faced with the factor of procrastination; be it the teachers, parents, and the students who in particular, are the most affected.  Generally, procrastination is a habit that is a common factor among human beings.

Are you struggling with procrastination? Here are the six best ways to get rid of that;

Students should work and utilize their energy when they are more alert and efficient

Most students do feel overwhelmed due to a tight school routine and overwhelming curricular activities. However, that should not be an excuse for students not performing better in their studies. A student should have self-recognition, which will help him/her to know when the best time is to do a particular task be. They must identify if the right time is in the morning, afternoon, or the evening. Not everybody is useful all day long. Due to this, students are advised to have enough sleep, to make their bodies more productive during the day.

Students need to be inspired and motivated

In one way or the other, a student requires to have a mentor or a godfather who will monitor a student’s behavior. When inspired, students have proven to surpass and perform better in their studies. Motivation makes the student gain self-confidence and be able to achieve much more tasks when motivated. Similarly, it makes them beat the vice of procrastination.

The most effective strategy students need to adopt is to get rid of distractions

Students get distracted by both positive and negative things, which additionally yield dire results. There is a little chance that students realize when the distraction comes knocking since the most common ways of distractions are friends, games, peer pressure, televisions, inappropriate reading materials, or the internet. These are the most influential factors that distract a student. Such distractions limit your focus and the lower exam preparation, making one to perform poorly.

A student should have a time table and set the deadlines to beat

When setting a timetable, it is crucial for a student to be realistic. Some tend to over exaggerate what they can achieve in specific time frames. In your timeline, ensure you schedule when to participate in various activities. They could be school projects or personal projects. Whichever it is, ensure you have a to-do list which will act as a guideline, and lead to better performance and completion of tasks.  It is best to be realistic with what is achievable on time with the most effectiveness.

Students need to eat healthy foods and a balanced diet

A message from a dietitian directs that students should eat healthy since it helps in beating procrastination and leading to better time management.  A healthy student can concentrate on both academics and field work when given the right meals. For a healthy metabolism to take place in a student’s body, a balanced diet is vital.

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Best Coursework Paper Writing Help 2025

Coursework paper writing help. When students are given a coursework paper assignment, most of them tend to find it hard to develop well-written coursework. Most students who are not naturally talented with writing skills encounter multiple difficulties writing an excellent coursework paper. The lack of such skills makes them ask for a guide from online help experts. It is vital for students to learn how to write a good coursework paper. This article shall guide students on how to write a good coursework paper.

Guidelines on How to Write a Coursework Paper

  1. Develop an exciting topic

The topic depicts an excellent coursework paper. Thus, have a question that interests you and also one that you are familiar with. Depending on the topic assigned by your professor, the goal is to develop creative coursework from start to end. Students can consult their professor on the matter to discuss if they are not confident with their subject of interest.

  1. Plan the coursework paper writing

The writing comprises of two significant factors. These are planning for the work and conducting in-depth research on the topic chosen. Planning requires a student to develop research questions and hypothesis.

On the other hand, research helps them gather points for their discussions. It also helps them acquire information to help rebut any existing counterarguments. Avoid the last-minute rush when tackling a coursework assignment since it makes one more prone to making silly mistakes.

  1. Conducting in-depth research for your coursework paper

Let us face it. Students hate conducting any research. Most view the researching phase as tedious, whereas others think it is annoying. The truth of the matter is, research on the topic helps one to develop a good thesis. More so, it helps a student acquire significant points that will help them boost the quality of their coursework. It is crucial for a student to research as they jot down notes. These notes come in handy when one is developing their coursework framework.

  1. Writing the coursework

There are various things a student should consider when writing their coursework. One is the writing style. Follow the writing style that your instructor has picked for you. The second aspect to consider is the choice of grammar and punctuation. Coursework paper writing requires a lot of patience and time management.

Create a schedule stipulating the time of undertaking certain activities. These activities are conducting research, creating a coursework outline, writing the paper, proofreading it, and submitting it. These preparations will help you avoid last-minute rushes that could make you submit an unedited article.

  1. Use valid sources of research

Have research materials helps in building the credibility of the points you have discussed in your coursework. Example of the vital source materials you can use include books, journals, articles, among others. A student can also use tables, graphs, images, or charts to support claims made in their paper.

  1. Proofreading the paper

This method will make your coursework paper look great and perfect. It will help you eliminate silly mistakes present in your writing.

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Best Argumentative Essay Topic in Nursing

Best argumentative essay topic in nursing. Topic selection is seen as one of the most straightforward tasks a student can ever be handled. However, when students are given the mandate to select a topic of their argumentative essay assignment, particularly in nursing, they tend to freak out. Others may choose a topic, but want a broad one which is not narrowed down to one focus. Ultimately, this causes them to jumble up their work and acquire weak scores in their grades.

Are you a student aspiring to be a nurse but presently stuck at finding a brilliant topic for your argumentative essay in nursing? Well, our nursing writing website can help you with that. Evidently, it is not hard at all. To choose the best topic, here are the features to consider;

The Emerging Issues in Nursing

A nursing student must always be on their toes when it comes to trending issues in nursing. To achieve this, a student must always look up the latest nursing news, and can from here choose one topic that they can comfortably discuss in depth.  For example, if there are trending controversies regarding the significance of a doctor and a nurse in a health care facility, a student can come up with topics such as;

  • Is the role of a nurse more significant than that of a doctor?
  • Is the impact of nurses in healthcare services more felt than that of doctors?
  • Should nurses be paid as much as doctors?
  • The doctoral profession is more respectable than that of nursing

The Twists in a Cliché Topic

The creativity of students is seen when they can comfortably discuss a common topic, but add new elements, which make the theme more appealing. For example, the issue of nurses being overworked has been a subject of discussion in most countries in the world.

Due to this, many essays have been written on this subject. Although it is not bad writing an argumentative essay on nurses being overworked, it, however, brings about monotony, which could see you scoring low due to lack of creativity. In such a scenario, one can develop exciting topics from this area of interest such as;

  • Increased number of working hours for nurses impacts their quality of work

Whichever topic a student selects to use in their argumentative essay in nursing, the goal is to comfortably support it using accurate information and evidence from reliable sources. These credible sources may be scientific journals, books, scientific articles, scientific databases, among others. Moreover, another critical element to remember when writing an argumentative essay in nursing is always to refute the counterarguments one makes in their essay.

Here are more examples of the topic that a student can choose for their argumentative essay in nursing;

  • Nursing courses should be extended by one year to increase the efficiency of nurses
  • The salary of nurses should be increased to attract more students to the field
  • Hiring more male nurses would bring an end to gender inequality in the hospital

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Application Instant homework surveying

Question Description

Various Application of GIS, Instant homework-surveying.

There are various applications of Instant homework surveying. These may include using any source, describe an application of GIS to a specific real-world problem. Moreover, your report should be no longer than 2 pages single-spaced, 12pt font. Furthermore, you may include images if these help explain the application. Your report should cover the following:

1.The problem

2.The data resources needed to tackle the problem

3.How GIS was used to solve the problem

4. Your thoughts on how useful GIS is for solving problems of this kind. Finally, come up with the solution overview.


A geographic information system (GIS) is a framework for gathering, managing, and analyzing data. Evidently, it is rooted in the science of geography, GIS integrates many types of data. Additionally, it analyzes spatial location and organizes layers of information into visualizations using maps and 3D scenes.


Hundreds of thousands of organizations in virtually every field are using GIS to make maps that communicate, perform analysis, share information, and finally solve complex problems around the world. This is changing the way the world works.

A geographic information system (GIS) is a framework for gathering, managing, and analyzing data. Rooted in the science of geography, GIS integrates many types of data. Moreover, it analyzes spatial location and organizes layers of information into visualizations using maps and 3D scenes. ​With this unique capability, GIS reveals deeper insights into data, such as patterns, relationships, and situations—helping users make smarter decisions.

Finally, maps are the geographic container for the data layers and analytics you want to work with. In addition, GIS maps are easily shared and embedded in apps, and accessible by virtually everyone, everywhere.

5.A reference or a set of references to the material you used, including any websites.

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150 Comprehensive Fast Food Research Paper Topics

Selecting a topic for your food research paper might be one of the most challenging tasks in the entire assignment. Once you settle on a topic that you find interesting and easy to work on, then the you are a step ahead towards developing a good research topic. A comprehensive search on food research paper topics would go a long way into assisting you with the right topics for your food research paper. With several food topics to write about, you can never go wrong in your research paper. For this reason, provides a comprehensive list of food research paper topics that will help you get started on your research paper. is a website that is highly committed to providing students with academic writing assistance across all academic levels. If you are searching for recent research topics in food science and nutrition, this is the place to be. We have selected the best food research paper topics that will help you develop an insightful research paper. The broadness on the list provided will help you select a good topic out your areas on interest on food topics.

150 Comprehensive Fast Food Research Paper Topics

Good food research papers begin with researchable food research paper topics While selecting a researchable topic might be a hard task, GetSPSSHelp makes it easier for you by compiling a list of 150 comprehensive food research paper topics. With several possible food research paper topics, GetSPSSHelp provides a comprehensive list for all the following food research areas:

  1. nutrition topics for research paper
  2. fast food research topics
  3. interesting food topics
  4. food safety topics for research paper
  5. organic food research paper topics

Below is a list of some of the best fast food research paper topics:

  1. Discuss the increased popularity and the effects of fast-food restaurants in contemporary culture.
  2. How does our dietary content promote oncogenesis?
  3. Several research studies reveal that the first years of a child’s life greatly influence a child’s brain development. How does diet influence brain development in infants?
  4. Nutritional guidelines are not only influenced by individual preferences but also economic, social and environments factors. Discuss how climate change affects people’s dietary choices.
  5. What means can we use to sensitize the society on the benefits of growing organic food for the growth of a disease-free society?
  6. What are the best practices used to assess the antioxidant potency of fruits and fruit-based beverages?
  7. What are the best practices used to assess the antioxidant potential of milk and beverages with added milk?
  8. Determine the effects of pasteurization (HT) and HPP on the antioxidant potency of milk and fruit-based beverages as measured by FRAP and ORAC units.
  9. Analyze the stability of plentiful flavonoids in unprocessed versus processed samples of beverages using MS or LC-MS technique and determine the effects of processing on microbes and the microbes’ growth over a specific storage period.
  10. Analyze polyphenolic compounds and their metabolites through detection, identification and quantification in human plasma after the intake of a fruit-based beverage using the MS technique.
  11. Use MS or LC-MS techniques to assess the presence of phytochemicals after the ingestion a fruit-based beverage and the relationship between these compounds in blood and the resulting health-promoting activity.
  12. Utilize rapid in-vitro assays to determine the consequence of the bioactivity of fruit polyphenols on epithelial cell functions.
  13. Assess the health-promoting compounds present in cranberries and examine the biological activities, antioxidant properties and phenolic composition of both white and red cranberry fruits.
  14. Analyze and explain the cholesterol-lowering property of strawberries.
  15. Discuss the benefits of technological inventions on the prevention and management of diabetes.
  16. Discuss the role of red raspberry on the management of oxidative stress and insulin action on the human body.
  17. What are the role of avocados postprandial markers of cardiometabolic risk, glycemic response, and appetite?
  18. What is the body requirement for growth and development?
  19. What are the major components of organic foods that prevent the effects of harmful chemicals of inorganic food?
  20. What are the diseases that result from improper dieting?
  21. How can the world overcome the adverse effects of fast foods on the human body?
  22. Explain the term ‘free radicals’ and explain the effect of free radical on the human body.
  23. Are free radicals the primary cause of cancer?
  24. Explain the primary functions of antioxidants in the functioning and growth of the human body.
  25. Describe the measure of food quality enhancement and the future of food quality.
  26. What is the success of science and biotechnology in the enhancement of food quantity and quantity?
  27. Describe how biosciences are working towards the fulfillment of nutritional requirements of the human body at affordable prices.
  28. Describe the impact of the production of more food supplements in the food industry.
  29. Explain the need to place warning labels on fast food products.
  30. How does the increased production of fast foods on people belonging to lower social-economic groups?
  31. Does the increased production of fast foods affect the economic situation of a country?
  32. Should the government take measures for banning the advertisement of fast foods for children?
  33. Should the government provide a guideline on the ingredients added to fast-food restaurants?
  34. Are fast foods causing risk for the American population?
  35. What are the effects of the increased production of fast foods on dining tableware?
  36. What is the main reason behind the increased consumption of fast foods despite warnings on the adverse effects of fast foods on the human body?
  37. Analyze your food choices. What is the place of fast foods in your daily food consumption? Are you, by any means, influenced by the media?
  38. What are the possible measures to prevent people from relying on fast food products?
  39. What are the long-term effects of fast foods on the human body?
  40. What is the future of the fast-food industry?
  41. Describe the effect of false advertising of fast food by media groups.
  42. Assess the franchise model of fast foods. What are the effects of the mode on businesses? What is the main reason for owning a franchise?
  43. Should we use food supplements as alternatives for a balanced diet?
  44. Explain why it is crucial to maintain a balance of the level of PH in the body.
  45. What causes the rapid increase of obesity among child population in the 21stcentury?
  46. What is the interrelationship between tartrazine levels and hyperactivity in children?
  47. “An apple a day keeps the doctor away.”
  48. What is the role of garlic in the regulation of insulin metabolism?
  49. Describe the effects of water pollution on fish. How does pollution translate to an impact on the human body?
  50. What are the effects of alternating natural sugars on artificial sweeteners?
  51. Does the vegan diet lack essential vitamins and minerals?
  52. Discuss the chronic diseases that are a consequence of people’s dietary choices.
  53. What is the importance of sodium as an additive in sports drinks?
  54. Discuss the importance of water in flushing out toxins.
  55. Explain how poor detoxification causes inflammation.
  56. Discuss the antibacterial properties of honey and explain the medicinal benefits of honey.
  57. Discuss the importance of plant sterols in the treatment of high cholesterol.
  58. Discuss the importance of protective fats in nuts and seeds.
  59. Explain how overeating has a suppressing effect on the immune system.
  60. Discuss how the consumption of artificial sugars causes cell aging.
  61. What is the optimal diet for people involved in sporting activities?
  62. Is green tea a remedy for weight loss?
  63. Explain how the right food choices can help to prevent degenerative diseases of the brain.
  64. Discuss food supplement options for underweight individuals
  65. Discuss how fast-food products manipulate the health of the American population.
  66. Discuss the Jewish laws on diets.
  67. Discuss the psychology of eating.
  68. Describe the processes of making wine and what influences the taste of wine.
  69. Discuss food safety and mycotoxins in developing countries.
  70. Discuss the immediate measures taken to a person with food poisoning.
  71. How can we prevent food poisoning?
  72. Discuss the sensory and proximate characteristics of cookies made from a flour blend of tiger nut chaff and wheat.
  73. Analyze the emulsifying characteristics of Hydroxypropylated cassava starch and why it can be used in cocoa beverages.
  74. Utilize HPLC-DAD to compare and contrast Celestial and Twinning Peppermint Teas.
  75. Analyze the causes and effects of globalization of fast foods.
  76. What are the benefits of vegetarianism?
  77. Discuss the roles of the USDA and FDA on the improvement of food quality.
  78. The elaboration of food photography.
  79. Discuss the need for regulation on food hygiene and the prevention of food contamination.
  80. How can producers adapt technological techniques un making junk food less harmful?
  81. Which is safer and more effective: coffee or energy drinks?
  82. How does and caffeine consumption affect an athlete’s performance?
  83. Discuss the meaning and benefits of the keto diet.
  84. Analyze the factors contributing to the popularity of McDonald’s over other fast-food organizations in the world.
  85. What is the function of foods in the baking process of bakery products?
  86. What are the ethical issues surrounding meat alternatives produced by fast-food restaurants?
  87. Discuss aflatoxin hazards and consequent health effects.
  88. Discuss the history of aflatoxin agents and their first study as potential hazards to food safety.
  89. What are the overall effects of adopting a low-carbohydrate high fat diet?
  90. Discuss the increased consumption of meat and processed food over the last decade and its effects on individuals’ general health.
  91. Analyze the consequence of the migration of additives into food simulants caused by the heating of foods with microwaves.
  92. Discuss malnutrition and the different types and the types of malnutrition.
  93. What is the interrelationship between child obesity and fast-food advertising?
  94. Discuss 5 practical strategies to reboot the food economy and make it healthier for everyone.
  95. Explain the economic effects of the production of GMO seeds. Are the benefits more than the drawbacks?
  96. What are the benefits and threats of genetically modified fish?
  97. Discuss the increase in weight loss industries.
  98. What is the role of antioxidants in our dietary consumption?
  99. Is it ethical to have a fast-food restaurant in hospitals?
  100. What is the influence of research and biotechnology in fulfilling consumers’ dietary and nutritional needs at a low price?
  101. How does organic food differ from inorganic food? Which one is better of the two?
  102. Is excessive consumption of calories the leading cause of obesity?
  103. How do metabolic regulation systems and the hormonal balance cause obesity?
  104. How possible is it to maintain a balanced diet while eating at a fast-food restaurant?
  105. How safe is the use of nutritional supplements in our diet?
  106. Why does the diet of children require more fats than that of adults?
  107. Provide an evidence-based review on the management of anorexia and bulimia nervosa.
  108. How does ignorance of genetically modified foods by suppliers affect the views of consumers on GMO foods?
  109. How does intermittent fasting affect the operations of the body?
  110. Why are third-world countries mostly affected by significant dietary diseases such as kwashiorkor?
  111. What strategies should be implemented to reduce the risks of dietary ailments in persons with special needs?
  112. What is the role of science in providing alternative food products through biotechnology to ensure that the nutritional needs of the poor are catered for?
  113. How can we overcome the effects of fast foods as a significant cause of obesity?
  114. How has research and biotechnology in contemporary cultures fulfill the nutritional needs of consumers at a lower price?
  115. What is the role of international organizations and conventions in the production of supplements and organic food material?
  116. How would the world be if we were to rely solely on organic food?
  117. Provide an analysis of how fast foods operate under capitalism.
  118. What has influenced the great popularity of fast foods witnessed in the United States, and how does this popularity affect American popularity?
  119. Provide an in-depth analysis of the book, “Fast Food Nation” written by Eric Schlosser and provide the author’s perspective on the consumption of fast foods.
  120. What is the difference between cage-free eggs and regular eggs? Why do fast food restaurants prefer cage-free eggs to regular eggs?
  121. Why is there a rise in the establishment of fast-food restaurants despite the negative opinions on the dietary contents of fast foods?
  122. Should the government promote restaurants that sell healthy foods by providing loyalty bonuses and taxations?
  123. Analyze the rates of childhood obesity in a country of your choice and the potential measures that can curb childhood obesity rates.
  124. Analyze the measures taken by Disneyland to face out fast foods and how they have managed to provide healthier foods as a substitute.
  125. Why are fast foods considered as a high-risk factor in the American population?
  126. Discuss whether there should be a regulation on the food industry, just like the tobacco industry.
  127. Discuss the types of nutritional diseases that result from malnutrition.
  128. How does that the dilution of dairy products such as milk causes a nutritional deficiency in infants. Include the side effects of nutritional deficiency in infants.
  129. Discuss the types of amino acids that are needed for the growth of muscles.
  130. Discuss the high risk caused by food allergy
  131. What are the effects of health service restaurants?
  132. What is the aim of the introduction of food supplements?
  133. Discuss the affordability of food supplements.
  134. Discuss the role of food science in daily human nutrition.
  135. Provide an analysis of the properties of oil extracted from Carica papaya (pawpaw) seeds.
  136. Discuss the results obtained in yogurt quality when soy milk is blended with cow milk.
  137. Describe the causes, effects, and prevention hazards during food preparation.
  138. Should parents be obsessed with the number of kilojoules a child is consuming in food?
  139. Discuss the causes, effects, and prevention of high acidic levels in the human body.
  140. Should food supplements be taken as an option to a balanced diet?
  141. Compare and contrast the omnivorous and vegetarian diets.
  142. What is the necessity of consuming mineral and vitamin supplements for vegetarians?
  143. What are the ethical issues that stand for or are against the consumption of meat and meat products?
  144. Does the prevention of obesity entail eating right or eating less?
  145. Discuss the role of diet in the cause of lifestyle diseases such as cancer and diabetes.
  146. What are the health problems associated with individuals who are obese?
  147. What is the role of tartrazine in producing hyperactivity in children?
  148. Does monosodium glutamate (MSG) contribute to the causes of heart palpitations and headaches?
  149. Is the trans-fat obtained from margarine among the leading causes of cancer?
  150. Discuss food crises and the strategies used to prevent food shortages.

What Are The 5 Parts of the Research Paper?

Once you have settled on your chosen food research paper topics, you will have to research and develop your research papers. Research papers conform to a general outline that has 5 parts. The 5 parts of a research paper include:

  • Part 1:The introduction (includes background information on the research paper topic and the thesis statement.
  • Part 2:The first paragraph of the body (includes the first argument supporting the thesis statement)
  • Part 3:The second paragraph of the body (includes the second argument supporting the thesis statement)
  • Part 4:The third paragraph of the body (includes the third argument supporting the thesis statement)
  • Part 5:The conclusion (marks the end of the research paper by restating the thesis statement)

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) on Food Research Paper Topics

What Are Some Good Topics for a Research Paper?

A good research topic should be feasible and easy to work on. Our list provides comprehensive food research paper topics that could help you develop a good research topic. Ensure that you select a topic that you find interesting to help you develop an insightful research paper.

How Do I Come Up with a Research Topic?

Writing a research paper requires selecting a topic that you find interesting and more comfortable to work on. Therefore, you have to ensure that you conduct an intensive study on the areas you could research. Meanwhile, provides a list of the food research paper topics that are good for papers and food topics for presentation.

What are some Good Topics?

Good topics contribute immensely to the crafting of a good research paper. Therefore, before you begin your writing, ensure that you get hold of a researchable topic that lies within your area of interest. This way, you will find it interesting to develop your research paper. The list above by GetSPSSHelp provides brilliant food research paper topics that could help you get started with your research paper.

What is a Good Research Title?

A good research title summarizes the main arguments or ideas of a study. A title should also be brief and concise to highlight the purpose of conducting the study.

What is the Best Topic for Students?

The best topics provide a means for an in-depth analysis of concepts to enhance students’ understanding of the concepts. These topics provide a framework for the crafting of good research papers.

What is a Researchable Topic?

A researchable topic provides a comprehensive framework for the crafting of more specific research questions. The topic provides general ideas from which you can develop and problem statement and/or a research question that would guide the direction of the research paper. Therefore, when considering a research topic, make sure you can formulate research questions that would help you gain insightful information on the topic at hand.

What Are Some Interesting Topics to Write About?

Interesting research topics provide a platform for insightful information on the topic of discussion. GetSPSSHelp provides a list of interesting food research paper topics that could help students in related fields develop good research papers.

What is a Good Research Question?

A good research topic has the following characteristics;

  • Interesting
  • Relevant
  • Simple – provides a single idea rather than several
  • Arguable- Allows for a different perspective on the research topic
  • Researchable- can be analyzed using available resources

What is a Good Thesis Topic?

A thesis is a theory or an idea expressed in the form of a statement or contention for which evidence is needed to form logical discussions. Hence a good thesis topic provides a broad aspect for the analysis of a research topic.

In conclusion, developing a research topic might turn our easy with the right guidance. GetSPSSHelp understands that writing a good research paper requires a good topic to kick start the journey. For this reason, GetSPSSHelp provides 150 brilliant food research topics that will guide you in developing a good research paper.

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5 Tips of Writing an Excellent Essay

Writing an excellent essay can be challenging. Essay writing may sound straightforward, but it is quite challenging. There are a lot of factors that are ignored by students when it comes to essay writing. The assumptions lead to significant mistakes, which ultimately see students scoring less than they anticipated in their tests. In such situations, students tend to look for homework aid and essay writing help online, to acquire help with their essay assignments. It is critical for students to understand how they can write an excellent essay.

Are you struggling in writing an excellent essay assignment? Well, here are the ingredients to use to come up with a brilliant essay;

Tips of Writing an Excellent Essay

Always pick a topic you can comfortably discuss

Topic selection is a subject that tends to overwhelm most students. It is not easy trying to come up with a theme that focusses on one aspect. To ensure you narrow down the focus in the area of interest you want, ensure you first research on the topic you wish to discuss. If it is broad, ensure you focus on a specific element revolving around the theme you have chosen. For example, if your theme is health hazards, you can narrow down the topic of your essay as the primary risk factors resulting in health hazards at a manufacturing industry.

Create an outline before writing your essay

Writing an excellent essay dictates that one create an overview is very crucial in essay writing because it helps in guiding the writer on what points to use and what not to use. Although most students hate writing an outline because they see it as double work, they help in preventing many mistakes that would be made in case a writer had no overview. The overview for example, helps in telling the writer what points to include in each paragraph, what evidence to use for each argument and counterargument, and also how to structure their work.

Always create a thesis statement

After creating an outline for your essay, it is essential also to choose a relevant thesis statement that reflects the central issue being discussed in your article. Students tend to get confused when it comes to thesis statement writing. Thesis statements should appear in the introductory paragraph, as the last sentence in this section. It is advised that a thesis statement be one or two sentences long.

Divide your body into paragraphs

Writing-an-excellent-essay requires constructing a good body. The body is one of the essential parts of an essay. It carries the primary discussion of the paper.  To ensure that you do not deviate from your subject of interest, ensure you divide your body into sections. Each section should carry one idea. The idea should be supported by accurate information which is acquired from reliable sources such as books, articles, and journals.

Always proofread your work before submitting

Before clicking the submit button, a student must ensure they go through their work. It may seem tedious, but it is helpful. Proofreading helps a student to identify grammatical, transitioning, repetition, and spelling errors that they may have in their essay. In case a student is not sure about their proofreading skills, he or she may ask a family member to go through their work and point out the existing errors.

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Most students usually experience difficulties when writing their own essays. At the GetSPSShelp desk, we help our students in choosing the best essay writing topics as well as deliver quality plagiarism free work in a timely. We also ensure that information shared through the website remains confidential and private. Try us and you will never regret.

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How to Run a Normality Test in SPSS|2025

Learn how to run a Normality Test in SPSS with this step-by-step guide, covering data preparation, test execution, and interpretation of results to assess data distribution.

In statistical analysis, one of the foundational assumptions is the normality of the data, especially when employing parametric tests like t-tests, ANOVA, and regression analysis. The assumption is that data follows a normal distribution, but how can we verify this assumption? In this paper, we will explore how to run normality tests in SPSS, which is a widely used statistical software package. We will cover various methods for checking normality, including tests such as the Kolmogorov-Smirnov test and the Shapiro-Wilk test, as well as how to interpret the results.

Understanding the proper steps to conduct a normality test in SPSS and interpreting the outcomes correctly is crucial for ensuring the validity of your statistical analyses. Let’s explore how to check for normality in SPSS, step by step.

What is Normality?

Before diving into the specifics of SPSS, it’s essential to understand what normality means in the context of statistical analysis. Normality refers to whether the data follows a normal distribution, also known as a bell curve. This is critical because many statistical tests assume that the data follows a normal distribution. When data is normally distributed, the mean, median, and mode coincide, and the distribution is symmetric around the mean.

Types of Normality Tests in SPSS

SPSS provides several ways to assess whether data is normally distributed. Among the most commonly used tests are the Kolmogorov-Smirnov test and the Shapiro-Wilk test. Both of these tests are available in SPSS and can be used to assess the normality of your dataset.

How to Run Normality Test in SPSS: A Step-by-Step Guide

Running a normality test in SPSS is relatively simple and involves a few key steps. Below is a detailed guide on how to perform a normality test in SPSS using both graphical and statistical methods.

Step 1: Preparing the Data in SPSS

First, ensure that your dataset is loaded in SPSS. For example, if you are working with a dataset that has multiple variables, you should first ensure that each variable is correctly entered into SPSS.

  1. Open SPSS and load your dataset.
  2. Check the data to ensure there are no missing values or outliers in your variables, as they can affect the results of the normality tests.

Step 2: Visual Inspection Using Histograms and Q-Q Plots

One of the first methods of examining normality in SPSS is through visual inspection. SPSS allows you to generate both histograms and Q-Q plots, which can give you a rough idea of the data’s distribution.

To create a histogram in SPSS:

  1. Go to Graphs in the main menu.
  2. Select Legacy Dialogs, and then click on Histogram.
  3. Choose the variable you wish to analyze, and click OK.

The histogram will show you the shape of the distribution. A bell-shaped curve suggests that the data may be normally distributed.

To create a Q-Q plot in SPSS:

  1. Go to Analyze > Descriptive Statistics > Q-Q Plots.
  2. Select the variable you wish to analyze.
  3. Click OK.

A Q-Q plot compares your data to a standard normal distribution. If the data points closely follow the diagonal line, this is an indication that the data may be normally distributed.

How to Run a Normality Test in SPSS

Step 3: Running the Shapiro-Wilk Test in SPSS

The Shapiro-Wilk test is a commonly used test for normality and is available in SPSS. This test is particularly useful when you have small sample sizes, as it is considered more reliable for smaller datasets.

To perform the Shapiro-Wilk test in SPSS:

  1. Go to Analyze > Descriptive Statistics > Explore.
  2. In the dialog box, move the variable you wish to test for normality into the Dependent List box.
  3. Click on Plots in the lower-right corner of the window.
  4. In the Plots menu, check the box next to Normality plots with tests.
  5. Click Continue, then click OK to run the test.

In the output window, you will see the results of the Shapiro-Wilk test, along with the associated significance value (p-value). If the p-value is greater than 0.05, it suggests that the data does not significantly differ from a normal distribution, meaning the data is approximately normal.

Step 4: Running the Kolmogorov-Smirnov Test in SPSS

The Kolmogorov-Smirnov test is another normality test available in SPSS. It compares the distribution of your data with a normal distribution and provides a test statistic and p-value.

To perform the Kolmogorov-Smirnov test:

  1. Go to Analyze > Descriptive Statistics > Explore.
  2. Select the variable for which you wish to test normality.
  3. Click on Plots and check the Normality plots with tests box.
  4. Click OK.

In the output, you will find the results of the Kolmogorov-Smirnov test. If the p-value is greater than 0.05, it indicates that the data is normally distributed. If the p-value is less than 0.05, this suggests that the data significantly deviates from a normal distribution.

Step 5: Conducting a Normality Test for Multiple Variables in SPSS

If you want to test the normality of multiple variables simultaneously, you can do so by selecting multiple variables in the same procedure. The process is similar to testing a single variable, but you simply select more than one variable to include in the Dependent List box.

To run a normality test on multiple variables:

  1. Go to Analyze > Descriptive Statistics > Explore.
  2. Select the variables you wish to test and move them to the Dependent List.
  3. Click Plots, and check Normality plots with tests.
  4. Click Continue, and then click OK to run the analysis.

SPSS will provide normality test results (Shapiro-Wilk and Kolmogorov-Smirnov) for each of the selected variables, and you can easily compare the results across multiple variables.

Step 6: Interpreting the Results of Normality Tests

Once you have run the normality tests, you need to interpret the results correctly to make informed decisions about your analysis.

  • Shapiro-Wilk Test: If the p-value is greater than 0.05, you fail to reject the null hypothesis and conclude that the data is normally distributed. If the p-value is less than 0.05, you reject the null hypothesis and conclude that the data is not normally distributed.
  • Kolmogorov-Smirnov Test: Similar to the Shapiro-Wilk test, a p-value greater than 0.05 suggests that the data follows a normal distribution. If the p-value is less than 0.05, the data is not normally distributed.

How to Run a Normality Test in SPSS

Step 7: Visual Inspection of Normality

In addition to the tests, you can also use graphical methods such as histograms, Q-Q plots, and box plots to visually inspect the distribution of your data. These visualizations are particularly useful when working with large datasets or when the normality tests return borderline results.

Histogram Interpretation:

  • A bell-shaped curve in the histogram suggests normality.
  • Skewness to the left or right indicates non-normality.

Q-Q Plot Interpretation:

  • If the data points closely align with the diagonal line, the data is normally distributed.
  • Deviations from the line suggest a departure from normality.


Running a normality test in SPSS is a simple process that can be done using either graphical methods or statistical tests like the Shapiro-Wilk and Kolmogorov-Smirnov tests. Normality is a key assumption in many parametric tests, and checking for it ensures the validity of your analysis. Understanding how to run these tests and interpret the results is essential for making accurate inferences from your data.

By following the steps outlined in this paper, you will be able to effectively test for normality in SPSS, whether you’re working with a single variable or multiple variables, and make informed decisions about the subsequent statistical tests to apply.

In summary, normality tests like the Shapiro-Wilk and Kolmogorov-Smirnov tests in SPSS offer useful tools for assessing the normality of your data. Interpreting the results and using visualizations like histograms and Q-Q plots can help you make confident decisions regarding the assumptions of normality in your analyses.

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How to Run an Independent Sample T-Test in SPSS|2025

Learn How to Run an Independent Sample T-Test in SPSS with step-by-step instructions. Understand assumptions, analyze group differences, and interpret results easily.

The independent sample t-test is a statistical method used to compare the means of two independent groups to determine whether there is a significant difference between them. This test is essential in various fields, including psychology, education, medicine, and social sciences, where researchers need to analyze differences between two groups, such as treatment vs. control groups, male vs. female participants, or pre-test vs. post-test results. In this guide, we will explore how to run an independent sample t-test in SPSS, providing a step-by-step explanation along with examples. Additionally, we will discuss the interpretation of results, related concepts like the paired sample t-test, and provide downloadable resources.

Understanding the Independent Sample T-Test

The independent sample t-test compares the means of two independent (unrelated) groups. For example, comparing the test scores of two groups of students, one that received a particular teaching method and another that received a traditional method. The null hypothesis (H0) assumes that there is no significant difference between the group means, while the alternative hypothesis (H1) assumes that there is a significant difference.

Assumptions of the Independent Sample T-Test

Before running an independent sample t-test in SPSS, it is crucial to check the assumptions of the test:

  1. Independence of observations: The two groups must be independent of each other, meaning no participant should belong to both groups.
  2. Normality: The data in each group should follow a normal distribution. This assumption can be checked using graphical methods (e.g., histograms, Q-Q plots) or statistical tests (e.g., Shapiro-Wilk test).
  3. Homogeneity of variance: The variances in the two groups should be equal. This assumption can be tested using Levene’s Test for Equality of Variances.

Steps to Run an Independent Sample T-Test in SPSS

Step 1: Entering Data in SPSS

Before running any analysis in SPSS, you must enter your data into the software. The data should be organized with one column representing the dependent variable (e.g., test scores) and another column representing the grouping variable (e.g., group 1 or group 2).

For example:

Group Test Scores
1 85
1 90
2 88
2 92

In this table, “Group” represents the independent variable, and “Test Scores” is the dependent variable. Group 1 and Group 2 represent the two independent groups being compared.

Step 2: Running the T-Test in SPSS

  1. Open your dataset in SPSS.
  2. Click on Analyze in the top menu, then select Compare Means, and choose Independent-Samples T Test.
  3. In the dialog box that appears, select the dependent variable (e.g., Test Scores) and move it to the Test Variable(s) box.
  4. Select the grouping variable (e.g., Group) and move it to the Grouping Variable box.
  5. Click on Define Groups, and specify the values that represent the two groups. For example, if your groups are coded as 1 and 2, enter “1” and “2” in the Group 1 and Group 2 fields, respectively.
  6. Click OK to run the analysis.

Step 3: Interpreting the Output

After running the t-test, SPSS will generate an output with several important sections. Key results to focus on include:

1. Levene’s Test for Equality of Variances

Levene’s test tests the assumption of homogeneity of variances. If the p-value of Levene’s test is less than 0.05, this indicates that the variances are significantly different, and you should use the results from the “Equal variances not assumed” row. If the p-value is greater than 0.05, then the assumption is met, and you can use the “Equal variances assumed” row.

2. T-Test Results

The t-test output will include the following information:

  • t-value: This is the test statistic, which is the ratio of the difference between group means to the variability of the groups.
  • df (degrees of freedom): The degrees of freedom for the test, calculated as the total number of observations minus the number of groups.
  • Sig. (2-tailed): The p-value, which indicates whether the difference between the groups is statistically significant. If the p-value is less than 0.05, the null hypothesis is rejected, and we conclude that there is a significant difference between the two groups.

3. Confidence Interval

SPSS also provides a 95% confidence interval for the difference in means. If the confidence interval does not include zero, this suggests that the difference is statistically significant.

Example Output

Group N Mean Std. Deviation Std. Error Mean
1 50 85.4 7.1 1.0
2 50 90.2 6.8 0.9
Levene’s Test for Equality of Variances t-value df Sig. (2-tailed) Mean Difference Std. Error Difference
Equal variances assumed -3.36 98 0.001 -4.8 1.4

In this example, the p-value of Levene’s test (0.001) suggests that the assumption of equal variances is violated, so we look at the row “Equal variances not assumed.” The p-value of the t-test (0.001) is less than 0.05, indicating a significant difference between the means of the two groups.

Step 4: Reporting the Results

Based on the output, the results can be reported as follows:

  • Levene’s Test: Levene’s test for equality of variances was significant (p = 0.001), indicating that the assumption of equal variances was violated.
  • Independent t-test: An independent samples t-test revealed that there was a significant difference between the two groups, t(97) = -3.36, p = 0.001. The mean score for Group 1 (M = 85.4) was significantly lower than that of Group 2 (M = 90.2).

How to Run Independent Sample T-Test in SPSS Using SPSS Syntax

SPSS allows for the use of syntax commands to perform statistical analyses. This can be helpful for automation or reproducibility of results.

Here is an example of the syntax for running an independent sample t-test:

T-TEST GROUPS=group(1,2)

This command tells SPSS to perform a t-test comparing the variable test_scores between the two groups coded as 1 and 2. The /MISSING=ANALYSIS option tells SPSS to exclude cases with missing data from the analysis.

Paired Sample T-Test vs. Independent Sample T-Test

While the independent sample t-test compares the means of two independent groups, the paired sample t-test is used when the same subjects are measured under two different conditions, such as before and after a treatment. The paired sample t-test is also available in SPSS under Analyze > Compare Means > Paired-Samples T Test.

The main difference between the two tests lies in the data structure. In the independent sample t-test, the groups are independent of one another, while in the paired sample t-test, the data points are related or matched in some way.

How to Run an Independent Sample T-Test in SPSS

Example of Paired Sample T-Test:

Subject Pre-test Post-test
1 45 55
2 50 60

To perform a paired sample t-test in SPSS, select Analyze > Compare Means > Paired-Samples T Test, then define the two variables (e.g., Pre-test and Post-test).

Independent Sample T-Test Interpretation

Interpreting the results of an independent sample t-test involves examining the p-value, t-value, and confidence interval:

  1. t-value: A higher t-value indicates a larger difference between the group means relative to the variability within groups.
  2. p-value: If the p-value is less than 0.05, you can reject the null hypothesis and conclude that there is a significant difference between the groups.
  3. Confidence Interval: The 95% confidence interval for the difference in means provides a range of values within which the true difference is likely to fall. If zero is not within this interval, it suggests a significant difference between the groups.

How to Run an Independent Sample T-Test in SPSS


Running an independent sample t-test in SPSS is straightforward once you have your data properly organized. The process involves entering data, running the analysis, and interpreting the results. By following the steps outlined in this guide, you can confidently perform and interpret t-tests in SPSS for a variety of research questions.

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