Case Study Analysis: Adulthood|2025

Case Study Analysis: Adulthood For this assignment, you will complete an analysis of a case study that deals with one of the following stages of lifespan development: middle adulthood or later adulthood. Select one of the following case studies from your Broderick and Blewitt textbook to complete an analysis of the developmental and contextual issues […]

Teaching Experience Paper|2025

Details: This Paper should be based on the teachings on the Flu epidemic. Attached are the pamphlet and handout I created to go along with the teachings as well.   Note: This is an individual assignment. In 1,500-1,700 words, describe the teaching experience and discuss your observations. The written portion of this assignment should include: […]

Self-Regulation of Learning|2025

PART 1–  Compare and contrast the relative effectiveness of the self-regulation theories: behavioral theory, social cognitive theory, information processing theory, and constructivist theory. PART2- Now that we are in the final week of the course, you should have quite a bit of knowledge regarding the different factors that influence learning. Pick 1 of the 6 learning questions […]

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